Flyway migration not working repair required - flyway

I'm using flyway for migrations. Flyway version is Flyway 3.2.1 by Boxfuse. When I am executing
I'm getting following error
"ERROR: Validate failed. Migration Checksum mismatch for migration 80
Applied to database : -401430104
Resolved locally : -485639995
How can I resolve this?

Migration Checksum mismatch means that the contents of a particular migration file has changed since you executed it, and that means that your script collection might not be a faithful representation of the database schema.
If you are happy that the scripts are still good (eg the changes were comments and formatting) then flyway repair with the same URL and credentials will clear this error. If not, then you should either revert the changes, or flyway repair and accept the mismatch.


Flyway migrations changed by mistake

I changed a flyway script for error, and this brought my migrations to an error state (I have 5 script versions, but when I run my app it starts from the 4th, and get an error on 'reaction already exists').
I tried to use clean from flyway cli, but it didn't completely solve the problem... also, when I try pushing my branch to git, CI/CD pipeline will fail for the migration.
Since I'm in development environment, would it be a terrible idea to all delete migration scripts?
Would deleting all scripts allow me to 'start from scratch' in my development environment, or do I need to push the whole project again to avoid issues? (Project is not in production yet, I don't really need flyway migrations)
Depending on which flyway version you are using, one option is to go to the flyway_schema_history or schema_version table and just locate the row (corresponding to the failed script) and change the success column to true or 1. Then manually run the script (the correct one) against DB.

Why do I get Liquibase Checksum verification error while starting a Corda Node

I have run the Corda DB Migration tool and created a .jar containing .sql scripts of the tables that represent the States Objects of my CordApps as explained in
However after putting the .jar in the /cordapps folder of my node, I got an error indicating the Checksum Verification is failing: "liquibase.exception.ValidationFailedException: Validation Failed: 2 change sets check sum..."
Do you know how could I reset the checksum of my objects so that the verification does not fail and I could start the Corda Node successfully?
Thank you
Truncate your migration related table i.e. databasechangelog & databasechangeloglock. I think truncating only databasechangelog should do the trick for you.
This can happen if you change existing migration scripts which have been run previously. Corda will attempt to check the migration scripts against what has been run and find that the scripts no longer match.
For example: "MyApp" version 1.0 has a migration "init" script that creates table FooBar. On starting the node the table is created and the databasechangelog and databasechangeloglock tables insert a record the migration.
Then "MyApp" version 1.1 comes out which has a modified version of the "init" script. This new script matches the name of the script previously run on version 1.0 but no longer matches the checksum as the content has changed.
Kid101's solution does work but you would only need to delete the relevant entry for the changed script in databasechangelog and databasechangeloglock. Also note that new Corda nodes will skip the original migration and start on version 1.1 which will bypass the issue.

flyway - tell flyway to repair the migration table BUT keep the history of failed deployments

I'd like to be able to deploy to my database after a deployment failure, because in my case I am dealing with concurrent and independent deployments.
the flyway clean command helps to remove failed migrations in the migration table. Using that command helps as my future deployments will be executed but the downside is that I lose the history of failed deployments.
Is there a way to tell flyway to repair the migration table and keep the history of failed deployments - say put the success flag to '2' for example.
In my case all deployments are independents so we create unique migration numbers at deployment time - this allows us to redeploy anything without consideration of flyway's status (we re only using the automation mechanism provided with flyway and have disabled other 'migration' safeguards).
This isn't supported natively. I agree that removing the history of failed migrations would be handy to have as an option.
Use of the callbacks may give you a workaround. Specifically you could take a copy of failed migrations in the beforeRepair callback. If using SQL files make a beforeRepair.sql (or whatever you have for your migration suffix).

