Extract nested properties from an array of objects - jq

I have the following JSON file :
"filter": [
"id": "id_1",
"criteria": {
"from": "mail#domain1.com",
"subject": "subject_1"
"action": {
"addLabelIds": [
"removeLabelIds": [
"id": "id_2",
"criteria": {
"from": "mail#domain2.com",
"subject": "subject_1"
"action": {
"addLabelIds": [
"removeLabelIds": [
And I would like to extract emails values : mail#domain1.com and mail#domain2.com
I have tried this command:
jq --raw-output '.filter[] | select(.criteria.from | test("mail"; "i")) | .id'
But does not work, I get this error :
jq: error (at <stdin>:1206): null (null) cannot be matched, as it is
not a string exit status 5
Another point : how to display the value of "id" key, where "from" key value = mail#domain1.com ?
So in my file id = id_1
Do you have an idea ?

If you only need to extract the emails from .criteria.from then this filter is enough as far as I can tell:
jq --raw-output '.filter[].criteria.from' file.json
If some objects don't have a criteria object then you can filter out nulls with:
jq --raw-output '.filter[].criteria.from | select(. != null)' file.json
If you want to keep the emails equal to "mail#domain1.com":
jq --raw-output '.filter[].criteria.from | select(. == "mail#domain1.com")' file.json
If you want to keep the emails that start with "mail#":
jq --raw-output '.filter[].criteria.from | select(. != null) | select(startswith("mail#"))' file.json

I would like to extract emails values
There is a wide spectrum of possible answers, with these
amongst the least specific with respect to where in the JSON the email addresses occur:
.. | objects | .from | select(type=="string")
.. | strings | select(test("#([a-z0-9]+[.])+[a-z]+$"))


jq - Get objects with latest date

Json looks like this:
cat test.json |jq -r ".nodes[].run_data"
"id": "1234",
"status": "PASSED",
"penultimate_status": "PASSED",
"id": "4321",
"status": "PASSED",
"penultimate_status": "UNKNOWN",
"end_time": "2020-10-14T13:52:57Z"
I want to get "status" and "end_time" of the newest run. Unfortunately the order is not fix. Meaning the newest run can be first in the list, but also last or in the middle...
Use sort_by to bring the items in order, then extract the last item:
jq '
| sort_by(.end_time) | last
| {status, end_time}
' test.json
"status": "PASSED",
"end_time": "2022-02-28T09:50:05Z"
To get the fields in another format, replace {status, end_time} with your format, e.g. "\(.end_time): Status \(.status)", and set the -r flag as this isn't JSON anymore but raw text.
You can use transpose to map each object with its end_time.
Here I have converted end_time to seconds since Unix epoch and outputted the object with largest seconds value (this is the newest).
[. | map(.end_time | strptime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") | mktime), [.[0], .[1]]]
| transpose[]
| .[1] += {secs: .[0]} | .[1]
| sort_by(.secs) | last
| {status, end_time}
"status": "PASSED",
"end_time": "2022-02-28T09:50:05Z"

jq: list users belonging to a specific group in array

input json:
"user": "u1"
"user": "u2",
"groups": [
"id": "100001",
"name": "G1"
"id": "100002",
"name": "G2"
"user": "u3",
"groups": [
"id": "100001",
"name": "G1"
I want to find all users belonging to specific group (searching by group name or group id in the groups array)
$ jq -r '.[]|select(.groups[].name=="G1" | .user)' json
jq: error (at json:27): Cannot iterate over null (null)
Desired output format when searching of example group G1 would be:
Additional question:
Is it possible to produce comma-separated output u2,u3 without using external utilities like tr?
Better enter your serach data from parameters using --arg and use any to avoid duplicate outputs if both inputs match:
jq -r --arg id "" --arg name "G1" '
.[] | select(.groups | map(.id == $id or .name == $name) | any)? | .user
Using ? as the Optional Object Identifier-Index operator, you could do a select as below
map(select(.groups[].name == "G1")? | .user)
and un-wrap the results from the array by using [] at the end of the filter. To combine multiple selection conditions use the boolean operators with and/or inside the select statement
See demo on jqplay

Transforming a list of objects into a table in Kusto

I am trying to get the json data (in form of a list of key-value pairs) in one of my data table cells and convert that into a dynamic table of sorts.
| where id == "xyz"
| project telem_obj
The data in the telem_obj cell is of the format
"Value": "SomeKey01",
"Key": "0"
"Value": "SomeKey02",
"Key": "1"
My end objective is to get a table of the form;
|Key | Value |
|SomeValue01 | 0 |
|SomeValue02 | 1 |
I have managed to do this by taking out the static data and creating atable out of it.
print EnumVals = dynamic(
"Value": "SomeKey01",
"Key": "0"
"Value": "SomeKey02",
"Key": "1"
| mvexpand EnumVals
| evaluate bag_unpack(EnumVals)
I am not sure how can I go about taking result of my query, extracting this list of json objects from it and convert it into a new dynamic table. I cannot find any example which works on a list of objects.
After a good night's sleep, i found how to do it
| take 1
| mvexpand telem_obj
| evaluate bag_unpack(telem_obj)
| project Value, Key
my mistake was I was trying to force the actual query inside a dynamic function.
print EnumVals = dynamic(
| where id == "xyz"
| project telem_obj
| mvexpand EnumVals
| evaluate bag_unpack(EnumVals)

Use jq to combine two arrays of objects on a certain key

I am trying to use jq to solve this problem.
Suppose I have the following object
"listA": [
"id": "12345",
"code": "001"
"listB": [
"id": "12345",
"prop": "AABBCC"
In reality my two lists are longer, but the id isn't repeated within each list.
How may I combine the two lists into a single list where each item is an object with the non-id properties for the given id are collected into a single object?
For example, from the object above, I'd like the following:
"listC" : [
"id": "12345",
"code": "001",
"prop": "AABBCC"
A simple way would be to concatenate the arrays, group the elements by id and map each group into a single object using add;
jq '.listA+.listB | group_by(.id) | map(add)' test.json
If there may be more than two arrays you need to merge in the file, you could instead use flatten to concatenate all of them.
Test case below
# cat test.json
"listA": [
{ "id": "12345", "code": "001" },
{ "id": "12346", "code": "002" }
"listB": [
{ "id": "12345", "prop": "AABBCC" }
# jq 'flatten | group_by(.id) | map(add)' test.json
# or
# jq '.listA+.listB | group_by(.id) | map(add)' test.json
"id": "12345",
"code": "001",
"prop": "AABBCC"
"id": "12346",
"code": "002"
Using group_by entails a sort, which is unnecessary, so if efficiency is a concern, then an alternative approach such as the following should be considered:
INDEX(.listA[]; .id) as $one
| INDEX(.listB[]; .id) as $two
| reduce ($one|keys_unsorted[]) as $k ($two; .[$k] += $one[$k])
| {listC: [.[]] }

Jq getting output from nested hash

Hi I am trying to parse below hash with jq
"name": "a",
"data": [
"sensitive": false,
"type": "string",
"value": "mykeypair"
"sensitive": false,
"type": "int",
"value": 123
and get output like
I am able to get output like this
jq solution:
jq -r '.name as $n | .data[] | [$n, .type, .value] | #csv' file.json
The output:
If it's mandatory to output unquoted values:
jq -r '.name as $n | .data[] | [$n, .type, "\(.value)"] | join(",")' file.json
The output:
