Mosquitto: Starting in local only mode - networking

I have a virtual machine that is supposed to be the host, which can receive and send data. The first picture is the error that I'm getting on my main machine (from which I'm trying to send data from). The second picture is the mosquitto log on my virtual machine. Also I'm using the default config, which as far as I know can't cause these problems, at least from what I have seen from other examples. I have very little understanding on how all of this works, so any help is appreciated.
What I have tried on the host machine:
Disabling Windows defender
Adding firewall rules for "mosquitto.exe"
Installing mosquitto on a linux machine

Starting with the release of Mosquitto version 2.0.0 (you are running v2.0.2) the default config will only bind to localhost as a move to a more secure default posture.
If you want to be able to access the broker from other machines you will need to explicitly edit the config files to either add a new listener that binds to the external IP address (or or add a bind entry for the default listener.
By default it will also only allow anonymous connections (without username/password) from localhost, to allow anonymous from remote add:
allow_anonymous true
More details can be found in the 2.0 release notes here

You have to run with
mosquitto -c mosquitto.conf
mosquitto.conf, which exists in the folder same with execution file exists (C:\Program Files\mosquitto etc.), have to include following line.
listener 1883 ip_address_of_the_machine( etc.)

By default, the Mosquitto broker will only accept connections from clients on the local machine (the server hosting the broker).
Therefore, a custom configuration needs to be used with your instance of Mosquitto in order to accept connections from remote clients.
On your Windows machine, run a text editor as administrator and paste the following text:
listener 1883
allow_anonymous true
This creates a listener on port 1883 and allows anonymous connections. By default the number of connections is infinite. Save the file to "C:\Program Files\Mosquitto" using a file name with the ".conf" extension such as "your_conf_file.conf".
Open a terminal window and navigate to the mosquitto directory. Run the following command:
mosquitto -v -c your_conf_file.conf
-c : specify the broker config file.
-v : verbose mode - enable all logging types. This overrides
any logging options given in the config file.

I found I had to add, not only bind_address ip_address but also had to set allow_anonymous true before devices could connect successfully to MQTT. Of course I understand that a better option would be to set user and password on each device. But that's a next step after everything actually works in the minimum configuration.

For those who use mosquitto with homebrew on Mac.
Adding these two lines to /opt/homebrew/Cellar/mosquitto/2.0.15/etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf fixed my issue.
allow_anonymous true
listener 1883

you can run it with the included 'no-auth' config file like so:
mosquitto -c /mosquitto-no-auth.conf
I had the same problem while running it inside docker container (generated with docker-compose).
In docker-compose.yml file this is done with:
command: mosquitto -c /mosquitto-no-auth.conf


