I have a vue multiselect and when I select an item from that it should call to vue method. I have tried as follows and it didn't work. what the wrong with it?
<multiselect v-model="value" placeholder="Search Categories" #change="getItems"
:options="categories" :taggable="true" :custom-label='categoriesWithTitle' track-by='id'
-method call
methods: {
from the docs: https://vue-multiselect.js.org/#sub-asynchronous-select
you should use #search-change to trigger a function call on search query changes.
<multiselect v-model="value" placeholder="Search Categories" #input="getItems"
:options="categories" :taggable="true" :custom-label='categoriesWithTitle' track-by='id'
I am getting this error when I try to build a reactive form for creating a new password form.I have mentioned the source code below and when I remove the source code part then there is no error but without that my operation is not working as well. I think I have to add or delete something in my source code to get the desired output
main.ts:12 TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of null
at FormGroup.passwordShouldMatch [as validator] (password.validators.ts:18)
at FormGroup._runValidator (forms.js:4089)
at FormGroup.updateValueAndValidity (forms.js:4050)
at new FormGroup (forms.js:4927)
at FormBuilder.group (forms.js:8924)
at new ChangePasswordComponent (change-password.component.ts:15)
at createClass (core.js:31987)
at createDirectiveInstance (core.js:31807)
at createViewNodes (core.js:44210)
at callViewAction (core.js:44660)
static passwordShouldMatch(control : AbstractControl) {
let newPassword = control.get('newPassowrd');
let confirmPassword = control.get('confirmPassowrd');
if (newPassword.value !== confirmPassword.value){
return { passwordShouldMatch:true };
return null;
As you didn't add any code snippet I am considering your form structure is something like this.
newPassowrd: [''],
confirmPassowrd: [''],
here, you include an custom validation function called passwordShouldMatch and this function looks fine. So, I assume that you did something wrong when you set the validator to that form group.
newPassowrd: [''],
confirmPassowrd: [''],
}, { validator: this.passwordShouldMatch});
this is how you should set the validation function for the form group. And in html your form should be something like this.
<form [formGroup]="form" novalidate (ngSubmit)="onSubmit(survey)">
<input type="text" placeholder="Untitled form" formControlName="newPassowrd">
<input type="text" placeholder="Untitled form" formControlName="confirmPassowrd">
<span *ngIf="form.hasError('passwordShouldMatch')">not match</span>
everything should work this way. Here is the working version of stackblitz
I am using Meteor with React. Consider this simple component below. There is a local mini-Mongo collection CommentsCollection. The component will insert a row in it when componentWillMount will be called. getMeteorData will return the first record in the collection and we'll be able to modify the title. Problem: if I place my cursor at the start of the title and start typing, after the first character update the cursor will jump to the end of the string and the rest of my typing will be placed there. How do I work around this?
CommentsCollection = new Meteor.Collection(null); // Local mini-mongo collection
EventTestComponent = React.createClass({
mixins : [ReactMeteorData],
CommentsCollection.insert({title:"test title", message:"some test message"});
return {
comment: CommentsCollection.findOne()
CommentsCollection.update({_id: this.data.comment._id}, {$set:{title: e.target.value}});
if(this.data.comment) {
return (
<input type="text" value={this.data.comment.title} onChange={this.handleTitleChange}/>
return <div>Loading...</div>
I came up with this solution right after I posted the question:
<input type="text"
So: change value to defaultValue, and onChange to onKeyUp. Works like a charm!
Is it possible for a parent Meteor template to access a subtemplate directly? Ideally, I'd like to use templates a widgets with an API. I was hoping for something like this:
<template name="myPage">
<div class="widgetContainer"></div>
Template.myPage.rendered = function(){
this.myWidgetInstance = UI.render(Template.myWidget)
UI.insert(this.myWidgetInstance, $('.widgetContainer')[0]);
'click button': function(e, template){
// I don't want this logic to live inside of mywidget.js.
// I also don't want this template to know about the <input> field directly.
var val = template.data.myWidgetInstance.getMyValue();
<template name="myWidget">
Template.myWidget.getValue = function(){
return this.$('input').val();
The above doesn't work because myWidgetInstance.getMyValue() doesn't exist. There doesn't appear to be a way for external code to access template helper functions on an instance.
Is anyone using Meteor templates in the way I'm trying to use them above? Or is this better suited for a separate jQuery widget? If so, it'd be a shame because I still want my widget template to benefit from the features Meteor provides.
It is possible to access subtemplate helper function.
Your example will work once you apply few fixes:
fix 1 : getValue() instead of getMyValue()
'click button': function(e, template){
// I don't want this logic to live inside of mywidget.js.
