VB.net aspX image resize and created file permission denied - asp.net

I'm trying to create an image based on an original image as a template.
a picture > kapak.jpg - resize to 1366x768 > orta.jpg - resize to 848x480
Code is working. Nothing wrong BUT when I use; code block 2 its locking the file which is kapak.jpg
I can't delete or rename etc. Even if I close the browser or vstudio or all. Nothing changes but restart the iis. I even cant delete it on the file browser as well. It's just locking it and doesnt allow anything. it says that; w3wp.exe or iis express worker is using this file so you cant delete or etc. Access denied.
I tried dispose or =nothing for bitmap
moved code block 2 to another sub
nothing changed.
If I dont use code block 2 it creates and allows me to delete or rename etc.
Any suggestions will be appreciated. How can I set free the file?
gelenIMG.ImageUrl = "\dene_2.jpg"
Dim uzatBOYfark As Integer
Dim uzatENfark As Integer
Dim kapakRESIMayar As New Rectangle(0, 0, 1366, 768)
uzatENfark = kapakRESIMayar.Width : uzatBOYfark = kapakRESIMayar.Height
Using orijinalRESIM = Image.FromFile(Server.MapPath(gelenIMG.ImageUrl))
If orijinalRESIM.Width < kapakRESIMayar.Width Then uzatENfark = kapakRESIMayar.Width * (kapakRESIMayar.Width / orijinalRESIM.Width)
If orijinalRESIM.Height < kapakRESIMayar.Height Then uzatBOYfark = kapakRESIMayar.Height * (kapakRESIMayar.Height / orijinalRESIM.Height)
Using kapakZEMINsablon = New Bitmap(kapakRESIMayar.Width, kapakRESIMayar.Height)
Using grp = Graphics.FromImage(kapakZEMINsablon)
grp.DrawImage(orijinalRESIM, New Rectangle(0, 0, uzatENfark, uzatBOYfark + 1), kapakRESIMayar, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
End Using
kapakZEMINsablon.Save(Server.MapPath(geciciRESIMyeri & "\kapak.jpg"), Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg)
End Using
End Using
imgKAPAK.ImageUrl = geciciRESIMyeri & "\kapak.jpg"
code block 2:
Dim bitmapORTA As New Bitmap(Image.FromFile(Server.MapPath(imgKAPAK.ImageUrl), True), 848, 480)
bitmapORTA.Save(Server.MapPath(geciciRESIMyeri & "\orta.jpg"), Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg)
imgORTA.ImageUrl = geciciRESIMyeri & "\orta.jpg"


Check if Image Exists on Remote Site ASP.NET VB

I'm trying to get my website to detect if an image exists on the server, display if it does, if it doesn't display another image (which is just called blank.png).
I have tried to use Server.MapPath with relative pathings but havent been able to get it to work. When using Server.MapPath and checking in the broswer after the page has loaded i uses the full path of the file (eg G:\domain\path\blank.png).
If i use The normal path (Dim sImagePath As String = "\Images\DriversNew\"'). The image will display, but the check for whether the image exists or not always returns false. I'm assuming its to do with the physical location of the file.
'Dim sImagePath As String = Server.MapPath("Images/DriversNew/")
Dim sImagePath As String = "\Images\DriversNew\"
Dim sHeadshot As String = sImagePath & dsDriver.Tables("Driver").Rows(0).Item("Name") & ".png"
If File.Exists(sHeadshot) Then
imgDriver.ImageUrl = sHeadshot
imgDriver.ImageUrl = sImagePath & "Blank.png"
End If
Any advice? I know its something simple, but with the reading ive been doing it hasnt been able to get it working on the site.
Thanks, much appreciated!
Assuming that your database column Name contains only the short filename (i.e. no directory path information or folder names) then you can do this:
String nameFromDatabase = (String)dsDriver.Tables("Driver").Rows[0]["Name"] + ".png";
String appRootRelativeHttpResourcePath = "~/Images/DriversNew/" + nameFromDatabase;
String localFileSystemPath = Server.MapPath( appRootRelativeHttpResourcePath );
if( File.Exists( localFileSystemPath ) ) {
imgDriver.ImageUrl = appRootRelativeHttpResourcePath; // you can specify app-root-relative URLs ("~/...") here
else {
imgDriver.ImageUrl = "~/Images/DriversNew/Blank.png";

imageresizer.Plugins.Watermark on classic asp

I need to use this plugin to add watermarks to images using classic ASP. I had this work partially using this code:
dim o, b, wm, layer,textlayer
Set b = CreateObject("ImageResizer.Configuration.Config")
Set wm = CreateObject("ImageResizer.Plugins.Watermark.WatermarkPlugin")
Set textlayer = CreateObject("ImageResizer.Plugins.Watermark.TextLayer")
Set layer = CreateObject("ImageResizer.Plugins.Watermark.Layer")
textlayer.Text = "Yeees"
textlayer.fontSize = 50
layer.fill = True
set layer("dd") = textlayer 'THIS IS FAILING
wm.NamedWatermarks("sfdf") = layer("dd") 'THIS IS FAILING TOO
b.BuildImage "C:\lg1_1361_44.jpg", "C:\lg1_1361_44_WATER.png", "watermark=tessst&format=png"
Why are you creating an instance of Layer? TextLayer and ImageLayer are the classes you want to work with
I would drop everything related to 'layer' and try this instead.
textLayer.fill = True
wm.NamedWatermarks("sfdf") = textLayer
You'll also need "watermark=sfdf" instead of "tessst"

