I have to run multiple test suite in same session and same session cookie in robot framework , since i want to test whether the url is working for all the nodes for doing that i have to hit url with same session cookies , which cannot be set explicitly . So is there any way i can run all the Test Suite in same session . ? or i can run all the test suite in same browser on different tabs .
So the code i tried runs each test suite on each browser page there by end of one browser run deleting session and session cookie created and the new test run will have new cookie and session , so that was the problem so when doing it , it test each test suite with different cookie . but i want it to be tested in same session and cookie .
Can anyone help me on this , this is second time posting this question in Stack.
I don’t know if this works the same way for opening tabs, but you can make test suite setup. Declare your environment and this environment will be shared in all the tests in the suite.
I used it with ssh, but same analogy should work in your case. If you run this code, you can see that the ssh connection exists in both tests, but is only initialized in the suite setup.
*** Settings ***
Library SSHLibrary
Suite Setup Run Keyword SSH Login ${your_host} ${host_name} ${host_pass}
*** Test Cases ***
Test 1
${output}= SSHLibrary.Get Connections
Log ${output}
Test 2
${output}= SSHLibrary.Get Connections
Log ${output}
*** Keywords ***
SSH Login
[Arguments] ${your_host} ${host_name} ${host_pass}
SSHLibrary.Open Connection ${your_host}
SSHLibrary.Login ${host_name} ${host_pass}
you can read more about suite setup and teardown here
For sharing a session, you can just use the Suite Setup to create the session and then use this session for the following tests, for example, you share a session named mysession :
*** Settings ***
Library RequestsLibrary
Library Collections
Suite Setup Create session mysession ${my_application_url}
*** Keywords ***
[Arguments] ${username} ${password}
${header}= Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json
${body}= Create Dictionary username=${username} password=${password}
${resp}= Post Request mysession /login headers=${header} data=${body}
Log ${resp.content}
Get all users
#Don't create session again
${resp}= Get Request mysession /users
Log ${resp.text}
*** Test Cases ***
Test login
login tester tester
Test get users
Get all users
In this way, you can do login first, then use the same session in the next test. you could do a teardown to logout if you need. Then the cookie also can be found in ${myresponse.cookies} but the format is CookieJar. I don't use Selenium2Library but I think in this lib, you don't need to parse the CookieJar manually. then if you want to share the cookie, you can just set a global variable for this cookie. There is one similar question: Set session cookie across the test suites in Robot framework
I'm using robot framework to test a REST API and as such I do have to create many temporary resources (test user or any other resource). Those are abstracted in keyword, but I need to clean them up after each test. But I would like to not worry about cleaning that explicitly in each test since it would require our test case to "play" at different levels of abstraction.
What would be great would be to have the keyword teardown running after the testcase is completed instead of directly after the keyword is completed.
I did some research but haven't found a good way to handle that.
Is there any solution to clean up resources created in a keyword at the end of a test case without doing it explicitly in the test case?
here is a code example to illustrate the situation:
*** Keywords ***
a user exists
create a user
Delete user
actually remove the user
Resource helper.robot
*** Test Cases ***
test user can login
Given a user exists
When user login
Then it succeeds
[Teardown] Delete user
What I want is to move the teardown out of the test case to some other way that deletes the user after each test case, but without specifying if in each test case. I don’t want to configure that exact teardown at the setting level since we don’t always use the same resource for all test cases.
At the time of writing, the only special tags are robot:exit, that is
automatically added to tests when stopping test execution gracefully,
and robot:no-dry-run, that can be used to disable the dry run mode.
More usages are likely to be added in the future.
2.2.6 Test setup and teardown
Robot Framework has similar test setup and teardown functionality as
many other test automation frameworks. In short, a test setup is
something that is executed before a test case, and a test teardown is
executed after a test case. In Robot Framework setups and teardowns
are just normal keywords with possible arguments.
Setup and teardown are always a single keyword. If they need to take
care of multiple separate tasks, it is possible to create higher-level
user keywords for that purpose. An alternative solution is executing
multiple keywords using the BuiltIn keyword Run Keywords.
The test teardown is special in two ways. First of all, it is executed
also when a test case fails, so it can be used for clean-up activities
that must be done regardless of the test case status. In addition, all
the keywords in the teardown are also executed even if one of them
fails. This continue on failure functionality can be used also with
normal keywords, but inside teardowns it is on by default.
