Was presented a problem at work and am trying to think / work my way through it. However, I am very new at web scraping, and need some help, or just good starting points, on web scraping.
I have a website from the education commission.
This site contains 50 tables, one for each state, with two columns in a question / answer format. My first attempt has been this...
tibble(url = "http://ecs.force.com/mbdata/mbprofgroupall?Rep=DEA") %>%
mutate(get_data = map(.x = url,
~GET(.x))) %>%
mutate(list_data = map(.x = get_data,
~readHTMLTable(doc=content(.x, "text")))) %>%
My first thought was to create multiple dataframes, one for each state, in a list format.
This idea does not seem to have worked as anticipated. I was expecting a list, but it seems like a list of on response rather than 50. It appears that this one response read each line, but did not differentiate from one table to the next. Confused on next steps, anyone with any ideas? Web Scraping is odd to me.
Second attempt was to copy and paste the table into R as a tribble, one state at a time. This sort of worked, but not every column is formatted the same way. Attempted to use tidyr::separate() to break up the columns by "/t" and that worked for some columns, but not all.
Any help on this problem, or even just where to look to learn more about web scraping, would be very helpful. This did not seem all the difficult at first, but seems like there are a couple of things I am am missing. Maybe rvest? Have never used it, but know it is common with web scraping activities.
Thanks in advance!
As you already guessed rvest is a very good choice for web scraping. Using rvest you can get the table from your desired website in just two steps. With some additional data wrangling this could be transformed in a nice data frame.
#> Loading required package: xml2
html <- read_html("http://ecs.force.com/mbdata/mbprofgroupall?Rep=DEA")
df <- html %>%
html_table(fill = TRUE, header = FALSE) %>%
.[[1]] %>%
# Remove empty rows and rows containing the table header
filter(!(X1 == "" & X2 == ""), !(grepl("^Dual", X1) & grepl("^Dual", X2))) %>%
# Create state column
mutate(is_state = X1 == X2, state = ifelse(is_state, X1, NA_character_)) %>%
fill(state) %>%
filter(!is_state) %>%
head(df, 2)
#> X1
#> 1 Statewide policy in place
#> 2 Definition or title of program
#> X2
#> 1 Yes
#> 2 Dual Enrollment – Postsecondary Institutions. High school students are allowed to take college courses for credit either at a high school or on a college campus.
#> state
#> 1 Alabama
#> 2 Alabama
I'm new to R and I'm trying to get data from this website: https://spritacular.org/gallery.
I want to get the location, time and the hour. I am following this guide, using the SelectorGadget I clicked on the elements I wanted (.card-title , .card-subtitle , .mb-0).
However, it always outputs {xml_nodeset (0)} and I'm not sure why it's not getting those elements.
This is the code I have:
url <- "https://spritacular.org/gallery"
sprite_gallery <- read_html(url)
sprite_location <- html_nodes(sprite_gallery, ".card-title , .card-subtitle , .mb-0")
When I change the website and grab something from a different website it works, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong and how to fix it, this is my first time doing something like this and I appreciate any insight you may have!
As per comment, this website has JS embedded and the information only opens when a browser is opened. If you go to developers tools and network tab, you can see the underlying json data
If you post a GET request for this api address, you will get a list back with all the results. From their, you can slice and dice your way to get the required information you need.
One way to do this: I have considered the name of the user who submitted the image and I found out that same user has submitted multiple images. Hence there are duplicate names and locations in the output but the image URL is different. Refer this blog to know how to drill down the json data to make useful dataframes in R
getURL <- 'https://api.spritacular.org/api/observation/gallery/?category=&country=&cursor=cD0xMTI%3D&format=json&page=1&status='
# get the raw json into R
UOM_json <- httr::GET(getURL) %>%
exp_output <- pluck(UOM_json, 'results') %>%
enframe() %>%
unnest_longer(value) %>%
unnest_wider(value) %>%
select(user_data, images) %>%
unnest_wider(user_data) %>%
mutate(full_name = paste(first_name, last_name)) %>%
select(full_name, location, images) %>%
rename(., location_user = location) %>%
unnest_longer(images) %>%
unnest_wider(images) %>%
select(full_name, location, image)
Output of our exp_output
> head(exp_output)
# A tibble: 6 × 3
full_name location image
<chr> <chr> <chr>
1 Kevin Palivec Jones County,Texas,United States https://d1dzduvcvkxs60.cloudfront.net/observation_image/1d4cc82f-f3d2…
2 Kamil Świca Lublin,Lublin Voivodeship,Poland https://d1dzduvcvkxs60.cloudfront.net/observation_image/3b6391d1-f839…
3 Kamil Świca Lublin,Lublin Voivodeship,Poland https://d1dzduvcvkxs60.cloudfront.net/observation_image/9bcf10d7-bd7c…
4 Kamil Świca Lublin,Lublin Voivodeship,Poland https://d1dzduvcvkxs60.cloudfront.net/observation_image/a7dea9cf-8d6e…
5 Evelyn Lapeña Bulacan,Central Luzon,Philippines https://d1dzduvcvkxs60.cloudfront.net/observation_image/539e0870-c931…
6 Evelyn Lapeña Bulacan,Central Luzon,Philippines https://d1dzduvcvkxs60.cloudfront.net/observation_image/c729ea03-e1f8…
I am new to R and am sure the solution is simple, but I am having a hard time figuring out where I'm going wrong.
