I have one application on two environments, its been running for well over a year and now had to re-deploy it on one env and im left with half working external traffic.
example of working up
$ kubectl get ingress
my-app prod-app.my.domain <public ip e.g . 80, 443 127d
and the not working one
MacBook-Pro% kubectl get ingress
my-app dev-app.my.domain <for some reason priv addresses not public that I assigned?>,,, 80, 443 5m5s
the deployments works like so, in helm I have the deployments,service etc. + kubernetes ingress resource
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: {{ .Values.deployment.name }}
namespace: {{ .Values.deployment.env }}
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect: "true"
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/backend-protocol: "HTTP"
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/force-ssl-redirect: "true"
<some other annotatioins>
- secretName: {{ .Values.ingress.tlsSecretName.Games }}
- host: [prod,dev]-app.my.domain
- path: /
serviceName: my-app
servicePort: {{ .Values.service.port }}
and before it I deployed the stable/nginx-ingress helm chart (yup, i know there is ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx - will migrate to it soon, but first want to bring back the env)
and the simple nginx config
name: main
tag: "v0.41.2"
log-format-upstream: ....
replicaCount: 4
externalTrafficPolicy: Local
maxSurge: 1
maxUnavailable: 25% #max number of Pods can be unavailable during the update
type: RollingUpdate
# We want to disperse pods into the whole cluster, on each data node
- weight: 100
- key: app
operator: In
# app label is set in the main deployment manifest
# https://github.com/helm/charts/blob/master/stable/nginx-ingress/templates/controller-deployment.yaml#L6
- nginx-ingress
- key: release
operator: In
- my-app-ingress
topologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname
any idea why my kubernetes ingress has private addresses not the assigned public one ?
and my services on prod are
my-app NodePort <none> 8093:32519/TCP 127d 127d
my-app-ingress-stg-controller LoadBalancer <PUB_IP> 80:30111/TCP,443:30752/TCP 26d
and on dev
my-app NodePort <none> 8093:30858/TCP 10m
my-app-ingress-dev-main LoadBalancer <PUB_IP> 80:32027/TCP,443:30534/TCP 10m
I kinda see the problem (cause I already tried migrating to new nginx a month ago, and on dev there is still old, but there were issues with having multiple envs on same dev cluster with ingresses) - I guess ill try to migrate to the new one and see if that somehow fixes the issue - other than that any idea why the priv addresses ?
Not sure how it works but I deployed ingress (nginx-ingress helm chart) after deploying the application helm chart and at first all pods were 1/1 ready, and site didnt responde, and after ~10min it did so ¯_(ツ)_/¯ no idea why it took so long, as for future reference what I did was
Reserve public IP in gcp (my cloud provider)
Create A record on where my domain is registered godaddy etc. to pin-point to that pub address from step 1
Deploy app helm chart with ingress in it, with my domain and ssl-cert in it, and kubernetes service (load balancer) having that public IP
Deploy nginx-ingress pointing to that public address from the domain
if there is any mistake in my logic please say so and ill update it
#potatopotato I have just moved you own answer from initial question to community wiki separate answer. In that case it will be more searchable and indexing in
future searches.
Explanation regarding below
Not sure how it works but I deployed ingress (nginx-ingress helm
chart) after deploying the application helm chart and at first all
pods were 1/1 ready, and site didnt responde, and after ~10min it did
so ¯_(ツ)_/¯ no idea why it took so long
As per official documentation:
Note: It might take a few minutes for GKE to allocate an external IP address and prepare the load balancer. You might get errors like HTTP 404 and HTTP 500 until the load balancer is ready to serve the traffic.
your answer itself
Not sure how it works but I deployed ingress (nginx-ingress helm chart) after deploying the application helm chart and at first all pods were 1/1 ready, and site didnt responde, and after ~10min it did so ¯_(ツ)_/¯ no idea why it took so long, as for future reference what I did was
Reserve public IP in gcp (my cloud provider)
Create A record on where my domain is registered godaddy etc. to pin-point to that pub address from step 1
Deploy app helm chart with ingress in it, with my domain and ssl-cert in it, and kubernetes service (load balancer) having that public IP
Deploy nginx-ingress pointing to that public address from the domain
I run a bare-metal Kubernetes cluster and want to map services onto URLs instead of ports (I used NodePort so far).
To achieve this I tried to install an IngressController to be able to deploy Ingress objects containing routing.
I installed the IngressController via helm:
helm install my-ingress helm install my-ingress stable/nginx-ingress
and the deployment worked fine so far. To just use the node's domain name, I enabled hostNetwork: true in the nginx-ingress-controller.
Then, I created an Ingress deployment with this definition:
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: minimal-ingress
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: /
- http:
- path: /testpath
pathType: Prefix
name: my-service
number: 80
which also deployed fine. Finally, when I try to access http://my-url.com/testpath I get a login-prompt. I nowhere set up login-credentials nor do I intend to do so as the services should be publicly available and/or handle authentication on their own.
How do I disable this behavior? I want to access the services just as I would use a NodePort solution.
To clarify the case I am posting answer (from comments area) as Community Wiki.
The problem here was not in configuration but in environment - there was running another ingress in the pod during Longhorn' deployment. This situation led to force basic authentication to both ones.
