Serilog Custom Sink Formatting Issue with Serilog LogEventPropertyValue - dictionary

I'm having to create my own custom sink because none of the ones currently available give me what I need.
Issue I have is when fetching the key/value pair Value from the logEvent message in the Emit Method, the value is wrapped with quotation marks & backslashes.
I've tried converting the out value from the dictionary into a string and then removing the unwanted attributes but nothing is working for me.
Method in my Custom Sink Class:
public void Emit(LogEvent logEvent)
var properties = logEvent.Properties;
Serilog.Events.LogEventPropertyValue value;
if (properties.TryGetValue("logEventCategory", out value))
// Regex.Replace((value.ToString() ?? "").Replace("'", #"\'").Trim(), #"[\r\n]+", " "); // Not working
var notWorking = value.ToString();
var formattedValueNotWorking = value.ToString().Replace("\r\n", "\\r\\n");
It just seems that any attempted formatting of the key/value pair Value is ignored: You see that the example string value System is wrapped with a \"System\"
All I want is the actual string, not the backslashes or quotation marks that is wrapped around the string.
Creating my own sink is a hard enough task and I just want to keep things simple, have spent two days trying to understand the wider picture in message formatting but with custom sinks it gets too complicated and bloated coding for what I need. All the other standard message structure attributes are rendering OK, such as message / level / timestamp etc, it's just fine tuning the rendering of the propertie values I require in order to save these values into their own columns in my DB.

You need to unwrap the string from the enclosing ScalarValue:
// using Serilog.Events;
public void Emit(LogEvent logEvent)
var properties = logEvent.Properties;
Serilog.Events.LogEventPropertyValue value;
if (properties.TryGetValue("logEventCategory", out value) &&
value is ScalarValue sv &&
sv.Value is string rawValue)
// `rawValue` is what you're looking for

Looks like I just needed to use the correct syntax for string replace:
public void Emit(LogEvent logEvent)
var properties = logEvent.Properties;
Serilog.Events.LogEventPropertyValue value;
if (properties.TryGetValue("logEventCategory", out value))
var formattedValueWorking = value.ToString().Replace("\"", "");
var test = formattedValueWorking;


How do I create the correct KeyboardEvent objects for a given string of text?

I'd like to simulate some keyboard input by dispatching KeyboardEvent objects manually. Creating such events involves passing a key code.
Alas, I only have a given string
const text: String = "Hello";
I can easily get the char code using String::charCodeAt, but how can I get the key code? For any given character (say: "H") there may be just a single key code, a key code plus some modifier (in this case: Shift + keycode_of_h) or even multiple key codes. Is there maybe a way to get the key code for a given char code (possibly by considering the keyboard mapping of the user)?
This isn't too difficult but it will just take a little bit to set up.
First create a dictionary or Object mapping the UTF-8 values to key values like this:
var keyCodes:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
keyCodes[49] = Keyboard.NUMBER_1; //1
// add the rest of the mappings...
Then because you need to specify SHIFT
var shiftedKeyCodes:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
shiftedKeyCodes[33] = Keyboard.NUMBER_1; //!
// add the rest of the shifted mappings
Then create a utility function like this:
public function charCodeToKeyboardEvent(charCode:int):KeyboardEvent{
var event:KeyboardEvent = new KeyboardEvent(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP);
event.charCode = charCode;
event.keyCode = keyCodes[charCode];
} else if (shiftedKeyCodes[charCode]){
event.keyCode = shiftedKeyCodes[charCode];
event.shiftKey = true;
} else {
return null;
return event;
Then loop through your string and do this:
for(var i:int = 0; i < myString.length; i++){
EDIT: I updated this to use the constants on the Keyboard class so that it will work independent of device or operating system.
It turns out that I didn't need a 100% correct KeyboardEvent in the first place. Instead, there were two things I was missing:
A needs to be dispatched for plain text (like "Hello") input.
The events need to be dispatched to the embedded edit control which can be accessed using the textDisplay property.

