How to make a checking function in R having the same style of output as devtools::check - r

I would like to make a function checking different aspects of a complex list that is outputted by one of my functions. This is to help parametrise this function; there are a lot of parameters influencing the output, and adapting the parametrisation to have the best-fitted output implies a lot of trial and error for the user. In order to facilitate that I would like to make a 'check' function, providing different quantified and logical tests of the output. Ideally, I would like it to have the same style as the output given by devtools::check() or devtools::build(), like this:
I tried to go inside the devtools::check() or devtools::build() functions, but could not find what they use to have this kind of output. Is it possible to have it for the task I have described ?

Try to use cat inside your function in this way to map and show update on the function:
cat("checking for file\n")
checking for file
Differents colours and palette could be added using package colorout.
This is the pattern used inside devtools package:
cat_rule(left = "Building", right = pkg$package, col = "cyan")


A note on graphics::curve() in R CMD check

I use the following code in my own package.
graphics::curve( foo (x) )
When I run R CMD check, it said the following note.How do I delete the NOTE?
> checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE
foo: no visible binding for global variable 'x'
Undefined global functions or variables:
Edit for the answers:
I try the answer as follows.
graphics::curve( sin(x) )
But it did not work. So,..., now, I use the following code, instead
x <-1 # This is not used but to avoid the NOTE, I use an object "x".
graphics::curve( sin(x) )
The last code can remove the NOTE.
Huuum, I guess, the answer is correct, but, I am not sure but it dose not work for me.
Two things:
This can be added in a file of its own (e.g., globals.R), or (my technique) within the file that contains that code.
It is not an error to include the same named variables in multiple files, so the same-file technique will preclude you from accidentally removing it when you remove one (but not another) reference. From the help docs: "Repeated calls in the same package accumulate the names of the global variables".
This must go outside of any function declarations, on its own (top-level). While it is included in the package source (it needs to be, in order to have an effect on the CHECK process), but otherwise has no impact on the package.
to your package NAMESPACE file, since you are now using that function (unless you want another CHECK warning about objects not found in the global environment :-).

Externally set default argument of a function from a package

I am building a package with functions that have default arguments. I would like to find a clean way to set the values of the default arguments once the function has been imported.
My first attempt was to set the default values to unknown objects (within the package). Then when I load the package, I would have a external script that would assign a value to the unknown objects.
But it does not seem very clean since I am compiling a function with an unknown object.
My issue is that I will need other people to use the functions, and since they have many arguments I want to keep the code as concise as possible. And many arguments can be set by a configuration script before running the program.
So, for instance, I define in my package:
function_try <- function(x = VAL){
I compile the package and load it, and then I have an external script that does (or reading from a config file)
VAL <- "hello"
And then a user of the function can just run
I would use options for that. So your function looks like:
function_try <- function(x = getOption("mypackage.default.value")) x
In your external script you make sure that the option value is set:
options(mypackage.default.value = "hello")
IMHO that is a clean solution, because anybody reading your function will see at first sight that a certain options value is used as a default and has also a clear understanding of how to overwrite this value if needed.
I would also define a fall back value in your library onLoad to make sure that the value is defined in the first place. You can then even react in your functions to this fallback value and issue a meaningful warning if the function realizes that the the external script did for whatever reason not provide a new value.

utils::globalVariables(.) not applicable to R CMD CHECK note:no visible binding for global variable '.' [duplicate]

I noticed in checking a package that I obtain notes "no visible binding for global variable" when I use functions like subset that use verbatim names of list elements as arguments.
For example with a data frame:
foo <- data.frame(a=c(TRUE,FALSE,TRUE),b=1:3)
I can do silly things like:
Which work as expected. The R code check in R CMD however doesn't understand that these refer to elements and complains about there not being any visible bindings of global variables.
While this works ok, I don't really like having notes in my package and prefer for it to pass the check with no errors, warnings and notes at all. I also don't really want to rework my code too much. Is there a way to write these codes so that it is clear the arguments do not refer to global variables?
To get it past R CMD check you can either :
Use get("b") (but that is onerous)
Place a=b=NULL somewhere higher up in your function (that's what I do)
There was a thread on r-devel a while ago where somebody from r-core basically said (from memory) "NOTES are ok, you know. The assumption is that the author checked it and is ok with the NOTE.". But, I agree with you. I do prefer to have CRAN checks return a clean "OK" on all platforms. That way the user is left in no doubt that it passes checks ok.
Here is the r-devel thread I was remembering (from April 2010). So that appears to suggest that there are some situations where there is no known way to avoid the NOTE, but that's ok.
This is one of the potential "unanticipated consequences" of using subset non-interactively. As it says in the Warning section of ?subset:
This is a convenience function intended for use interactively. For
programming it is better to use the standard subsetting functions like
‘[’, and in particular the non-standard evaluation of argument
‘subset’ can have unanticipated consequences.
From R version 2.15.1 onwards there is a way around this:
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") utils::globalVariables(c("a", "othervar"))
As per the warning section of ?subset it is better to use subset interactively, and [ for programming.
I would replace a command like
or if foo is a dataframe:
foo[foo$a, ]
you might also like to use with if foo is a dataframe and the expression to be evaluated is complex:
with(foo, foo[a, ])
I had this issue and traced it to my ggplot2 section.
This code provided the error:
ggplot2::ggplot(data = spec.df, ggplot2::aes(E.avg, fraction)) +
ggplot2::geom_line() +
Adding the data name to the parameters eliminated the not:
ggplot2::ggplot(data = spec.df, ggplot2::aes(spec.df$E.avg, spec.df$fraction)) +
ggplot2::geom_line() +