Pdf Generation Using ITextSharp for Cheque Like Structure

I have requirement of online cheque generation.
I am using ,
using iTextSharp.text;
using iTextSharp.text.pdf;
I have dynamic cheque Height and width,font and fontsize.
And obviously cheque number with account information in all page of document.
My code goes like this
Document doc = new Document(new Rectangle(width, height), 0, 0, 0, 0);
string path = Server.MapPath("~/REPORTFILES");
var writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, new FileStream(path + "/cheque.pdf",FileMode.Create));
BaseFont f_cn = BaseFont.CreateFont("c:\\windows\\fonts\\calibri.ttf", BaseFont.CP1252, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED);
for (int i = fromchq; i <= tochq; i++)
PdfContentByte cb = writer.DirectContent;
cb.SetFontAndSize(f_cn, 14);
cb.SetFontAndSize(f_cn, fontsize);
cb.SetTextMatrix(cord_x, cord_y);
cb.ShowText(getProperty(propertyName,i.ToString().PadLeft(FromChqNo.Length, '0')));
Here cord_x and cord_y is the co-ordinate location of that text.
Everything works fine i got pdf of my custom size.
like this :
But while printing it into the cheque
its work fine untill it has space enough to print single page. my xps image is attached bellow.
Area in red curve is skiped to be printed.
I mean to ask how can i make it posible that it will print serially, and completely fullfill my requirement that a cheque leaf of any height ,width,font will be printed serially. Thank you all in advance and also thanks for reading my problem.

Find image size with asp (vbscript) for crop script.

I writ a basic cropping script. In VBscript. As follows:
<%Set Jpeg = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Jpeg")
getsec = DateDiff("s","01/01/04",now())
filename = "screenshots/"&getsec&".png"
imgfile = request("imgfile")
Jpeg.Open Server.MapPath(imgfile)
Jpeg.Crop 0, 38, 320, 460
Jpeg.Canvas.DrawPNG 0, 0, Server.MapPath("watermark.png")
Jpeg.PNGOutput = True
Jpeg.Save Server.MapPath(filename)
However instead of hard coding these variables:
Jpeg.Crop 0, 38, 320, 460
I would like someway of using vbscript to find out the image size before I crop it, so that if different image sizes are uploaded the script can be more flexible. Anyone know how to do this?
Your Jpeg object (ASPJpeg instance) has .OriginalWidth and .OriginalHeight properties which are accessible after invoking .Open method. You can use them.
One option is to use the loadpicture function. (see also http://www.w3schools.com/vbscript/func_loadpicture.asp)
To get the pixels, you could use this:
Dim sPath
sPath = "C:\myPicture.jpg"
dim iWidth, iHeight
dim oFs, oImg
Set oFs= CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oImg = loadpicture(sPath)
iWidth = round(oImg.width / 26.4583)
iHeight = round(oImg.height / 26.4583)
Set oImg = Nothing

How to remove the full file path from YSOD?

In the YSOD below, the stacktrace (and the source file line) contain the full path to the source file. Unfortunately, the full path to the source file name contains my user name, which is firstname.lastname.
I want to keep the YSOD, as well as the stack trace including the filename and line number (it's a demo and testing system), but the username should vanish from the sourcefile path. Seeing the file's path is also OK, but the path should be truncated at the solution root directory.
(without me having to copy-paste the solution every time to another path before publishing it...)
Is there any way to accomplish this ?
Note: Custom error pages aren't an option.
Path is embedded in .pdb files, which are produced by the compiler. The only way to change this is to build your project in some other location, preferably somewhere near the build server.
Never mind, I found it out myself.
Thanks to Anton Gogolev's statement that the path is in the pdb file, I realized it is possible.
One can do a binary search-and-replace on the pdb file, and replace the username with something else.
I quickly tried using this:
and it worked (on 50% of the pdb files).
So mind the crap, that code-snippet in the link seems to be buggy.
But the concept seems to work.
I now use this code:
public static void SizeUnsafeReplaceTextInFile(string strPath, string strTextToSearch, string strTextToReplace)
byte[] baBuffer = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(strPath);
List<int> lsReplacePositions = new List<int>();
System.Text.Encoding enc = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
byte[] baSearchBytes = enc.GetBytes(strTextToSearch);
byte[] baReplaceBytes = enc.GetBytes(strTextToReplace);
var matches = SearchBytePattern(baSearchBytes, baBuffer, ref lsReplacePositions);
if (matches != 0)
foreach (var iReplacePosition in lsReplacePositions)
for (int i = 0; i < baReplaceBytes.Length; ++i)
baBuffer[iReplacePosition + i] = baReplaceBytes[i];
} // Next i
} // Next iReplacePosition
} // End if (matches != 0)
System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(strPath, baBuffer);
Array.Clear(baBuffer, 0, baBuffer.Length);
Array.Clear(baSearchBytes, 0, baSearchBytes.Length);
Array.Clear(baReplaceBytes, 0, baReplaceBytes.Length);
baBuffer = null;
baSearchBytes = null;
baReplaceBytes = null;
} // End Sub ReplaceTextInFile
Replace firstname.lastname with something that has equally many characters, for example "Poltergeist".
Now I only need to figure out how to run the binary search and replace as a post-build action.