Euca 5.0 Ansible Console Task Failing

I am only able to get past the ansible console install/config tasks by adding --region localhost to anywhere in: /usr/share/eucalyptus-ansible/roles/cloud-post/tasks/console.yml wherever it calls tools that take that argument.
Otherwise each sub task fails like this: ["euca-describe-images: error: connection error (('Connection aborted.', gaierror(-2, 'Name or service not known')))"]
Running the commands from that playbook directly on the euca server being configured gives the same result unless I specify --region localhost
I'm stuck here: [cloud-post : update console route53 system domain for eucalyptus-cloud authentication]
Error: "euform-update-stack: error (ValidationError): No updates are to be performed.", "stderr_lines": ["euform-update-stack: error (ValidationError): No updates are to be performed."]
All services are running except the ImagingBackend is Not Ready
No instances are running according to euca-describe-instances
Images are available:
IMAGE ami-5be483c81cf8bd65c eucalyptus-console-image-5-0-823/eucalyptus-console-image-5-0-823.raw.manifest.xml 000216594841 available private x86_64 machine instance-store hvm
TAG image ami-5be483c81cf8bd65c type eucalyptus-console-image
TAG image ami-5be483c81cf8bd65c version 5.0.823
IMAGE ami-f31092ddb73e29af9 eucalyptus-service-image-v5.0.100/eucalyptus-service-image.raw.manifest.xml 000216594841 available privatx86_64 machine instance-store hvm
TAG image ami-f31092ddb73e29af9 provides imaging,loadbalancing
TAG image ami-f31092ddb73e29af9 type eucalyptus-service-image
TAG image ami-f31092ddb73e29af9 version 5.0.100
vpcmido_public_ip_range: ""
vpcmido_public_ip_cidr: ""
cloud_system_dns_dnsdomain: ""
cloud_public_port: 443
eucalyptus_console_cloud_deploy: yes
cloud_service_image_rpm: no
services.imaging.worker.ntp_server: "x.x.x.x"
services.loadbalancing.worker.ntp_server: "x.x.x.x"
Solved. Details are in the comments of the marked answer.
The name error most likely means that DNS for the domain is not being correctly delegated to your deployment. To test this, check if the nameserver is found:
dig +short NS
you should see "" and then should be able to use that nameserver to resolve services, e.g.
dig +short
which should be the IP of the host for the compute service.
The second item is a bug in the ansible playbook that occurs when the stack is already present and up to date. To work around it, you can either update your playbook or delete the stack before running the playbook. Depending on how far the playbook progressed you may have a script to do this:
/usr/local/bin/console-manage-stack -a delete
the related playbook change is

mount.nfs: requested NFS version or transport protocol is not supported

NFS Mount is not working in my RHEL 7 AWS instance.
When I do a
mount -o nfsvers=3 /root/mountme2/
I get the error:
mount.nfs: requested NFS version or transport protocol is not supported
Can anyone point me where I am wrong?
Check the nfs service is started or reboot the nfs service.
sudo systemctl status nfs-kernel-server
In my case this package was not running and the issue was in /etc/exports file where i was having same IP address for two machines.
So i commented one ip address for the machine and restarted nf-kernel-server using
sudo systemctl restart nfs-kernel-server and reload the machine.
It worked.
A precision which might be useful for the dump (like me): systemctl status nfs-server.service and systemctl start nfs-server.service must be executed on the server!
Some additional data
If, like me, you've deleted a VM without shutting it down right you might also need to manually edit the file /etc/exports because NFS is trying to connect to it and fails but doesn't continue with the next, it just dies.
After that you can manually restart as mentioned in other answers.
In my case, a simple reload didn't suffice. I had to perform a full restart:
sudo systemctl status nfs-kernel-server
In my case, it didn't work correctly with version NFS 4.1.
So in Vargantfile in each place where is type: 'nfs' I added coma and nfs_version: 4, nfs_udp: false
Here is more detailing explanation NFS
If you're giving a specific protocol to connect with, also check to make sure your NFS server has that protocol enabled.
I got this error when trying to start up a Vagrant box, and my nfs server was running. It turns out that the command Vagrant uses is:
mount -o vers=3,udp,rw,actimeo=1 /vagrant
Which specifically asks for UDP. My server was running but it was not configured to enable connecting over UDP. After consulting /etc/nfs.conf, I created /etc/nfs.conf.d/10-enable-udp.conf with the following contents to enable udp:
The name of the file doesn't matter, as long as it's in the conf.d directory and ends in .conf. Depending on your distribution it may be configured differently. You can directly edit nfs.conf, but using a conf.d file is more likely to preserve the changes after upgrading your system.
Try to ping IP address of the server "ping " from client "ping , if you get reply then install nfs server on the host. Then edit /etc/exports file don't forget to add port along with IP address
I got the solution: make an entry in nfs server /etc/nfsmount.conf with Defaultvers=3 .
There will # Defaultvers=3 just unhash it and then mount on nfs client.
Issue will be resolved!

