CSS not overriding unless I use inspect tool - css

I'm getting a little confused by a CSS question I've got on a WP site I'm working on.
There's a theme installed which always includes a header class on each new page (.title-banner) and I want to hide this on this one specific page. I don't have access to the stylesheets so I just wanted to use CSS to hide the element on this one page, using display: none;, however it won't work if I put it within a tag directly on my page. If I apply the CSS in the inspect tool, it does however work.
Is there a way I can get this to register by using on-page CSS rather than within the stylesheet, as this isn't an option? I know display: none; and !important isn't ideal but I don't know any other way to achieve this.

You need to be more specific to override existing CSS.
You can add this to your theme, or by going to "Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS" from your wp-admin.
Replace the Page ID with the page ID of your page... You can find it by looking at the admin page ID, or inspecting the <body> tag. Wordpress puts the page-id-xxx class in the body of every page, allowing you to override specific CSS on a page by page basis.
/* Replace Page ID with your page id */
.page-id-336 .title-banner {
display: none;

Use this;
window.addEventListener("load", function(){
document.getElementsByClassName('class_of_your_element').style.display = 'none !important';

You should try Javascript. I think your CSS styles are getting overridden by some default ones.
Use this;
document.querySelector('.title-banner').style.display = 'none';


How do I show a div on fancybox load

I have a page that contains CSS that hides a div class
.sectiondiv.showhide {
display: none;
But when loading the same page within a fancybox iframe I'd like to have that same content to be visible. I've tried the following CSS in the jquery.fancybox.css but that doesn't help. Any suggestions for this fix?
Why don`t you simply check if page is inside fancyBox iframe and just add custom CSS if needed? You can create links like 'mypage.html?fancyboxed=true' to make checking easier.
Another solution would be to use aferLoad callback to access iframe contents and do some modifications.
This is how you can access some element within iframe:

Wordpress styling extra margin

I'm working on a Wordpress site and I'm quite new to this framework. There's some CSS on my page that's causing each "row of content" to have a 35px margin between it. This appears to be in a css class called wpb_row in a js_composer.css file. I'm not sure if this is some standard CSS class for Wordpress or if there's a global "have margin between each layer of content" setting.
Unfortunately I don't have 10 rep so I can't post an image of the page that's causing the issue but I can link to an image of where the issue is http://i.imgur.com/vEyznRn.png?1 and the url for the site is http://am12.siteground.biz/~youbambu/ecorecycling/
What's the best way to override a CSS class within Wordpress from a standard point of view? I've tried adding custom css to override this and remove the margin-bottom: 35px; in Appearence->Editor->Stylesheet.
Is it possible to either override this CSS in one global area? I'm using a theme called Picasso in wordpress if that's any help, but I don't see how to override this CSS.
To overrride the css use !important. So adding the following to your stylesheet should remove the margin bottom:
.vc_row.wpb_row.vc_row-fluid {
margin-bottom: 0 !important;
Is it possible to either override this CSS in one global area? I'm using a theme called >>Picasso in wordpress if that's any help, but I don't see how to override this CSS.
I would be careful editing/modifying there because I suspect you will lose these changes/modifications on theme updates (which Picasso auto updates).
The theme has a designated place located at Theme Options > Tools > Custom CSS. The adjustments you add here are loaded on every page, just like the stylesheet in editor. Furthermore, these changes are not cleared upon update.
Just my two cents, hope it helps.
You can easily achieve this goal. This is not a WordPress standard or something.
you can edit js_composer.css and change what you want. OR
you can override this css rule adding a new role after js_composer.css loads. Something like:
.wpb_row { margin-bottom: 0px!important }

How to add CSS to a specific div class - WordPress

I am using a Wordpress theme named KALLYAS, and I am having trouble adding CSS to a specific class. This theme uses multiple shortcodes. So lets say I want to add a background with CSS to the gray area on the homepage only WITHOUT EFFECTING THE GRAY AREA ON ANY OTHER PAGE. also how would I go about adding CSS to a shortcode on a specific page aswell? I am guessing it is same way.
That worked because if you notice on the code in the theme preview it says :
<body class="**home** page page-id-17 page-template-default res1170" data-twttr-rendered="true">
it would also work if you used any of them like :
.page-id-17 .greyarea { color:#ccc }
.home.page-id-17 .greyarea { color:#ccc }
You need to scope your CSS if you want it to just display on one page. Grab a unique class or ID from a parent on that page, and place that in front of your css selector.
.uniqueClass .greyarea { color:#ccc }

Targeting a single HTML element with CSS in Drupal 7

I would like to re-style the page title (h1) on just one particular page (node) of a Drupal 7 site. What is the best way of targeting a single HTML element with CSS on a particular page?
Obviously, I want the page title on all other pages to be unaffected.
I am using a sub-theme of Bartik, if it make any difference.
Normally in most of the themes classes are added to the body tag. Unless you are using themes like mothership where you can force it to remove such classes, these can be pretty much handy. Even mothership provides a settings to enable/disable populating of body tag with such classes.
Use inspect element in chrome or Firebug in Firefox or Developer Toolbar in IE to look for the class that represent something like <content_type>-<entity-type>-<id> in <body> tag in the page you want to theme. For example page-node-12
An example output for omega theme is as below
<body class="html not-front logged-in page-node page-node- page-node-8 node-type-page context-page admin-menu coffee-processed omega-mediaqueries-processed alpha-debug-processed responsive-layout-wide">
An example body tag output for Bartic theme,
<body class="html not-front logged-in no-sidebars page-node page-node- page-node-33 node-type-team-member admin-menu coffee-processed">
then find the specific selector for your node title, which would be like say #page-title or in case it doesn't have an id figure out some rule to select it so its unique in a page. For example .page h1.title
Now you can use,
body.page-node-12 #page-title {
/* your css rule */
body.page-node-12 .page h1.title {
/* your css rule */

same css class work different on different url

In my site I am stick with some CMS. In my cms there is some sticky layout.
Now My client needs two different look on it.
So when I am on "homepage" my DIV class test show different and when I am on other page so that same class work different.
This is for home page
.test {
some data
This is for Other Page
.test {
some data
some data
So is there any way to make condition in css that if my URL is homepage so call this otherwise call this.
You should add a custom class on your body, like the page name.
<body class="home">
<body class="my_page">
Then you can have a different style for each one.
.home .test {
background: red;
.my_page .test {
background: blue;
You can't use CSS to detect the URL. So, you'll need to detect the URL with JavaScript (like this), or better, detect it on the backend.
Same css wont work differently for different pages(URLs), One way you can do is changing the inline styles with JavaScript. But it will be painful if you suppose to change a whole style-sheet.
Other way is, it is more than detecting the URL, you need to change the style-sheets dynamically for different pages. Different style-sheets may have same classes but with different styles.
Therefore, create separate style-sheets and apply dynamically.
You can get some idea about changing style-sheets dynamically here
You could use JavaSctipt to detect the URL, and then again use JavaScript to add an extra class to the body if you are on the home page. You then write separate CSS styles for elements contained within this new class.
