Firebase receive documentID when adding and updating documents to firebase with flutter - firebase

I am adding a new document to my firestore group 1, and use the new documentID of that group to update two other documents. Afterwards, I'd like to save the documentID from group 1 in a variable in order to pass it to my widgets.
How can I receive and save the documentID when adding a new document to group 1 without causing an extra firestore read? I don't understand why the code below works except for
valueId = value.documentID
onPressed: () {
'Group': messageTextController.text.trim(),
'Gruppenersteller': loggedInUser.uid,
'Gruppenmitglieder': FieldValue.arrayUnion([,
'Angelegt': FieldValue.serverTimestamp(),
}).then((value) => {
'Slates': FieldValue.arrayUnion([value.documentID])
'Slates': FieldValue.arrayUnion([value.documentID])
valueId = value.documentID,

You can get the random ID of a document before it's added like this:
val docRef = firestore.collection('Gruppe').doc()
val docId = docRef.documentID;
Then you can go on and create the document with set():
In your code above, I would expect that print(valueId) to not print the assigned value of value.documentID, because add() and then() are asynchronous and return immediately with a Future. In fact, any function that returns a Future will do so immediately. The callback you provide to then() will be invoked some time later, after the operation is complete. So, effectively, your code is trying to print the document ID before it's been assigned. That's why I'm suggesting that you get it immediately of the reference instead of trying to get it later.


How do I know if there are more documents left to get from a firestore collection?

I'm using flutter and firebase. I use pagination, max 5 documents per page. How do I know if there are more documents left to get from a firestore collection. I want to use this information to enable/disable a next page button presented to the user.
limit: 5 (5 documents each time)
orderBy: "date" (newest first)
startAfterDocument: latestDocument (just a variable that holds the latest document)
This is how I fetch the documents.
collection.limit(5).orderBy("date", descending: true).startAfterDocument(latestDocument).get()
I thought about checking if the number of docs received from firestore is equal to 5, then assume there are more docs to get. But this will not work if I there are a total of n * 5 docs in the collection.
I thought about getting the last document in the collection and store this and compare this to every doc in the batches I get, if there is a match then I know I've reach the end, but this means one excess read.
Or maybe I could keep on getting docs until I get an empty list and assume I've reached the end of the collection.
I still feel there are a much better solution to this.
Let me know if you need more info, this is my first question on this account.
There is no flag in the response to indicate there are more documents. The common solution is to request one more document than you need/display, and then use the presence of that last document as an indicator that there are more documents.
This is also what the database would have to do to include such a flag in its response, which is probably why this isn't an explicit option in the SDK.
You might also want to check the documentation on keeping a distributed count of the number of documents in a collection as that's another way to determine whether you need to enable the UI to load a next page.
here's a way to get a large data from firebase collection
let latestDoc = null; // this is to store the last doc from a query
const dataArr = []; // this is to store the data getting from firestore
let loadMore = true; // this is to check if there's more data or no
const initialQuery = async () => {
const first = db
.startAfter(latestDoc || 0)
const data = await first.get(); => {
// console.log("",;
dataArr.push(; // pushing the data into the array
//! update latest doc
latestDoc =[ - 1];
//! unattach event listeners if no more docs
if (data.empty) {
loadMore = false;
// running this through this function so we can actual await for the
//docs to get from firebase
const run = async () => {
// looping until we get all the docs
while (loadMore) {
console.log({ loadMore });
await initialQuery();

Flutter Firebase How to get random document

I am trying to get some random posts from Firebase. But i am unable to get random document id.
Is there any way to retrieve data from Firebase like this :-
getRandomData() async {
QuerySnapshot snapshot = await posts
i am trying to say that. Now i am able to get documentID normally not in now how can i get random documentID from Firebase.
List documentIds in a list first.
var list = ['documentId1','documentId2','documentId3'];
var element = getRandomElement(list);
Then query the documentSnapshot
You can first get all documents in you collection.
Try this code:
async getMarker() {
const snapshot = await firebase.firestore().collection('userPosts').get();
const documents = [];
snapshot.forEach(doc => {
documents[] =;
return documents;
Next, from return documents you can create a list of documents id and get random numbers (document id) from this list.
The main problem here that's going to prevent you from moving forward is the fact that you don't actually have any documents nested immediately under "posts". Notice that the names of the documents are in italics. That means there isn't actually a document here at all. The reason why they are show, however, is because you have a subcollection "userPosts" nested under the path where that document ID exists.
Since you don't have any documents at all under "posts", the usual strategies to find a random document won't work at all. You're going to have to actually populate some data there to select from, or find another way to select from the data in the subcollections.
.then(querySnapshot => {
querySnapshot.forEach(documentSnapshot => {
console.log('User ID: ',,;

