PCL:How to picking other PointCloud in the PCL Visualization - point-cloud-library

I want picking other PointCloud but the "cloud" in the PCL Visualization.
However the registerAreaPickingCallback() doesn't support pass PointCloud arg.
By default,only the default pointcloud:"cloud" is avalible and the indices of the callback areaPickingEvent only include the default pointcloud:"cloud".
I can't found any information about it in the PCL website.
I wonder how to do it,can somebody help me?

I found the relavent issue at GitHub.
At here:#978
And the contributors have solved it.#3763
They will release it at PCL-1.12.0


Slopes on roads in map tiles. How to obtain them?

I would like to be able to show the slope of the streets using map tiles. However, I can't see from the documentation that this information is available.
Can anyone help ? Either to confirm that it is not possible or to lead me in the correct direction.
For getting this info you need to use Platform Data Extension

How to get started with drawing robot

I am a beginner to robotics, and I wanted to program a robot arm to draw a picture on arbitrary objects I present to him.
I do have an Intel Realsense camera, will receive a dobot.cc robot arm next days, and thought about using ROS as a base, moveit for movements and the PCL library for object detection.
How do I connect all of these together? Are there any particulary interesting tutorials that you would recommend? Anything I should try out up front?
Also, I suppose I will need to build custom code for detecting the target object in the point cloud and calculate how the picture should be placed on the object and then use moveit to follow the target path. Where would this code go?
Any help would be appreciated.
Meanwhile, I found an excellent book on the topic:

Content-based image retrieval

I want to store scanned images into the database. If I get a new image, I want to search the database to to find similar images and show the most similar one.
Can someone give me a hint where I can find the documentation for the methods necessary for that?
Thank you.
There is nothing built into the BCL that will do that for you.
Take a look at Emgu CV:
Emgu CV is a cross platform .Net wrapper to the Intel OpenCV image processing library.

graph component in GTK/Qt (like in blueJ)

I'm about to make a program (qt/gtk) where I need to display some kind of UML diagrams (like in BlueJ),
I wanted to ask you if there is such a component in GTK
It must work with new version of Gtk - gi.repository
The name of library is enough for me, I'll read docs, but if somebody post here some simple demo, it'll be appreciated.
Thank you
Dia (Old homepage) is a GTK based UML drawing tool. It is a very good tool with a lot of options. It is available on a number distros from their repositories. It has both application & library (libdia) components. There are python bindings available as well. If you have not checked it out, you should.
Hope this helps!
I found gaphas
You should checkout GooCanvas, I think is the more complete library for that kind of work.
I use python and pygtk, and use matplotlib to draw graphs in the GUI.
See a sample here : http://www.serpia.org/blog/2007/nov/03/matplotlib-and-pygtk-app/

MPXJ - get ResourceAssignment baseline values

I'm trying to display the Baseline Start, Finish, Cost, and Work values for a ResourceAssignment, but cannot seem to find any methods on the ResourceAssignment object that would provide this information. Anybody know if this is possible?
I know the information is stored because I can see it in MS Project, and I can see it in the XML version of the project file. Just can't see in the API where to get access to it.
In case anybody cares, Jon has fixed this in the latest version of the MPXJ source code. You can see the bug request here.
