Troubles installing RMariaDB on CentOS - r

I need to install specific version on RMariaDB on CentOS. While installing it via command
install_version('RMariaDB', version='1.0.10', repos='')
I have encountered a strange issue:
/bin/ld: cannot find -lmariadb
So far I was unable to solve this. Tried installing several mariadb packages (i.e. mariadb-devel) on CentOS, but that does not resolved this issue. Can answer any question needed.

As #r2evans wrote in the comment. Correct answer to this would be installing mariadb/mysql devel package. Unfortunately this does not solve this issue, when MariaDB is installed from MariaDB10.repo
After some testing, this issue was solved after installing MariaDB5.5 from official repositories.


Dependency issue installing DevStack

I am trying to install Openstack using DevStack. After correctly creating the user stack and running ./, the script starts to install the required dependencies until it hits Obtaining file:///opt/stack/cinder. Then I obtain the following errors:
ContextualVersionConflict: (grpcio 1.21.1 (/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages), Requirement.parse('grpcio<1.16.0,>=1.0.0'), set(['tooz']))
I understand that there is a conflict in grpcio, but I don't know how to solve it. I already unsuccessfully tried to install a specific version between 1.0.0 and 1.16.0.
The Devstack version I am using is the latest from the git master.
I think I solved the problem myself.
I had the tooz package installed with version 1.62 which was causing the issue.
After removing that package the installation completed.

Cannot install Ckmeans package on Ubuntu 18.04

I am not able to install Rcpp and many other packages (e.g. devtools) as a requirement for the opm-package.
Ubuntu 18.04, R Version: 3.5.1, gcc version 7.3.0
Can anybody give suggestions to fix this issue?
EDIT: I managed now to install rcpp via apt-get; I used the below suggested repos and R 3.5.1. Now I am stuck with installing Ckmeans (Package maintainer contacted).
EDIT_2: The author sent me a new version of Ckmeans, but the problem persists. To sum up: unable to install ckmeans; Ubuntu 18.04, R 3.5.1, repos c2d4u3.5, cran repos.
update: I removed the R-bionic ppa and reinstalled R (3.5.0) with r-base-dev. I managed to tackle down nearly all the dependencies for opm, if not within R, so at least with the ubuntu-r-cran-packages (from the abovely mentioned repos); only one dependency is missing (OPM-Script): Ckmeans. I tried to install from source with 5 different versions, but so far without success.
After today's System-update I was able to install Ckmeans.1d.dp_4.2.2 and opm_1.3.72 without any problem.

Unable to install dependencies for package kableExtra

I recently upgraded Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04 and started having problems concerning rvest and xml2 in my R installation.
I'm trying to install package kableExtra but i keep getting errors even though I have dependencies installed. install.packages("kableExtra") spits this:
Searching SO it came to my knowledge that I need dependencies libxml2-dev for xml2. What happens is that I already have it installed.
Some other important packages like tidyverse complains about those same dependencies. I usually solve things like this searching here and google, but this time it is not working. I need some serious help here.
I'll appreciate any tip.
I ran into this page with issues installing kableExtra on Ubuntu 20.04. This post helped.
sudo apt install libfontconfig1-dev

Sbt on ubuntu 16.04 installation failure

I am facing a failed downloads problem while trying to install sbt 0.13.13 on ubuntu 16.04 following the documentation on:
Below, the message log:
I also tried the answer from paradigmatic here: Install sbt on ubuntu, and: Those posts are a little old.
Neverhteless, the official method seems to bug so far.
Anyone faced the same impediments?
The cause and solution is actually provided by The experimental java9 is to blame. Installing java8 as in will solve it.

Trouble with installing openstack through devstack script

I am facing a problem while installing openstack through devstack script on my Ubuntu 15 lts.
It says:
sorry, but this version only supports 100 named groups" AssertionError: sorry, but this version only supports 100 named groups ---------------------------------------- Rolling back uninstall of cryptography
Hi this is due to a pycparser 2.14 package update on pypi today. More details can be found in [1] and [2].
Workaround to fix it is to change "pycparser===2.14"in /opt/stack/requirements/upper-constraints.txt to "pycparser===2.13"
Using pip to change the version will not work, because DevStack will uninstall 2.13 version and update it to 2.14, as required in the above file.
Update on 10/4(JST):
according to the update in [2], this bug has been resolved. :)
It's an issue with pythons pycparser lib, install the previous version by setting pycparser==2.13 in your requirements.txt file or via pip.
I have same problem and I resolve this issue after removing 'pycparser' package, using below command:
pip uninstall pycparser
The source package of pycparser doesn't have this problem, only the wheel seems to fail.
Using the --no-binary in your installation command or requirements file should make it work too.
I added --no-binary pycparser in the end of my requirements file and it did the job.
Just adding this so that it may help someone...
Our Devstack also failed because of this pycparser bug. We have just downgraded pycparser to 2.13 in requirement.txt/upper_requirement.txt and disabled 'tempest' service(This service will install cryptography and pycparser) in local.conf. After this, our Devstack installation was successful.
NOTE: comment the line 'RECLONE=yes' in local.conf file.