ILGenerator. Whats wrong with this Code

I am trying to build a dynamic Property Accessor. Want something which is like really fast as close to calling the actually Property. Dont want to go the Reflection route as its very slow. So i opted to using DynamicAssembly and inject IL using ILGenerator. Below is the ILGenerator related code which seems to work
Label nulllabel = getIL.DefineLabel();
Label returnlabel = getIL.DefineLabel();
//_type = targetGetMethod.ReturnType;
if (methods.Count > 0)
getIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1); //Load the first argument
//(target object)
//Cast to the source type
getIL.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, this.mTargetType);
//Get the property value
foreach (var methodInfo in methods)
getIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, methodInfo, null);
if (methodInfo.ReturnType.IsValueType)
getIL.Emit(OpCodes.Box, methodInfo.ReturnType);
//Box if necessary
getIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_0); //Store it
So above get the first argument which is the object that contains the property. the methods collection contains the nested property if any. for each property i use EmitCall which puts the the value on the stack and then i try to box it. This works like a charm.
The only issue is if you have a property like Order.Instrument.Symbol.Name and assume that Instrument object is null. Then the code will throw an null object exception.
So this what i did, i introduced a null check
foreach (var methodInfo in methods)
getIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, methodInfo, null);
getIL.Emit(OpCodes.Brtrue_S, nulllabel);
if (methodInfo.ReturnType.IsValueType)
getIL.Emit(OpCodes.Box, methodInfo.ReturnType);
//Box if necessary
Now this code breaks saying That the object/memory is corrupted etc. So what exactly is wrong with this code. Am i missing something here.
Thanks in Advance.
Previously, if you had consecutive properties P returning string and then Q returning int, you would get something like this:
call P // returns string
call Q // requires a string on the stack, returns an int
Now you have something like this:
call P // returns string
store // stores to object
... // load, compare to null, etc.
load // loads an *object*
call Q // requires a *string* on the stack
store // stores to object *without boxing*
So I see two clear problems:
You are calling methods in such a way that the target is only known to be an object, not a specific type which has that method.
You are not boxing value types before storing them to a local of type object.
These can be solved by reworking your logic slightly. There are also a few other minor details you could clean up:
Rather than ceq followed by brtrue, just use beq.
There's no point in doing Stloc_1 followed by Ldloc_1 rather than just using the value on the stack since that local isn't used anywhere else.
Incorporating these changes, here's what I'd do:
Type finalType = null;
foreach (var methodInfo in methods)
finalType = methodInfo.ReturnType;
getIL.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, methodInfo, null);
if (!finalType.IsValueType)
getIL.Emit(OpCodes.Beq_S, nulllabel);
if (finalType.IsValueType)
getIL.Emit(OpCodes.Box, methodInfo.ReturnType);
//Box if necessary
getIL.Emit(OpCodes.Br_S, returnLabel);
Note that we can get rid of both locals since we now just duplicate the top value on the stack before comparing against null.

Change Single URL query string value

I have an ASP.NET page which takes a number of parameters in the query string:
This would display the first page of search results. Now within the rendering of that page, I want to display a set of links that allow the user to jump to different pages within the search results. I can do this simply by append &page=1 or &page=2 etc.
Where it gets complicated is that I want to preserve the input query string from the original page for every parameter except the one that I'm trying to change. There may be other parameters in the url used by other components and the value I'm trying to replace may or may not already be defined:
In this case to generate a link to the next page of results, I want to change page=1 to page=2 while leaving the rest of the query string unchanged.
Is there a builtin way to do this, or do I need to do all of the string parsing/recombining manually?
You can't modify the QueryString directly as it is readonly. You will need to get the values, modify them, then put them back together. Try this:
var nameValues = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(Request.QueryString.ToString());
nameValues.Set("page", "2");
string url = Request.Url.AbsolutePath;
string updatedQueryString = "?" + nameValues.ToString();
Response.Redirect(url + updatedQueryString);
The ParseQueryString method returns a NameValueCollection (actually it really returns a HttpValueCollection which encodes the results, as I mention in an answer to another question). You can then use the Set method to update a value. You can also use the Add method to add a new one, or Remove to remove a value. Finally, calling ToString() on the name NameValueCollection returns the name value pairs in a name1=value1&name2=value2 querystring ready format. Once you have that append it to the URL and redirect.
Alternately, you can add a new key, or modify an existing one, using the indexer:
nameValues["temp"] = "hello!"; // add "temp" if it didn't exist
nameValues["temp"] = "hello, world!"; // overwrite "temp"
nameValues.Remove("temp"); // can't remove via indexer
You may need to add a using System.Collections.Specialized; to make use of the NameValueCollection class.
You can do this without all the overhead of redirection (which is not inconsiderable). My personal preference is to work with a NameValueCollection which a querystring really is, but using reflection:
// reflect to readonly property
PropertyInfo isReadOnly = typeof(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection).GetProperty("IsReadOnly", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
// make collection editable
isReadOnly.SetValue(this.Request.QueryString, false, null);
// remove
// modify
this.Request.QueryString.Set("bar", "123");
// make collection readonly again
isReadOnly.SetValue(this.Request.QueryString, true, null);
Using this QueryStringBuilder helper class, you can grab the current QueryString and call the Add method to change an existing key/value pair...
//before: "?id=123&page=1&sessionId=ABC"
string newQueryString = QueryString.Current.Add("page", "2");
//after: "?id=123&page=2&sessionId=ABC"
Use the URIBuilder Specifically the link textQuery property
I believe that does what you need.
This is pretty arbitrary, in .NET Core at least. And it all boils down to asp-all-route-data
Consider the following trivial example (taken from the "paginator" view model I use in virtually every project):
public class SomeViewModel
public Dictionary<string, string> NextPageLink(IQueryCollection query)
* NOTE: how you derive the "2" is fully up to you
return ParseQueryCollection(query, "page", "2");
Dictionary<string, string> ParseQueryCollection(IQueryCollection query, string replacementKey, string replacementValue)
var dict = new Dictionary<string, string>()
{ replacementKey, replacementValue }
foreach (var q in query)
if (!string.Equals(q.Key, replacementKey, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
dict.Add(q.Key, q.Value);
return dict;
Then to use in your view, simply pass the method the current request query collection from Context.Request:
<a asp-all-route-data="#Model.NextPageLink(Context.Request.Query)">Next</a>