Firebase Firstore subcollection

please how can I get all the value of my IndividualTaxData subcollection in Flutter.
First, you must get the reference to the parent document:
DocumentReference parentRef = Firestore.intances.collection('TaxData').document(taxDataId);
You can do the previous part with a direct reference to the document (like the code above) or with a query. Later, you must get the reference of the subcollection and the document that you get the information:
DocumentReference subRef = parentRef.collection('IndividualTaxData').document(individualTaxId);
And finally, get the data:
DocumentSnapshot docSnap = await subRef.get();
For you to return a simple document, you can use the following code for it.
var document = await Firestore.instance.collection('IndividualTaxData').document('<document_name>');
document.get() => then(function(document) {
// you can print other fields from your document
With the above code, you will reference your collection IndividualTaxData and then load it's data to a variable that you can print the values.
In case you want to retrieve all the documents from your collection, you can start using the below code.
final QuerySnapshot result = await Firestore.instance.collection('IndividualTaxData').getDocuments();
final List<DocumentSnapshot> documents = result.documents;
documents.forEach((data) => print(data));
// This print is just an example of it.
With this, you will load all your documents into a list that you iterate and print after - or that you can use with another method.
In addition to that, as future references, I would recommend you to check the following links as well.
Query a single document from Firestore in Flutter (cloud_firestore Plugin)
How to use Cloud Firestore with Flutter
Le me know if the information helped you!

Update Firebase Array using.where(). But, getting error ".update isn't a function

So, I am trying to update a document in my firebase that has an array.
Currently, a users document may look like this.
username : John
postedProjects : ['project-one','project-two']
However, as John submits "project-three" to another collection, I want to grab johns document, and add "project-three" into his array.
Here is my code currently (Please note, I am not using the document
UID as I have set UID as name, but the user may change their username
down the line, but their UID remains the same)
var newProject = db.collection('users').where('user_id', '==', this.userInfo.user_id);
postedProjects: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.arrayUnion("test")
This is the code I have followed from the Firebase doc, with the slight adjustment of changing .doc(uid) to .where, to instead match the existing user to the one on the collection.
However, I get an error stating "newProject.update is not a function".
-- Added .where but still getting error as i am not sure where to put the "update()"
db.collection('users').where('user_id', '==', this.userInfo.user_id)
.then(function(querySnapshot) {
querySnapshot.forEach(function(doc) {{
postedProjects: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.arrayUnion("new project")
where() returns a Query object, which doesn't have an update() method, as you can see from the linked API documentation. Since there is no guarantee how many documents could result from executing a query, you will have to get() the query, then iterate the results to find a DocumentSnapshot that matches document, use its ref property to get a DocumentReference for it, and finally update() the document using that DocumentReference.

how do I get the dataID when using cloud firestore triggers function?

I have an Event Collection in the Firestore database like this:
I want to use cloud firestore triggers. when a user attends an event, the capacity of the event will be -1, and when this field is updated I want to automatically update another field ("rankPoint") +3
to implement this, I need to Trigger a function when a document is updated
from firestore documentation, it will be like this
exports.updateUser = functions.firestore
.onUpdate((change, context) => {
// Get an object representing the document
// e.g. {'name': 'Marie', 'age': 66}
const newValue =;
// ...or the previous value before this update
const previousValue =;
// access a particular field as you would any JS property
const name =;
// perform desired operations ...
for my case, it should be 'events/{eventId}' right? but how do I get that eventID in the wildcard? does it come from client side? I mean in iOS/Android I will write the code to update like
is it from the client?
Your function will only be delivered the document that matched your function's pattern (users/{userId}) that was changed. Other documents are not available until you query for them. So, if you want a document from you events collection, you will have to write some code to access it, then decide what to do from there.
It sounds like you're expecting there to be an eventId wildcard, but there is not. There is just the userId wildcard that you defined in your function. Other values will need to be derived from the data you have available in your user document.