Apologies if this question has been asked. I did look, but once again, I'm new and it might have gone right over my head. :)
I'm working with a data set "minuteSleep_merged.csv" from the Fitabase Data 4.12.16-5.12.16 folder. I'm trying to determine if the data set is accurate and has insights for my capstone project with the Google Data Analyst Certification.
For backstory, I am using tidyverse and have loaded the package into my session in addition to the .csv file I am using.
This is what I have so far:
minSleep <- read_csv("minuteSleep_merged.csv")
## getting a summary of the data
## separating the date column into date and time to make it easier to read and aggregate
summ_minSleep <- separate(minSleep, date, into = c("date", "time"), sep = " ")
## confirming the column was separated
## creating a table that shows the amount of time each participant spent asleep per date
asleep_summ_minSleep <- summ_minSleep %>%
group_by(Id, date) %>%
count(value = 1) %>%
rename(min_asleep = n) %>%
mutate(hours_asleep = min_asleep/60)
## doing the same for value 2 (restless)
restless_summ_minSleep <- summ_minSleep %>%
group_by(Id, date) %>%
count(value = 2) %>%
rename(min_restless = n) %>%
mutate(hours_restless = min_restless/60)
## and one more time for value 3 (awake)
awake_summ_minSleep <- summ_minSleep %>%
group_by(Id, date) %>%
count(value = 3) %>%
rename(min_awake = n) %>%
mutate(hours_awake = min_awake/60)
I thought I was onto something when I got the first table asleep_summ_minSleep to run properly.
But my next thought was, to know if the data set should be kept for analysis or removed in the cleaning process, I would also need to know how many hours each participant spent awake and restless per day.
So, I created a separate table for each value (1 = asleep, 2 = restless, 3 = awake). As you can see each table has a different name with column names that create a clear distinction.
Also, as a side note, I created a separate table for each because I couldn't figure out how to make a pipe that would contain all this information in one table. That will be my next learning adventure.
Anyway, back to the task at hand. You all can probably already see what my issue is and the cause, but, to spell it out, while each table is correctly labeled and shows the correct corresponding value column, the data within the columns hours_asleep, hours_restless, and hours_awake are exactly the same.
It took an unfortunate amount of time and web searching to create the first table, but with trial and error I thought I was on to something, but this clearly shows I'm off somewhere so I'm seeking help.
Here is a link to an R Markdown file: https://5b69b06b6e8d44fe9dd87e7ae606c95a.app.rstudio.cloud/file_show?path=%2Fcloud%2Fproject%2FminSleep_help.html
Any suggestions, hints, theories, really anything, would be appreciated.
Thank you!!
I am trying to get data from the UN Stats API for a list of indicators (https://unstats.un.org/SDGAPI/swagger/).
I have constructed a loop that can be used to get the data for a single indicator (code is below). The loop can be applied to multiple indicators as needed. However, this is likely to cause problems relating to large numbers of requests, potentially being perceived as a DDoS attack and taking far too long.
Is there an alternative way to get data for an indicator for all years and countries without making a ridiculous number of requests or in a more efficient manner than below? I suppose this question likely applies more generally to other similar APIs as well. Any help would be most welcome.
Please note: I have seen the post here (Faster download for paginated nested JSON data from API in R?) but it is not quite what I am looking for.
Minimal working example
# libraries
# get the meta data
page = ("https://unstats.un.org/SDGAPI//v1/sdg/Series/List")
sdg_meta = fromJSON(page) %>% as.data.frame()
# parameters
PAGE_SIZE =100000
my_code = "SI_COV_SOCINS"
# loop to go over pages
for(i in seq(1,N_PAGES,1)){
ind = which(sdg_meta$code == my_code)
cat(paste0("Processing : ", my_code, " ", i, " of ",N_PAGES, " \n"))
my_data_page <- c(paste0("https://unstats.un.org/SDGAPI/v1/sdg/Series/Data?seriesCode=",my_code,"&page=",i,"pageSize=",PAGE_SIZE))
df <- fromJSON(my_data_page) #depending on the data you are calling, you will get a list
df= df$data %>% as.data.frame() %>% distinct()
# break the loop when no more to add
FULL_DF = rbind(FULL_DF,df)
Sys.sleep(5) # sleep to avoid any issues
The title doesn't really do my question justice, because there are probably a few ways to skin this cat. But I picked one approach and went with it. This is what I'm working with:
I've pulled all the metadata for a particular study in the NCBI database using the "Send to:" option on their interface and downloading a .txt file.