The easiest way to specify a setup or a teardown for test cases in a
test case file is using the Test Setup and Test Teardown settings in
the Setting table. Individual test cases can also have their own setup
or teardown. They are defined with the [Setup] or [Teardown] settings
in the test case table and they override possible Test Setup and Test
Teardown settings. Having no keyword after a [Setup] or [Teardown]
setting means having no setup or teardown. It is also possible to use
value NONE to indicate that a test has no setup/teardown.
*** Settings ***
Test Setup Open Application App A
Test Teardown Close Application
*** Test Cases ***
Default values
[Documentation] Setup and teardown from setting table
Do Something
Overridden setup
[Documentation] Own setup, teardown from setting table
[Setup] Open Application App B
Do Something
No teardown
[Documentation] Default setup, no teardown at all
Do Something
No teardown 2
[Documentation] Setup and teardown can be disabled also with special value NONE
Do Something
[Teardown] NONE
Using variables
[Documentation] Setup and teardown specified using variables
[Setup] ${SETUP}
Do Something
[Teardown] ${TEARDOWN}
if you provide it in settings , it works as you want you don't have to specify for each test case
I am looking to make a new user per test suite to ensure state. I have setup keywords to achieve this as show below, the issue is getting the "USERNAME" accessible to the tests without making it a global (and thus preventing parallel running)
I currently receive a "Cannot Set Test variable when no test is started" error produced by robot.
*** Settings ***
Resource base.robot
Suite Setup Suite Start Default
Suite Teardown Suite teardown Default
*** Test Cases ***
Test One
[Setup] Login ${USERNAME}
Do testing
*** Keywords ***
Suite Start Default
${USERNAME} Create User
Suite Teardown Default
Delete User ${USERNAME}
Possibly i have missed some variable definition, but happy to reformat to get the intended result
To set a suite-level variable in the setup (ie: a variable accessible only to the tests in the suite), use Set Suite Variable
*** Keywords ***
Suite Start Default
${USERNAME} Create User
set suite variable ${USERNAME}
I have a test case in Gherkin style in Robot Framework. For example:
*** Settings ***
Documentation Tests Login to website
Resource ../keywords/resources.txt
Test Teardown Close Browser
*** Variables ***
${user} demo
${userpass} demo
*** Test Cases ***
Scenario: Login as a valid user to website
Given Browser is opened to home page
When I log in as ${user} with ${userpass}
Then I can see page after sign in and verify
And I will logout
Is there any way that I can run same test case for multiple sets of data?
You should be able to simply convert your test case to a keyword, then use that keyword with the Test Template feature. You can then create a whole set of permutations.
I am facing a problem regarding implementation for Robot testcases for System Hang.
*** Settings ***
Library SSHLibrary
*** Test Cases ***
Process Crash Dump
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 50sec 10sec Execute Command echo c > /proc/sysrq-trigger
Should Be Equal 1 1
Here while "Execute Command echo c > /proc/sysrq-trigger" the testcase is getting stucked up and not proceeding furthur. Is there any kind of mechanism to come out after giving the command and later i'll check for system to start.
The problem is resolved, by using
Start Command echo c > /proc/sysrq-trigger
Which issues command and exits. Then I am doing my stuff to check System is active or not.
You can set a timeout on a testcase with the [Timeout] setting in a testcase, or Test Timeout in the suite settings. See Test case time out in the robot framework users guide. From the documentation:
If there is a timeout, the keyword running is stopped at the
expiration of the timeout and the test case fails. However, keywords
executed as test teardown are not interrupted if a test timeout
occurs, because they are normally engaged in important clean-up
activities. If necessary, it is possible to interrupt also these
keywords with user keyword timeouts.
Sometimes a test fails because of infrastructure failures, for example a network outage that does not indicate a regression. Is there any alternative in robotframework to PASS / FAIL? Something like ERROR?
Robot Framework offers only PASS or FAIL, nothing like ERROR.
I can see 2 strategies though to handle those intermittent problems (that most of us are facing).
1) use the "wait until keywords succeeds" keyword. For example, if you have to do a GET via REST on a remote server that could be unreachable for some network reason, then instead of
you could do
wait until keywords succeeds Get http://example.com
and even better option would be to create a custom keyword for that
*** keywords ***
[Arguments] ${url}
wait until keywords succeeds Get ${url}
So then you just have to call:
Get_until_succeeds http://example.com
2) use the "--rerunfailed" option or Robot Framework that allows you to re-run the tests that failed. The way to use it is to first launch your suite the usual way:
pybot tests
And then give the output.xml of the previous execution as input of another round:
pybot --rerunfailed output.xml tests
(you can then merge the 2 reports and get a single nice report)