Show only LTS updates for NuGet packages in Visual Studio - .net-core

My org is low-risk so we're planning to stick to LTS releases (.NET Core 3.1 at the time of this post.) The Nuget Package Manager Updates list, however, currently offers non-LTS updates (namely to .NET 5.0.)
Is there a way to configure Visual Studio in a way to show LTS updates only? Alternatively, is there any other way I can achieve the same desired result?
(This question is actually almost a copy of Lion's original, but I'm hoping that improvements on or in the way Visual Studio handles API results may result in a viable answer.)

Your question is a real good question. And many community members want this feature on PackageReference for net core projects.
In fact, what you want is not supported on PackageReference so far. And net framework projects with packages.config nuget management format can realize it. See this official document.
Under packages.config, you can use allowedVersions node for nuget packages on packages.config file, such as [3.1.0, 5.0.0). It means 3.1.0 <= current version < 5.0.0. You can only update the nuget package under that range on the Nuget Package Manager UI.
It is quite useful feature but Microsoft has not added this feature for the new-sdk project with PackageReferece. Therefore, many community members has raised this issue on github which is still in processing.
And the Team has planned to fix the problem on December 20. So I suggest you could follow that github link and add any comments to describe your issue to raise more attention from Microsoft' team. All of them will help solve the problem as soon as possible.


"Initialize interactive with Project" is missing for .Net Core Projects in Visual Studio 2019

In VS 2019 the option to initialize projects on the C# Interactive console is missing when targeting .NET Core.
The option is also missing in VS 2017 and there is a related question for VS 2017. However the answer to this question mainly confirms that issue but is not offering a solution.
Does anyone knows if there is a technical limitation and therefore this feature is simply not feasible for .NET Core? Anyone having a good workaround to still initialize the project (with the complete context) manually?
Does anyone knows if there is a technical limitation and therefore
this feature is simply not feasible for .NET Core?
I'm afraid the answer is negative.
So far this option only supports for .net framework, and not for .net core project and .net standard project temporarily.
To get this option available for .net core projects in VS it needs support from both Project-system and Roslyn. For now the Project'system work is done, you can track this issue to follow the progress of the rest work in Roslyn.
Anyone having a good workaround to still initialize the project (with
the complete context) manually?
Go View=>Other Windows=>C# Interactive to get the window,and use #r command(#r "Path/MyDll.dll") to load the assembly manually.For complete context,you also need to manually load all the referenced assemblies.
Actually not a good workaround, it seems there has a way to go before the product team complete the feature, sorry for the inconvenience :-(

Google Play App Rejected for violating dangerous products policy

I have been trying to publish my application that i developed using cordova tools for VS 2013, and i keep on getting my application was rejected for violating dangerous products policy.
I searched around trying to get a solution but with no luck. I ran this
command(cordova -v)
to check which version of cordova i am using and i found out that it is 4.2.0, i put this line
(**<preference name="phonegap-version" value="4.2.0" />**)
inside my config.xml but no luck.
Can someone please explain to me what i might not be doing right.
Are you building using PhoneGap? If so, be sure to use Cordova version 4.3.1 or higher. There's a known Android security flaw that was heavily reported when it was found. The latest VS 2013 Tools for Apache Cordova update should already be using a version higher than this version as is VS 2015.
See this article for remediation steps.

Why is the meteor twitter bootstrap package an old version and not version 3?

Although I have a good understanding of NPM and bower to include packages in web projects, I would expect from meteor, which has a very own packaging logic, that core packages are kept up to date?
Meteor = make things easy, right? I struggled for a few hours, why meteor was not recognizing col-md-6 until I figured out it doesn't have version 3.
No it has version 3 , you can add that package using
meteor add mizzao:bootstrap-3
from meteor 0.9 version and above for more check here
Meteor shipped with several packages as "core" when it was still pre-1.0. That was when no useful packaging system was available, so the folks behind Meteor were kind enough to get developers a quick start with providing several packages.
Now that we are post 1.0 they have decided to focus their energy on developing Meteor, and not bringing in packages that can easily maintained by the community. The packaging system is available and well documented so that MDG can refrain from shipping (and maintaining!) packages that are not essential for the Meteor platform.
While I personally would have liked to see each and every package I'd need in my projects to be part of the officially maintained core, it is simply not feasible. To avoid confusion, the bootstrap package is about to vanish from meteor core soon, as you can see from the for the next version
Some packages are no longer released as part of the core release process: amplify, backbone, bootstrap, d3, jquery-history, and jquery-layout.
You've to have in consideration that Twitter (the company in charge of the project) isn't the official owner of the package in Atmosphere, It's a community package and if you don't like: you don't use it. That's pretty much how it works, I've had my dose of problems with atmosphere packages, now: I simply read most of the code before using a package. You can easily spot obvious mistakes/behaviours just by reading some lines.