Problems with reassignInPackage

I am trying to understand the way the YourCast R package works and make it work with my data.
For example, if a function produces errors, I
get the source code of that function using YourCast:::bad.fn
add outputs of critical
values at critical stages
use reassignInPackage(name="original.fn", package="YourCast", value="my.fn")
Once I find the cause of the error, I fix it in the function and reassign it in the package.
However, for some strange reason this does not work for non-hidden functions.
For example:
This will print the hidden function check.depvar. One line if (all(ix == 1:3)) will produce an error message if any of the x is missing.
Thus, I change the whole function to the following and replace the original formula:
mzuba.check.depvar <- function(formula)
return (grepl("log[(]",as.character(formula)[2]))
Now YourCast:::check.depvar will print my version of that function, and everything is fine.
YourCast::yourcast or YourCast:::yourcast or simply yourcast will print the non-hidden function yourcast. Suppose I want to change that function as well.
Now, YourCast::yourcast and YourCast:::yourcast will print the new, modified version but yourcast still gives the old version!
That might not a problem if I could simply call YourCast::yourcast instead of yourcast, but that produces some kind of error that I can't trace back because suddenly R-Studio does not print error messages at all anymore!, although it still does something if it is capable to:
> Uagh! do something!
> 1 + 1
[1] 2
> Why no error msg?
Restarting the R-session will solve the error-msg problem, though.
So my question is: How do I reassign non-hidden functions in packages?
Furthermore (this would faciliate testing a lot), is there a way to make all hidden functions available without using the ::: operator? I.e., How to export all functions from a package?

No visible binding for global variable Note in R CMD check

I noticed in checking a package that I obtain notes "no visible binding for global variable" when I use functions like subset that use verbatim names of list elements as arguments.
For example with a data frame:
foo <- data.frame(a=c(TRUE,FALSE,TRUE),b=1:3)
I can do silly things like:
Which work as expected. The R code check in R CMD however doesn't understand that these refer to elements and complains about there not being any visible bindings of global variables.
While this works ok, I don't really like having notes in my package and prefer for it to pass the check with no errors, warnings and notes at all. I also don't really want to rework my code too much. Is there a way to write these codes so that it is clear the arguments do not refer to global variables?
To get it past R CMD check you can either :
Use get("b") (but that is onerous)
Place a=b=NULL somewhere higher up in your function (that's what I do)
There was a thread on r-devel a while ago where somebody from r-core basically said (from memory) "NOTES are ok, you know. The assumption is that the author checked it and is ok with the NOTE.". But, I agree with you. I do prefer to have CRAN checks return a clean "OK" on all platforms. That way the user is left in no doubt that it passes checks ok.
Here is the r-devel thread I was remembering (from April 2010). So that appears to suggest that there are some situations where there is no known way to avoid the NOTE, but that's ok.
This is one of the potential "unanticipated consequences" of using subset non-interactively. As it says in the Warning section of ?subset:
This is a convenience function intended for use interactively. For
programming it is better to use the standard subsetting functions like
‘[’, and in particular the non-standard evaluation of argument
‘subset’ can have unanticipated consequences.
From R version 2.15.1 onwards there is a way around this:
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") utils::globalVariables(c("a", "othervar"))
As per the warning section of ?subset it is better to use subset interactively, and [ for programming.
I would replace a command like
or if foo is a dataframe:
foo[foo$a, ]
you might also like to use with if foo is a dataframe and the expression to be evaluated is complex:
with(foo, foo[a, ])
I had this issue and traced it to my ggplot2 section.
This code provided the error:
ggplot2::ggplot(data = spec.df, ggplot2::aes(E.avg, fraction)) +
ggplot2::geom_line() +
Adding the data name to the parameters eliminated the not:
ggplot2::ggplot(data = spec.df, ggplot2::aes(spec.df$E.avg, spec.df$fraction)) +
ggplot2::geom_line() +
