Counting unique post view by uid - firebase

I am trying to build a mobile app which has a NewsBulletin feature using a NoSQL Cloud Firestore. I am trying to get the unique post view by keeping the user's uid into an array called "views" and count it by getting the length of the array. Is this recommendable or are there other better solution for this? Thank you
Currently this is the structure of my database:

I like your solution as it is easy to implement. You don't actually have to manually check for duplicate uids, as firestore has a built in feature that does that for you.
Here is an example:
'views': FieldValue.arrayUnion([viewerUid]),
FieldValue.arrayUnion will check if the contents exists in the database, and only when it does not will add the content.
Now, although I am a fan of you solution, and I do use this method for like type of feature in my own published apps, there are some limitations that you should be aware in case your app becomes super popular.
Maximum document size in firestore is 1MiB. Since firebase auth's uid is 28 characters long, that would be about 37,400 views maximum to be stored in a document ignoring other fields.
But if this is a new application, I would not worry too much about this limit. Besides, once you get close to this limit, you should have more than enough resources to pivot to another method that scales.


Changing data model in existing cloud firestore collection?

Suppose I have a users collection. The users collection has a large number of documents in it. Now in my app, I have a feature request that forces me to add or remove a field in my users collection data model. How can I add a new field or remove an existing field from all my users documents? Is there any best practice that the community recommends here?
How can I add a new field or remove an existing field from all my users documents?
While #AdityaNandardhane solution might work, please note that if you have a lot of documents, then you have a lot of update operations to perform, which also means that you have to play a lot of writes.
So the best approach would be to perform the update, only when the user reads the document. When it comes to users, most likely the details of the users are displayed on a profile screen. This means that when the users want to check the profile, before displaying the data, check for the existence of the new field. If it doesn't exist, then perform the update operation, and right after that display the data, otherwise, just display the data. This means that you'll have to pay for an update operation only when needed. It doesn't make any sense to update all documents, of all users, since there may be users that will never use their accounts anymore. So there is no need to pay for them.
As I understood, You can do the following thing
1. Add New Field
If you are using Firebase Functions- you can create one function and write an update query with a new field and set one default value and Run the function. You can do the same from android also with kotlin/java.
2. Remove existing Field
If you are using Firebase Functions- you can create one function and write a query to delete one field and Run the function. You can do the same from android also with kotlin/java.
Look for a better approach If any, Its suggestion as per my knowledge.

Best way to save multiple collections under one user UID

I am writing an app where there is not a lot of interaction with other users. Set and retrieve your own data only.
In Firebase Firestore how could I model this so that everything fits under a users UID?
Something that would look like this?
If I want to achieve something like this, then I need to create another UID:
This feels a bit off to me.
Is this wrong? Would it be better if I moved every subcollection into its own collection?
Is this faster / more efficient?
Any help is appreciated!
The most common approaches for me:
Store the profile information, settings and weather in the user document (your {uid}) itself. This most common for the profile information, but it's always worth considering for other types too: do they really need to be in their own documents?
Have a default name for a single subcollection for each user, and then have each information type as a document with a known name in there. So /users/$uid/documents/profile, /users/$uid/documents/settings, and /users/$uid/documents/weather. So now each information type is in a separate document, meaning you can for example secure access to them individually.
If the information for a certain type is repeated, I'd put that in documents in a known/named subcollection. So if there are many weathers, you'd get /users/$uid/weather/$weatherdocs. So with this you can now have an endless set of the specific type of information.
Neither of these is pertinently better/worse, as it all depends on the use-cases of your app.
There will be performance differences between these approaches, as they require a different number of network requests. If this is a concern for your app, I'd recommend testing all approaches above to measure their relative performance against your requirements.

Best way to filter out a subset of document IDs with firebase/firestore JS SDK?

