Wordpress site doesn’t render as expected - wordpress

I decided to give wp ago, thought it would save time from writing custom html, css and js.
For the most part it has, however, how the page renders in my admin page compared to live is very different.
Because it’s rendering in admin as expected I’m finding it difficult to correct the display issues.
Has anyone else experienced this? If so, how did you resolve it?

Compare the domain name in the URL when your are logged as admin to the domain name when you are live.
If you create your WP at first time in a development URL then moves to a different server it will not be able to find CSS files what causes wrong rendering.


link in WP not going to the right page

I'm working with WP on different subdomains, and for some reason a link on the landing page isn't going to the subdomain, but rather it's trying to go to a page that doesn't exist on the main domain level. I'm guessing this is some kind of auto direct issue, but the link is correct and I'm not sure what is causing this.
The main domain is in staging status: staging2.definingstudios.com. There are three links there, Lifestyle, Schools, and Commercial. The linnk to schools had been doing this too, but then it stopped and is working properly, but the Lifestyle one is trying to go elsewhere.
This isn't a WP issue but generally an issue with the theme. They tend to save this data in the DB. A lot of the time its serialized and doesn't get updated.
You can do a few things. Search the DB and see if you can find it. Use a plugin to do it or 95% of the time just go into that page and update/save and it generally fixes it.

WordPress Zero Width Spaces in URL

We have a user that has zero width spaces that are ending up at the end of URL's that he is copying and pasting from an outlook email client into his WordPress 4.9.4 site. This doesn't happen on all of the sites, just some of them. The issue is happening just on a standard page using the TinyMCE tools to create the link.
Is anyone aware of a way to easily have WordPress strip these out? I don't know what the "correct" behavior is on these - but it certainly causes for some unique troubleshooting cases for the uneducated.
Another way to state this: Is anyone aware what the "default" behavior is on WordPress TinyMCE with handling "zero width spaces"? I have a user running into issues with them (not sure how they are getting there) and I've never seen this before.

Wordpress Migration issue css

I have migrated website to new domain, the problem is css not loading
if I inspect element it gives link to old domain, is there a way to update css links in wordpress?
please help
When moving a WordPress site to a new domain, you need to change the Site URL and Home URL, usually in the database or in wp-config.php, depending on how the site was originally set up. There may be other changes you need to make in the database, or by manually editing posts, like the locations of images in posts.
This page on wordpress.org is a good reference, for all the things you may need to change, and it shows a few different methods to make most of the changes, so you can choose the one you prefer:
Make sure to keep a backup of the site in case of any mistakes. If you make some changes, and most of the site is working, but a few things aren't, I would recommend making another backup, so you could restore it again without losing much work, if needed.
yes when you are adding links to your site you show use the function site_url().example/my_post in order to construct the links

Dnn 2sxc Blog Module sub-directory

I am testing out DNN 8 and am using the blog app and content management from 2sxc (great module, BTW!).
I have the recent blog post listed on a page sub-directory called '/articles'. But I also wanted some of them listed on the home page as well. When I add the app or module to the home page the url is '/home/post/post-title-here' while on the /articles page the urls are '/articles/post/post-title-here'. This creates the illusion that I have two directories with duplicate blog posts (which probably will get me some dings for SEO for duplicating the same content).
How do I get the app to use the common directory '/articles' regardless of where I put the module/app on the site? I've looked at settings all over and don't see anything that pops out at me. Also not sure if this is a DNN setting or a setting specifically to the extension. Finally, I'd like to be able to keep the year/date/month parts of my url as well as they were on the old site. I assume making that change would probably be similar with the solution to my original question. If that's a different fix, then let me know and I'll put it into a new thread. Thanks in advance!
This question is basically about the blog-app. Now if I understand you correctly, your question is "Can I have multiple lists on various pages, but all of them still link to my main details page". The answer is yes, but the exact solution depends a bit on what you need.
So basically there is a setting in the app-settings to define the main page. I believe it's empty by default, so that the blog-app works automatically without you having to configure anything. But AFAIK if you set that, all blog-details-links will use that as the only source.

Find the actual page opened from the URL in the asp.net

HI so i keep running across websites which when looked through or searched (using their own search function) return's a static URL ie.) ?id=16 or default.aspx no mater what page of the website you visit after the search has been performed. This becomes a problem when i want to go directly to a post/page within one of these sites so i'm wondering. If anyone knows How could i actually find out what the absolute URL is.
So that i can navigate straight to it. I'm not really familiar with coding but have tried looking in the page source but i wasn't really able to gleam anything from there.
The basics around asp.net urls: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/142013/There-is-something-about-Paths-for-Asp-net-beginne
It all really depends on what you're trying to find, as far as finding a backway to locate a absolute path, is highly doubtful. If the owner of the site(most blogs) want you to have a perma link to a page, they use url-rewriting for putting things in the URI like title page and such. Alot of MVC sites do this now.
The '?id=16' you're seeing is just a query string, a holder for other logic they are doing.