How to install TideSDK from TideSDK-1.2.1 package?

I've downloaded package from Installer was found in tidesdk\sdk\win32\1.2.0.RC4\installer. This installer doesn't work: "Installation failed. The installer could not determine the application path."
What's wrong with it? Is it the only (right) way to install TideSDK? No docs on topic were found in resources and links on
It looks like you picked up an artefact from our Continuous Integration System from some point in time in development. We will eventually expose a Nightly Build site for developmental releases. That said, we will do this once the 1.3.0-beta is ready so we can properly support you with developmental artefacts.
Please use the legacy 1.2.0.RC4 in the interim that can be downloaded from front page of until TideSDK 1.3.0-beta is available (which will be along very soon). This will serve your development needs in short term as we continue the work to get the beta prepared.
A new 'Getting Started Guide' will be up later today for the legacy 1.2.0.RC4 as there have been many requests for this help.
We appreciate how much attention our project is getting and have been working hard as a team to produce great documentation. Despite this, our efforts were primarily targeted on the API documentation at the outset. We experienced a surge of interest prior to getting the new guides in place. Our apologies to anyone new that has experienced any difficulty getting started. We appreciate your patience while we fill these gaps.
The new documentation is being prepared in anticipation of the 1.3.0 release so that we have great API docs, guides, and example apps when the time arrives. It is targeted for the end of September. We hope to also have our Tide Builder app available at that time to provide a nice app to help create, run and package your apps. There will also be an enhanced tidebuilder CLI since a tool with a UI will be strictly an option. For those that appreciate minimalism, this will get you going with no more than the SDK and a text editor.
You need to download Titanium Studio first.
Once that's done, you can install the package : Help menu > Install Sepcific Titanium SDK.

flash develop plugin

I have been using flex builder plug-in. But now trial period has expired and looking for some other option which comes free. I am trying to install flash develop plugin for eclipse. In my attempt to install I am trying this page but donno what all plugins to install... ...Can some one please guide. The problem i am facing here is I am not sure about what is outdated and what is useful
FlashDevelop is a standalone application (windows only), as far I know there is no plugin for eclipse. If you are searching for an eclipse plugin, there's the commercial FDT, with a 30 day trial period.
A new FlashDevelop version (4.0) is about to be released and most plugins from the old version aren't compatible with the new one. So I unless there's a new list somewhere or some plugin explicitly states that it supports the new version, every plugin there is probably outdated. Anyway, many plugins from that list have been integrated in FlashDevelop. You can of course use the latests stable 3.x version if you need a particular plugin.
If you've never used FlashDevelop, you should just try the stable 3.3.4 or the latest 4.0 beta or the very latest developement build and see if you are missing some features.
You could always write your code in Notepad and use the command line compiler provided in the free SDK. It's not going to be as nice as any IDE, but it is functional.
Another option, if you are a student or unemployed, is to request a complimentary license to Flash Builder from Adobe.
Another option is to use Tofino, a Free Visual Studio Plugin for Flex Development. However, you'll need Visual Studio for that to work. [And I assume a Windows Machine].
FlashDevelop, as others have noted, is not an Eclipse Plugin as far as I knew. It is a stand alone tool.
Other IDEs for building Flex applications are:
Sapphire Steel Amethyst, which is a commercial Visual Studio
FDT; which is an eclipse based plugin. I believe FDT5
will have a free / community option, but I do not know if it is
available yet.
IntelliJ, which many developers swear by.
And of course Flash Builder. I believe the previous three are all commercial plugins, so do not fill your "free" Criteria.