I wanted to get some community consensus on how to achieve the following with the Firebase JS SDK (e.g., in React):
Suppose I have a collection users and I wanted to paginate users that do not have document IDs matching a subset of IDs (O(100-1000)). This subset of excluded IDs is dynamic based on the authenticated user.
It seems the not in query only supports up to 10 entries, so this is out of the question.
It also seems it's not possible to fetch all document IDs and filter on the client side, at least not in the 'firebase' JS SDK.
The only workaround I can think of is to have a document that keeps an array of all users document IDs, pull that document locally and perform the filtering/pagination logic locally. The limitation here is that a document can be at most 1MB, so realistically the single document can store at most O(10K) IDs.
Firestore has a special bunch of methods for pagination which may be useful for you. Those are called "query cursors".
You can use them to define the start point startAt() or startAfter() and to define an end point endAt() or endBefore(). Additionally, if needed, those can be combined with limit method.
I strongly encourage you to check this tutorial. Here you can find a quick video explaining the matter and lot of examples in all popular languages.

Modeling one to one chat on firebase

I'm building a one to one messaging feature the intent behind is the following:
There is a unique project and people (two or more) can chat about the project so we can think a project is a room, I've been looking to different modeling structures the most common is something like the following:
- projectId (room)
- messages
posted (timestamp)
But I've been thinking in a flat structure something like
The chat feature is going to have a huge impact on the web app I'm building, being said that is quite important to make the right desition (I'm sure there is no always a right or wrong but consider the purpose of the chat)
Just some questions that come to my mind:
are there any implications in performance by using a flat structure?
what are the advantages of using a nested structure like the mentioned in example #1
which solution is cheaper? (reads/writes)
There are befenits from both the solutions you proposed. Let's dive into them:
performance: they are pretty similar from this point of view. In fact, if you want to get a chat from Firestore, in the second case simply make a query for the messages of a particular chat and parse the required information from the first document you receive (since in each message you have the userID, name, profilePicture, etc ...). With the first approach this operation is straightforward since you already asking for a Chat document.
structure: the first solution is the one that I prefer because it's clear what it does and since Firestore is schemaless it enforces a clear design. With the second approach you are basically flattening your DB but you are also exposing your messages to privacy issues. In fact, setting up rules in the first case is pretty straightforward, simply let the users access only the chats they are involved in. But in this case, all the users can, "possibly", read each other messages which should not be something which you want.
cost: this basically depends on what you will do with these documents. In fact, the cost of Firestore either depended on the number of documents read/written but also on the amount of data you store. Here, the first solution is clearly better since you are not adding redundancy for fields like profilePicture, name, userID, etc ... This fields logically belong to the Chat entity, and not to its messages.
I hope this helps since properly setting up a database is vital for any good project.

What's the most scalable and performant solution to store chat logs on firebase realtime database?

I'm working on a chat client using the firebase realtime database as the database. The way that it currently works is that it saves a chat log between two people in a chat collection with each entry in the following format <uid>-<uid>. This works great as it just looks your uid and the uid of the person you want to chat with and then sorts them, so it's always a consistent format and then it looks if that entry exists on the chat collection and if so, it just adds to that entry. Otherwise it creates a new one.
This works awesome. I'm trying to think ahead though if we want to be able to have multiple people talk together like in slack. I could just add 3 or even 4 people's uid as the key but eventually it's going to be insanely long. The limitation of a firebase key is 768 Bytes. Apparently that's somewhere between 500 and 700 characters. I doubt we will have the key get that long, but if we can figure out a solution that is more scalable now and won't require us to fix our data later, i'd rather do that.
I was thinking that each chat entry could have a participants array with the uid's of all the users in that chat. Then if you want to chat with someone, we would need to query all chat entries and check the arrays in each of them for the current user uid and the uid of the person(s) they want to chat with. That doesn't seem very efficient though.
Any thoughts on which implementation is better / more scalable / performant? Or perhaps a suggestion for another implementation?
How about simply using the hash of the resulting concatenation of UIDs?
Come up with your own unique room key, e.g. using a push ID.
create a new top-level node with chatroom-keys and store the concatenated UID as the value there:
push-id1: uid1-uid2-uid3
push-id2: uid1-uid2-uid3-uid4-uid5-uid6
push-id3: uid3-uid4-uid5-uid6-uid7-uid8-uid8-uid10
In this structure you can look up the room key for a set of participants by:
