Google Nest Camera Access - nest-device-access

Can we access nest camera from different location. E.g We have shop in different cities with Nest camera installed. Can I have control/Access to all the camera from main office with Google Device access API.

When you access the API of a Google/Nest device it is a Cloud API and not locally in the camera.
So yes you can access the API anywhere.


Get access to clients data using API

Is it possible to make a platform where client can sign up and log in using their Google accounts, and accept that their Google Analytics data will be used for calculations.
They should accept the use only once, and then the program should download and process the Google Analytics data every day.
Please point me in the correct direction for documentation
Yes, you need to create a project in Google Cloud Platform, then go to : API and Services > Library > Google Analytics API. (This is to get analytics from an user). Then you need to create a project inside Firebase, allowing email authentication and you will be able to do your task.

How to unblock traffic from a country in google cloud platform

I created a wordpress website on google cloud platform.
I bought my domain from google domains.
But people in some countries cannot access my website, they have to use VPN.
Is there any way to unblock that countries?
Unfortunately there's no way to unblock traffic. It's not a Google's decision, but US government'. For more information have a look at the documentation Google Cloud Platform Territory List and Countries or regions where Google Workspace is available. As a result, VPN is the only option.

Looking for Google Map API

I am looking for Google location API where I can get user's location. I know I can get user location from Geolocation API. But my requirement is little bit different.
For example, I am writing a access control policy which give my client/consumer access to some resource based on my location not based on client's location. I can get client's location by Geolocation API but how my web app can get my location ?
Is there any Google Map API to delegate my location information from google maps to my developed web app ?
Any suggestion will be highly appreciable.
You can check this one
Google Map Geolocation API
P.S or do you really need the source code for a geolocation web based?

Can I store Lat and Long for searching from Google Map

I put a screen in my app to allow the user can enter their location. They can use their current location or an address. The screen will have a google map, the user can pin an address on the map. I wish to store the location(lat/long) from Map or Google Geolocation from Google API. Using those lat/long in sql search in another screen without google map. Is it against the google map terms and conditions?
From the official ToS:
No caching or storage. You will not pre-fetch, cache, index, or store
any Content to be used outside the Service, except that you may store
limited amounts of Content solely for the purpose of improving the
performance of your Maps API Implementation due to network latency
(and not for the purpose of preventing Google from accurately tracking
usage), and only if such storage:
is temporary (and in no event more than 30 calendar days);
is secure;
does not manipulate or aggregate any part of the Content or Service; and
does not modify attribution in any way.
Paragraph 10.5 d

Which set of modules must I use to add a google map linked to an address in Drupal?

Which modules can I use to add a google map to a node with a address entered by a user, so that the location shows on the map? (i'm asking, because I tried a few and could never find one that worked straight off the bat)
Am I allowed to just use google maps?
Will the Google Map API work from my local machine, or will it only work once it's online acting from the registered website address?
You should be able to get what you want using the two following modules :
The GMap module provides an interface
to the Google Maps API within Drupal.
It integrates with the Location module
to provide users a clickable map for
entering latitude and longitude, as
well as to display maps of Drupal
nodes and users.
The Location module allows real-world
geographic locations to be associated
with Drupal nodes, including people,
places, and other content. The
Location module allows admins to
collect addresses, geocode them
(translate addresses to
lattitude/longitude), and associate
locations with Drupal nodes and users.
About your question 3) :
you can get one API key for your production website, and others for your other environments (like dev, test, staging, ...)
if you don't have the right API key (in dev, for instance), you'll have a not-nice JS alert each time a map loads -- but it should still be displayed.
You can take a look at this entry from Google maps's FAQ : How does the Google Maps APIs key system work?