Schema not updating when publish web app from Visual Studio

I am building an ASP.NET MVC EF app with code-first migrations and hosting it in Azure with Azure SQL DB. The first time I published this, it went fine. But since then my models changed, and my schema in the Azure DB is not getting updated to match. When I deploy, I do have "Execute Code First Migrations" checked. When that wouldn't work, I deleted my DB and then recreated it in the Azure portal, figuring that would trigger it getting updated. But then that didn't work, so I set AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = True in the migration Configuration. It is STILL not working, so currently my DB in Azure has none of my tables. HOW can I get the DB in Azure to be forced to update to match my models so the published site will work?? I did try looking for if there's a way to script the VS local DB to a Create query and execute that in SQL management studio, but couldn't find how to do that.
If you have made sure that you have selected update database in the publish setting, and the connection string is correctc and its still not updating. Maybe the following will help for you:
I sometimes get an issue like this, it is quite frustrating, My publish file is correct and my settings are set to allow SQL updates to occur during publishing. But sometimes the database hasn't been updated and I get a nice "backing context has changed" error, sometimes the culprit is the migration table that hasn't been updated. Unfortunately the only sure way to get your databases in sync is to check what migration history they are both at, by comparing [dbo].[__MigrationHistory]
If your published server is missing the latest migration history, then you can generate an SQL script of that by typing into the package manager console:
Update-Database -Script -TargetMigration [migration name]
'migration name' should be the name of the last migration that your published server had, visual studio will generate sql script that can be used to bring the database up to the latest migration from that target migration.
Sometimes (though very rarely, its only happened once or twice for me) the above doesn't work for whatever reason (usually because migration files have been deleted), if that is the case then its a good idea to script the whole database, and cherry pick the sql you need from that.
Update-Database -Script -SourceMigration:0
This will generate a script for every migration, you can then cherry pick based on the changes you've made. The 'latest' changes will be closer to the bottom of the file. every migrational change will start with an if check:
IF #CurrentMigration < '201710160826338_mymigration'
You can use this to pick the bits that you need, if you do pick the SQL be sure to include the update to the migration history. It will be at the end of the if block and look something like this:
INSERT [dbo].[__MigrationHistory]([MigrationId], [ContextKey], [Model], [ProductVersion])
VALUES (N'201710101645265_test', N'API.Core.Configuration', 'Some long checksum')
Including the migration history will ensure that visual studio doesn't have the problem again.
Hope this helps.

How to get flyway to re-run migration?

We are trying to put migrations as .sql files under version control. Developers would write a VN__*.sql file, commit to version control and a job that runs every 5 minutes would automatically migrate to a Dev and Test database. Once the change proved to not cause problems, someone else would run a manual job to run the migration on Production.
I had a demo migration that created a few tables. I checked V4__DemoTables.sql into version control on my PC.
On our Linux box a job that runs every 5 minutes extracted the new file from version control, then ran the file. It detected the file and executed it.
But the .sql file had a typo. And we are using Neteeza which has problems with flyway automatically wrapping a migration in a BEGIN TRAN ... END TRAN. So the migration created 2 tables, then aborted before the third.
No problem I thought. I dropped the 2 tables that the .sql file did create. Checked V4__ out of version control, fixed the typo and re-submitted it.
Five minutes later the update was extracted but flyway complains that the checksum does not match. So it will NOT run the updated V4__DemoTables.sql file.
How do I get flyway to accept the updated file and update the checksum in the SCHEMA_VERSION file in case of a typo?
Reading the docs it seems like the developers suggest I should have created a new V4_1_DemoTables.sql file with the fix's. But this would have collided with the commands in the V4__ file so this seemed wrong.
So here is what the docs imply I need to do:
Leave V4__ as a 'successful' migration according to the
Create V4_1_ to delete the tables that were created before the typo
line in V4__.
Create V4_2_ which has the typo fix from the original file to do all
the real work.
Is this correct?
If the migration completes successfully, but some of the db objects are not quite right yet (typo in column name, ...), do as you said and push a follow-up script that fixes it (rename column, ...).
If the migration fails, and it didn't run on a DB with DDL transaction, the DB must be cleaned manually. This means:
Reverting the effects of the migration on the DB
Removing the version from the SCHEMA_VERSION table and marking the previous one as current
This second step will be automated in the future with the introduction of the command.