In total, I have ~23k samples, each with up to 609 unique questions and answers from a questionnaire totaling 8M+ obs of 1 variable when read as a .csv. To my dismay, the metadata are irregular. Some samples have 140 associated key/value pairs. Others have 492. I've included a header of a sample below.
1: qiita_sid_10317:10317.BLANK1.6H.GUELPH
Identifiers: BioSample: SAMEA4790059; SRA: ERS2609990
Organism: metagenome
/description="American Gut control"
/ENA checklist="ERC000011"
/INSDC center alias="UCSDMI"
/INSDC center name="University of California San Diego Microbiome Initiative"
/INSDC first public="2018-07-13T17:03:10Z"
/INSDC last update="2018-07-13T14:50:03Z"
/INSDC status="public"
/SRA accession="ERS2609990"
I've tried (including but not limited to):
Read .txt file (adding a delimiter hasn't made a difference, am I missing something here?)
I've tried reading the data using various delimiters
I've even removed the header data in Sublime Text, leaving only "Attributes:" and the "/"-delimited key/value pairs in order to mess with the column that way
I've split the column found all unique values in col1 to maybe create a df from scratch, etc etc.
Can't seem to get past the cleaning steps:
samples <- read.csv("~/biosample_result_full.txt")
samples_split <- cSplit(samples, splitCols = sample$Colname, sep = "=")
samples_split$Attributes_1 <- gsub(" ", "_", samples_split$Attributes_1)
questions <- unique(samples_split$Attributes_1)
Ideally, each sample and associated metadata would be transformed into rows, with each "Attribute"/question as the column name.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I see that the website you've linked to, allows fot the option to export data to xml. I strongly suggest to do so. R can hande/parse xml-files very efficient.
When I download the first three results from that site to a file biosample_result.xml , it's easy to process using the xml2-package
library( xml2 )
library( magrittr )
doc <- read_xml( "./biosample_result.xml")
#gret all BioSample nodes
BioSample.Nodes <- xml_find_all( doc, "//BioSample")
#build a data.frame
sample_name = xml_find_first( BioSample.Nodes , ".//Id[#db='SRA']") %>% xml_text(),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
# sample_name
# 1 ERS2609990
# 2 ERS2609989
# 3 ERS2609988
So if you can use the XML, you will just have to use the right xpath-syntax to get the data/nodes you need, into the columns you want...
In the exmaple above, I extracted (from each BioSample-node) the first ID-node with attribute db equals SRA, and stored the result in the co0lumn sample_name.
Still assuming you can use the xml-data.
If you are lokking for all attributes into one df, you need the functions from purrr, so just load the entire tidyverse
library( tidyverse )
df <- xml_find_all( doc, "//BioSample") %>%
xml_find_all(.x, ".//Attribute") %>% xml_text(),
xml_find_all(.x, ".//Attribute") %>% xml_attr( "attribute_name" )
) %>%
as.list() %>%
will result in a df like this
I'm attempting to extract data from a pdf, which can be located at https://www.dol.gov/ui/data.pdf. The data I'm interested in are on page 4 of the PDF and are the 3 observations of the Initial Claims (NSA), the 3 observations of the Insured Unemployment (NSA), and the most recent week used covered employment (footnote 2).
I've read the PDF into R using pdftools, but the text output which is generated is quite ugly (kind of to be expected - due to the nature of PDFs). Is there any way I can extract specific data from this text output? I believe the data will always be in the same place in the output, which is helpful.
The output I'm looking at can be seen with the following script:
download.file("https://www.dol.gov/ui/data.pdf", "data.pdf", mode="wb")
uidata <- pdf_text("data.pdf")
I've searched people with similar questions and fiddled around with scan() and grep(), but can't seem to figure out a way to isolate and extract the data I need from the text output. Thanks in advance if anyone stumbles upon this and can point me in the right direction - if not I'll be trying to figure this out!
With grep and a little regex, you can get everything you need into a usable structure:
x <- pdftools::pdf_text('https://www.dol.gov/ui/data.pdf')
x2 <- readLines(textConnection(x[4]))
r <- grep('WEEK ENDING', x2)
l <- lapply(seq_along(r), function(i){
x2[r[i]:(na.omit(c(r[i + 1], grep('FOOTNOTE', x2)))[1] - 1)] %>%
trimws() %>%
gsub('\\s{2,}', ';', .) %>%
paste(collapse = '\n') %>%
read.csv2(text = ., dec = '.')
from_footnote <- as.numeric(gsub('^2|\\D', '', x2[grep('2\\.', x2)]))
#> WEEK.ENDING December.17 December.10 Change
#> Initial Claims (NSA) 315,613 305,333 +10,280 352,534
#> December.3
#> Initial Claims (NSA) 319,641
#> [1] 138322138
You'll still need to parse the numbers, but at least it's usable.