Xdebug with PHPStorm and a Docker container

Setup: Windows 10; Docker running with Boot2Docker on Hyper-V; PHPStorm 9
Webserver on the VM is Nginx. I've configured the xdebug.ini for php5-fpm as:
If I set a breakpoint and reload the page I get an incoming connection from Xdebug in PHPStorm:
I wonder that there is only one file shown and not the entire project which is much bigger. If I accept the connection I can debug the very first line but it is not stopping on my breakpoint and creates a server entry which looks like:
What is very strange that host is empty.
I already added the server with the correct mapping but it got ignored.
So how to get Xdebug to stop on breakpoints?
What is very strange that host is empty.
PhpStorm requires this field to be filled as it uses this to recognize what server entry (and therefore path mappings) to use -- IDE supports debugging the same code base running on different domains / remote servers.
In this particular case the servername field / parameter of your nginx configuration is empty. You can fix this by providing some value in nginx config file.

opensuse network management undefined

I did an update on my opensuse box and networking stopped working. The system is trying to use networkmanager, even though it isn't installed. I am using yast to try and get it to use ifup, but it complains about no network connection. I tried running:
ifup eth0
and I get back:
Network is managed by '' -> skipping
Does anyone out there know why it is coming back empty and if there is a config file that I can manually tweak to fix this?
I'm assuming you are running 12.3 or 13.1 with systemd.
Disable network manager if it exists:
systemctl disable networkmanager.service
Enable network.service:
systemctl enable network.service
Make sure ifcfg-eth0 exists with a configuration in /etc/sysconfig/network/
Run ifup eth0
Hope this will help someone.
1. Disable NetworkManager, Stop is and then enable it and restart it respectively.
2. All this happens in console. Check the status for NetworkManager and in the status messages it should show that the interface(wierless) is disconnected. Confirm this by typing command "sudo nmcli c"
3. Type command "sudo iwlist (wireless-interface) scan" to show you the available wireless networks
4. If you see the network that you want to connect to listed, type command "nmcli a" and enter the corresponding connect phrase/password to connect

confirm package uploaded to cran

I used this code from the command prompt on a windows box (linux machine is at work):
ftp -u qdap_0.1.0.tar.gz
I used the info from:
I expected to see it show up here: but I do not see it.
Am I just being impatient or did my package not upload? Here is the command line output:
C:\Users\trinker\GitHub>ftp -u qdap_0.1.0.tar
Transfers files to and from a computer running an FTP server service
(sometimes called a daemon). Ftp can be used interactively.
FTP [-v] [-d] [-i] [-n] [-g] [-s:filename] [-a] [-A] [-x:sendbuffer] [-r:recvbuf
fer] [-b:asyncbuffers] [-w:windowsize] [host]
-v Suppresses display of remote server responses.
-n Suppresses auto-login upon initial connection.
-i Turns off interactive prompting during multiple file
-d Enables debugging.
-g Disables filename globbing (see GLOB command).
-s:filename Specifies a text file containing FTP commands; the
commands will automatically run after FTP starts.
-a Use any local interface when binding data connection.
-A login as anonymous.
-x:send sockbuf Overrides the default SO_SNDBUF size of 8192.
-r:recv sockbuf Overrides the default SO_RCVBUF size of 8192.
-b:async count Overrides the default async count of 3
-w:windowsize Overrides the default transfer buffer size of 65535.
host Specifies the host name or IP address of the remote
host to connect to.
- mget and mput commands take y/n/q for yes/no/quit.
- Use Control-C to abort commands.
(This was previously a comment and is being transferred to an answer here.)
Make sure you are not looking at a page cached earlier by your browser.
To perform the actual upload you might want to try the free cross platform FileZilla FTP software. You can upload and concurrently view the contents of the source directory on your machine (in the left pane) and the target directory on CRAN (in the right pane) and view a log of what is happening in the top pane and a progress indicator in the bottom pane. It also has a site manager to store the sites you upload to so you don't need to keep typing in their URL each time you do an upload.