// I also don't want this template to know about the <input> field directly.
var val = template.myWidgetInstance.getValue();
fix 2 : $('input').val(); instead this.$('input').val();
Template.myWidget.getValue = function(){
return $('input').val();
fix 3 : <input> should have no close tag.
<template name="myWidget">
<input type="text" value="sample value">
I'm using Meteor with Iron Router, and can't seem to get typeahead (this version: https://github.com/bassjobsen/Bootstrap-3-Typeahead) to work.
Here's some code:
HomeController = RouteController.extend({
after: function () {
var tags = this.getData().tags;
if(tags.length > 0) {
var tags = ['hello', 'world'];
console.log("Adding typeahead for tags to ", $('.input-search')[0]);
console.log("tags: ", tags);
source: tags,
updater: function(item) {
Router.go('/projects/tag/' + item);
I have a header that's part of the application layout, and has an input like this:
<input type="text" class="form-control input-search" data-provide="typeahead" placeholder="Search">
The jQuery in the after: function gets the input correctly. But calling typeahead on the input doesn't seem to activate typeahead properly: when typing in the input, nothing happens.
However if I wrap the typeahead call in a setTimeout, it does work.
Of course, whenever you start wrapping things in setTimeouts, something isn't right.
Where/when is the correct place to initialise typeahead when using Iron Router?
You can initialize the typeahead in the rendered function of your template. For instance:
Template.mytemplate.rendered = function() {
source: tags,
updater: function(item) {
Router.go('/projects/tag/' + item);
I figured it out.
You need to make sure any inputs used by plugins are "preserved", i.e. not re-rendered, by Meteor. The simplest way to do this is to make sure the input has an ID attribute. So changing my search input to this fixed it:
<input type="text" id="input-search" class="form-control" data-provide="typeahead" placeholder="Search">
Relevant documentation: http://docs.meteor.com/#template_preserve
As of Meteor and iron:router#1.0.7 working solution is to install sergeyt:typeahead and init typeahead like this:
Template.MyTemplate.rendered = function () {
Init may be done only once for top-level template.
I wrote an article about this, you can read it here.
In summary, your implementation using javascript to select and alter the element is bad practice in a reactive environment. I've tried it that way and it's a huge pain.
What I found is that you can create a helper that returns a JSON string of your typeahead data and use the data-source attribute, like so
typeahead : function(){
return JSON.stringify(Session.get("typeahead"));
<template name="myTemplate">
<input data-source="{{typeahead}}" data-provide="typeahead" id="blah" type="text" />
I am trying to implement searching in my Meteor app. I don't exactly understand how it ties together. At this point, I have this following code:
<form class="navbar-search pull-left">
<input type="text" class="search-query" placeholder="Search">
'keyup input.search-query': function (evt) {
console.log("Keyup value: " + evt.which);
if (evt.which === 13) {
console.log("Got an Enter keyup");
Session.set("searchQuery", "justATestVar");
I can see the values of keyup as I press different keys into the search box, so I know the event is being hit. Capturing the "enter" keyup also works, but pressing enter causes the enter site to reload and when I do:
it returns undefined.
I don't know if I'm handling this properly. Essentially, I just want to get the value from the search box and then use that value for making a search on my collection. Any help would be appreciated! Thank you.
You should really use a submit button for your search form to avoid ruining accessibility.
Using a submit button will also enable by default the behavior you're looking for : form submission on enter key pressed.
If you really want to get rid of the submit button, keep it in the DOM but use CSS to hide it.
It's very important to call preventDefault on the event you'll receive from "submit form" handler, if you forget to do so, the page will refresh ruining the meteor "Single Page App" experience (and by the way, page refresh will clear your Session variables, which is why you get an undefined value in the first place).
"submit form":function(event,template){
What is probably happening is your form is being submitted when you hit enter. Try an preventDefault(). Probably something like this would work:
'keyup input.search-query': function (evt) {
console.log("Keyup value: " + evt.which);
if (evt.which === 13) {
console.log("Got an Enter keyup");
Session.set("searchQuery", "justATestVar");
'submit form': function (evt) {
You could also try adding evt.preventDefault(); in your keyup but I think it's the form submission that's doing it.
In case anyone got here trying to implement the search function as well, I recommend the following:
meteor add matteodem:easy-search
On client and server:
Players = new Meteor.Collection('players');
// name is the field of the documents to search over
On the client, make a template.html:
<template name="searchBox">
{{> esInput index="players" placeholder="Search..." }}
{{#esEach index="players"}}
<li>Name of the player: {{name}}</li>