How to view post/put/patch data - kibana

When error occurs, I want to see the data payload uploaded by users.
I wasn't able to find the post/put/patch data in apm report. (kibana)
Is there an option I need to turn on for this?

Most agents have a CaptureBody config option, with that you can capture the request body. It's off by default - you can set it to error.
I linked the Java docs, you should be able to find the same config for (I think all) other agents.


how to log nginx.workers.fds_count

I'm trying to log the number of file descriptors nginx is using. The docs suggest i can access this data with nginx.workers.fds_count (docs) but that doesn't result in any useful data. How do i access it?

Type query_root must define one or more fields

First, thanks Hasura for incredible good product! I love it.
I have issue with derive action with Hasura Console. My use case:
I enable anonymous role for subscribe function (everybody can send email to subscribe)
I have configured permission on my subscribe table, everything is fine.
I want to validate the user input on server side, for example, validate email format. I have followed by this guide about derive action. I found no mistake here.
But I got the error "Type query_root must define one or more fields." when I hit "Derive action" at the first time.
According to this question, as I understand, I need to have object type for root query.
Of course, I will have object type for root query eventually. I can work around by giving some dummy queries for anonymous role. But I do not like that cheat anyway.
Any idea on that? Any help will be highly appreciated.
My related current version:
Hasura 1.3.2
One click deployment using Docker on Digital Ocean.

Debugging Full text search in iManage Worksite

I am creating different workspaces having different types of names containing special characters also sometimes. When I am trying to perform a Full text search nothing comes up in workspace results. Now, problem is how can I start with the debugging process?
What all things to consider during Troubleshooting this issue on both IDOL Indexer and iManage worksite?
Any suggestions? Really Appreciated.
You can enable debugging logs for all interactions through the SDK by turning on middleware Logging - Basically these log the actions performed by iManage.dll.
The log paths registry key will provide the location of the log. Any application using iManage.dll will spawn a new file based on it's process name (such as YOURAPP.txt, WINWORD.txt, OUTLOOK.txt, etc)
Create or set the following values in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Interwoven\WorkSite\8.0\Common
Name: Middleware Log Path
Type: String
Value: C:\Temp
Name: Middleware Log Flags
Value: ffff
This will show you useful information but the best way to debug is to pare your search parameters right back to basics then slowly introduce more complex parameters. Workspace search requests are made up of both IManage.IManProfileSearchParameters and IManage.IManWorkspaceSearchParameters
and I've found that depending on the data sometimes you'll need to search only with the IManProfileSearchParameters and leave IManWorkspaceSearchParameters as default empty parameters.

Is there any way to input the result got from the curl via fluentd?

We are seeking the most simple way for sending alfresco's audit log to elasticsearch.
I think using the alfresco supplying query and getting audit log would be most simple way.(since audit log data is hardly watchable on db)
And this query processes the effect measure as json type then I'd like to download the query direct using fluentd and send to elasticsearch.
I roughly understood that it would ouput at elasticsearc but I wonder whether I can download 'curl commend' using query direct at fluentd.
Otherwise, if you have other simple idea to get alfresco's audit log then kindly let me know.
I am not sure weather I understood it fully or not but based on your last statement I am giving this answer.
To retrieve audit entries from alfresco repository you could directly use REST APIs of Alfresco which allows you to access them.

basic firebase URL structure?

I am building a very simple cron job backup system for a friend's firebase app;
I have PHP code, using firebase-php that can communicate with the firebase and the API docs state that adding the'?format=export" parameter will retrieve a .json file. Cool, so far.
My question is this: What path (after the firebase URL) is required?
The API doc appears to state that it should be /.json but it returns a 404 /json/ works on the simulator, but also returns a 404 in testing
(note: looking for a single text file, similar to the "Export json" data dashboard, if possible)
Thanks in advance.
The path defined the portion of the Firebase data tree that is being loaded. That means that you can load /any/possible/string and it will return a value, though that value is likely to be null unless you've written data to that path. Also note that without a defined extension (i.e. .json) you'll be attempting to load Firebase's in-browser graphical debugger.
In short, if you're using the REST API, you'll always want to end your paths in .json, but nothing else is required, i.e. https://<your-firebase> is perfectly valid, and would download your entire Firebase. The format=export parameter ensures that any Firebase priority values are preserved in your JSON output, under the key .priority at any node, where they would normally be excluded.
