wwwroot is not displayed in visual studio solution - asp.net

I am building a web application.
I would like to place a html.index file in the wwwroot directory of my project solution to be able to build. However, wwwroot directory does not show in visual studio 2019.
Does anybody understand why this is happening


How to open a .publishproj file in Visual Studio 2017?

I just simple know that is a published project, but how to open that file as a project? Here is the story, I got a file from a contractor with all the project and the pages and I would like to check the code and run the project from Visual Studio 2017.
Sorry about my ignorance and thanks in advance.
You can't.
What you can do though is create an ASP.Net Project (e.g. .csproj) and then right-click on a folder or the root of that Project and select "Add Existing Web Site...". This adds your site to that solution.
Note that .publishproj projects ("Web Site" Projects, aka "Web Applications") are not really compiled/built. (Though they can be pre-compiled, but that's not the same thing).
Web Sites are "published" not "built". Note that publish profiles (.pubxml) files are stored in /App_Data/PublishProfiles folder and work very much the same as .csProj files. In fact MSBuild will recognize some of the same elements, such as <task> and <using>. You just have to manually add them.

visual studio 2005 compile website

How can I compile website (not web project) using visual studio 2005?
Whenever I compile, those dll for the website app_code is not found in my website bin folder, but instead, in a temporary dll folder (C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files).
Is there anyway for me to have the compiled dll in the bin folder?
you can use publish web site feature:
In the publish Properties, check "Use fixed naming and single page assemblies".

MVC: Visual Studio Publish Web dialog cannot find my application's Views

I am using these steps to publish my ASP.NET MVC 4 application using Visual Studio 2010 on IIS 7.5 running on a 64-bit Windows 7 Professional machine.
When I click the Publish button on the wizard after entering the values, it reports a single error that reads:
Copying file Views\Shared\Error.cshtml
to obj\Debug\Package\PackageTmp\Views\Shared\Error.cshtml failed.
Could not find file 'Views\Shared\Error.cshtml'.
I looked into the target folder where the wizard dumps the necessary files that will be needed to deploy the application. It turns out that the folder had the Views folder which had only the _ViewStart.cshtml of the root Views folder, but no other View. My application has at least 20 views, perhaps more.
I realized that it was my fault. The local copy of my project had the file Error.cshtml in the Views\Shared folder. However, the TFS copy of the project file did not. Apparently, the file had been excluded from the project at some stage.
I excluded the file from my project locally and ran the build and it worked.
In my case the problem was that the file was in the solution but didn't actually exist on the local file system.
For me, this problem occurred when I moved a file (via explorer) from the shared folder to another folder.
I added the file in visual studio, but did not "delete" the file from the shared folder (as far as visual studio was concerned).
For some reason, visual studio did not put a little flag or warning sign to tell me the expected file was missing (even after a refresh), so I didn't notice (although trying to open the missing file revealed the problem).
The error message is clear, and self explanatory. I just couldn't understand it for some reason.

Visual Studio 2010 doesn't deploy App_Theme folder

I have a simple web app project in Visual Studio 2010 (converted from 2008 project). For some reason when I publish the app, Visual Studio doesn't copy the App_Theme -folder to the publish destination folder. This will cause the app to fail when deployed to production environment.
App_Theme is considered as "system" folder by VS (shown as grey), which means that I can't manually set it's publish properties.
Can anyone tell me how to get VS to copy App_Theme -folder when deploying?
I had same problem, located and deleted TEMP folders with cached data about publish, and then publish gone fine.
%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\1.0\Cache
Hope this will save time for next people, hitting this problem.
I think Visual Studio has a cache file in the root directory where it tracks what files/folders have already been published. If you nuke that file, it should do a full publish again.

What are the pitfalls of combining a web site project with a web application project in Visual Studio?

I have a web site project with a lot of files, it has become really slow to build. What I want to do is to create a web application project, and in Explorer add all the files to it, including the Bin folder. In Visual Studio I will not add these files (Show All Files will show them), only new files in one new folder that I am going to work on.
There are several assemblies in the original Bin folder that I need to reference in the web application project. Also, I will include the original web.config file.
So what way am I going to regret this in a few days?
You wont have support for all the old stuff when using the Visual Studio Publish feature (I assume you wouldn't anyways).
I also would assume you wont have access to what is in your App_Code from your new web application project.
I will add an answer myself.
A rebuild in Visual Studio will clean out the bin folder...
