org.rocksdb.RocksDBException: /vdt/derived: does not exist (create_if_missing is false)
at org.rocksdb.RocksDB.open(Native Method)
at org.rocksdb.RocksDB.open(RocksDB.java:290)
Files (.sst) are present at location /vdt/derived
Need help to resolve this.
A valid RocksDB directory needs to have options file (OPTIONS-123) and manifest file (MANIFEST-234 and CURRENT) to open the sstables, just sst file is not enough.
I changed a file name from columns.tsx to columns.ts but Nextjs is still looking for the columns.tsx file. If I rename the file back to columns.tsx, it's now trying to find the columns.ts version.
This is while running next dev. I tried next build but without success.
If I make a copy of the file to have one columns.ts and one columns.tsx then it works.
Any clue as to why it happens and how to fix it?
wait - compiling...
error - ./components/ui/tables/ReactTable/columns.tsx
Error: Failed to read source code from [...]/components/ui/tables/ReactTable/columns.tsx
Caused by:
No such file or directory (os error 2)
I solved it by deleting the .next folder that includes the cache.
Using a SQL style approach to Liquibase changesets (which is our codestyle, we don't use XML) I am trying to load an CSV file using the following SQL changeset
-- changeset user:insert-prices-data-temp-table
LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'foo/src/main/resources/liquibase/changelogs/2021/prices.csv'
INTO TABLE prices_temp
When deploying the WAR file to Wildfly the following exception
foo/src/resources/liquibase/changelogs/2021/prices.csv (No such file
or directory) 2021-09-22T20:52:18.581085123Z at
java.io.FileInputStream.open0(Native Method)
2021-09-22T20:52:18.581087214Z at
2021-09-22T20:52:18.581089768Z at
2021-09-22T20:52:18.581092029Z at
2021-09-22T20:52:18.581094150Z at
The Master Change log file references the 2021 directory with the SQL and CSV file existing in the same directory.
<includeAll path="liquibase/changelogs/2021/" filter="xml" errorIfMissingOrEmpty="true" />
I have tried the following other paths but they all still yield a FileNotFoundException
(Absolute path) /home/xxxx/Work/foo-service/foo/src/main/resources/liquibase/changelogs/2021/prices.csv
Liquibase Version: 3.5.1
Wildfly Jboss Version : 21
I have checked the CSV file is present in the WAR file
Any ideas how to fix this?
The problem is that you are trying to use some mysql function LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE which doesn't know about your classpath. It's trying to look at your filesystem and such path doesn't exists. Even if you provide something like yourapp.jar!liquibase/changelogs/2021/prices.csv it won't be able to read that file. You will need to pull prices.csv out of your application to filesystem and point mysql function to that location.
Or you can use liquibase's loadData if that helps.
I am new to apertium. When I tried to generate the jar file for the language pair it gives the following error.
apertium#ap-vbox:~/lttoolbox/lttoolbox-java$ ./apertium-pack-j
cp: cannot stat
No such file or directory zip warning: name not matched:
But these files are present in the specified path.
Can you please help me to resolve this error?
I am trying to use lua to access redis values from nginx. When i execute lua files on command line there everything is ok i am able to read and write values to redis. But i when try to execute the same files from nginx by accessing a location in which access_by_lua directive is written the following error logged in error log file
no field package.preload['socket']
no file '/home/sivag/redis/redis-lua/src/socket.lua'
no file 'src/socket.lua'
no file '/home/sivag/lua/socket.lua'
no file '/opt/openresty/lualib/socket.so'
no file './socket.so'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/socket.so'
no file '/opt/openresty/luajit/lib/lua/5.1/socket.so'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/loadall.so'
What is the reason for this and how can i resolve this?
In my case I just needed to install the lua-socket package, as the socket library is not built into the default Lua installation like it is in some other languages.
You get this error because your code executes the command require("socket")
This command will search for a file with that name in several directories. If successful the content will be executed as Lua code. If it is not successful you'll end up with your error message.
In order to fix this you have to add the path containing the file either to the system variable LUA_PATH or you have to add it to the global table package.path befor you require the file.
Lua will replace ? with the name you give to require()
For example
package.path = package.path .. ";" .. thisPathContainsTheLuaFile .. "?.lua"
Please read:
I get this message from Drupal:
Warning: file_put_contents(temporary://file8vyLsO): failed to open stream: "DrupalTemporaryStreamWrapper::stream_open" call failed in file_unmanaged_save_data() (line 1900 of /home/donatelo/public_html/thenameofthesite.com/includes/file.inc).
The file could not be created.
I don't know what I did to cause this, can anyone help me?
Check File system configuration on Admin side. You need to create tmp folder make it grand 777 access, and add tmp folder path it to 'File system' configuration.