Use variable name in StringUtil.substitue in Actionscript

If I have the following code:
var value : String = StringUtil.substitute("The value {0} requested is {1}", user, value);
How can I use the variable name instead of using {0} and {1} in the code.
Please advice. Thanks.
The above code is quoted from
It says that "Also note that we’re substituting the parameters using the order, it’d would fairly easy to do a named-parameter subsitution instead (i.e. using tokens like ${var1})". Therefore, I think it may be very easy to do that, but I don't know how to do.
Looks like it's not possible. And kind of makes sense that it allows zero based ints only, since you're passing a variable number of parameters that you're not identifying (except for their relative position in the params list).
Here's a piece of code that will replace tokens by name:
public static function replacePlaceholders(input:String,replacementMap:Object):String {
// '${', followed by any char except '}', ended by '}'
return input.replace(/\${([^}]*)}/g,function():String {
return replaceEntities(arguments,replacementMap);
private static function replaceEntities(regExpArgs:Array,map:Object):String {
var entity:String = String(regExpArgs[0]);
var entityBody:String = String(regExpArgs[1]);
return (map[entityBody]) ? map[entityBody] : entity;
var test:String = "Hello there ${name}, how is the ${noun} today?";
var replacementMap:Object = {
name : "YOUR_NAME_HERE",
The format I'm using for the placeholders is ${placeholdername}, since it's safer, I think. But if you want to remove the dollar sign, change the regexp accordingly.

Accessing the object/row being edited in Dynamic Data

I'm modifying the "Edit.aspx" default page template used by ASP.NET Dynamic Data and adding some additional controls. I know that I can find the type of object being edited by looking at DetailsDataSource.GetTable().EntityType, but how can I see the actual object itself? Also, can I change the properties of the object and tell the data context to submit those changes?
Maybe you have found a solution already, however I'd like to share my expresience on this.
It turned out to be a great pita, but I've managed to obtain the editing row. I had to extract the DetailsDataSource WhereParameters and then create a query in runtime.
The code below works for tables with a single primary key. If you have compound keys, I guess, it will require modifications:
Parameter param = null;
foreach(object item in (DetailsDataSource.WhereParameters[0] as DynamicQueryStringParameter).GetWhereParameters(DetailsDataSource)) {
param = (Parameter)item;
IQueryable query = DetailsDataSource.GetTable().GetQuery();
ParameterExpression lambdaArgument = Expression.Parameter(query.ElementType, "");
object paramValue = Convert.ChangeType(param.DefaultValue, param.Type);
Expression compareExpr = Expression.Equal(
Expression.Property(lambdaArgument, param.Name),
Expression lambda = Expression.Lambda(compareExpr, lambdaArgument);
Expression filteredQuery = Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), "Where", new Type[] { query.ElementType }, query.Expression, lambda);
var WANTED = query.Provider.CreateQuery(filteredQuery).Cast<object>().FirstOrDefault<object>();
If it's a DD object you may be able to use FieldTemplateUserControl.FindFieldTemplate(controlId). Then if you need to you can cast it as an ITextControl to manipulate data.
Otherwise, try using this extension method to find the child control:
public static T FindControl<T>(this Control startingControl, string id) where T : Control
T found = startingControl.FindControl(id) as T;
if (found == null)
found = FindChildControl<T>(startingControl, id);
return found;
I found another solution, the other ones did not work.
In my case, I've copied Edit.aspx in /CustomPages/Devices/
Where Devices is the name of the table for which I want this custom behaviour.
Add this in Edit.aspx -> Page_Init()
DetailsDataSource.Selected += entityDataSource_Selected;
Add this in Edit.aspx :
protected void entityDataSource_Selected(object sender, EntityDataSourceSelectedEventArgs e)
Device device = e.Results.Cast<Device>().First();
// you have the object/row being edited !
Just change Device to your own table name.