To resolve that problem it was necessary to to clean up all deployments.
Let me explain what the deployment consists of. First of all I created a Cloud SQL db by importing some data. To connect the db to the application I used cloud-sql-proxy and so far everything works.
I created a kubernetes cluster in which there is a pod containing the Docker container of the application that I want to depoly and so far everything works ... To reach the application in https then I followed several online guides (https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/ssl-certificates/google-managed-certs#console , https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/ssl-certificates/google-managed-certs#console , etc.), all converge on using a service and an ingress kubernetes. The first one maps the 8080 of spring to the 80 while the second one creates a load balacer that exposes a frontend in https. I configured a health-check, I created a certificate (google managed) associated to a domain which maps the static ip assigned to the ingress.
Apparently everything works but as soon as you try to reach from the browser the address https://example.org/ you are correctly redirected to the login page ( http://example.org/login ) but as you can see it switches to the HTTP protocol and obviously a 404 is returned by google since http is disabled. Forcing https on the address to which it redirects you then ( https://example.org/login ) for some absurd reason adds "www" in front of the domain name ( https://www.example.org/login ). If you try not to use the domain by switching to the static IP the www problem disappears... However, every time you make a request in HTTPS it keeps changing to HTTP.
P.S. the general goal would be to have http up to the load balancer (google's internal network) and then have https between the load balancer and the client.
Can anyone help me? If it helps I post the yaml file of the deployment. Thank you very much!
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
run: my-app # Label for the Deployment
name: my-app # Name of Deployment
minReadySeconds: 60 # Number of seconds to wait after a Pod is created and its status is Ready
run: my-app
template: # Pod template
run: my-app # Labels Pods from this Deployment
spec: # Pod specification; each Pod created by this Deployment has this specification
- image: eu.gcr.io/my-app/my-app-production:latest # Application to run in Deployment's Pods
name: my-app-production # Container name
# Note: The following line is necessary only on clusters running GKE v1.11 and lower.
# For details, see https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/container-native-load-balancing#align_rollouts
- containerPort: 8080
protocol: TCP
- image: gcr.io/cloudsql-docker/gce-proxy:1.17
name: cloud-sql-proxy
- "/cloud_sql_proxy"
- "-instances=my-app:europe-west6:my-app-cloud-sql-instance=tcp:3306"
- "-credential_file=/secrets/service_account.json"
runAsNonRoot: true
- name: my-app-service-account-secret-volume
mountPath: /secrets/
readOnly: true
- name: my-app-service-account-secret-volume
secretName: my-app-service-account-secret
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 60 # Number of seconds to wait for connections to terminate before shutting down Pods
apiVersion: cloud.google.com/v1
kind: BackendConfig
name: my-app-health-check
checkIntervalSec: 60
port: 8080
type: HTTP
requestPath: /health/check
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: my-app-svc # Name of Service
cloud.google.com/neg: '{"ingress": true}' # Creates a NEG after an Ingress is created
cloud.google.com/backend-config: '{"default": "my-app-health-check"}'
spec: # Service's specification
type: ClusterIP
run: my-app # Selects Pods labelled run: neg-demo-app
- port: 80 # Service's port
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 8080
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: my-app-ing
kubernetes.io/ingress.global-static-ip-name: "my-static-ip"
ingress.gcp.kubernetes.io/pre-shared-cert: "example-org"
kubernetes.io/ingress.allow-http: "false"
serviceName: my-app-svc
servicePort: 80
- secretName: example-org
- example.org
As I mention in the comment section, you can redirect HTTP to HTTPS.
Google Cloud have quite good documentation and you can find there step by step guides, including firewall configurations or tests. You can find this guide here.
I would also suggest you to read also docs like:
Traffic management overview for external HTTP(S) load balancers
Setting up traffic management for external HTTP(S) load balancers
Routing and traffic management
As alternative you could check Nginx Ingress with proper annotation (force-ssl-redirect). Some examples can be found here.
I have a custom kubernetes cluster on a serve with public IP and DNS pointing to it (also wildcard).
Gitlab was configured with the cluster following this guide: https://gitlab.touch4it.com/help/user/project/clusters/index#add-existing-kubernetes-cluster
However, after installing Ingress, the ingress endpoint is never detected:
I tried patching the object in k8s, like so
externalIPs: (was empty)
externalTrafficPolicy: local (was cluster)
I suspect that the problem is empty ingress (scroll to the end) object then calling:
# kubectl get service ingress-nginx-ingress-controller -n gitlab-managed-apps -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
creationTimestamp: "2019-11-20T08:57:18Z"
app: nginx-ingress
chart: nginx-ingress-1.22.1
component: controller
heritage: Tiller
release: ingress
name: ingress-nginx-ingress-controller
namespace: gitlab-managed-apps
resourceVersion: "3940"
selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/gitlab-managed-apps/services/ingress-nginx-ingress-controller
uid: c175afcc-0b73-11ea-91ec-5254008dd01b
- # (public IP)
externalTrafficPolicy: Local
healthCheckNodePort: 30737
- name: http
nodePort: 31972
port: 80
protocol: TCP
targetPort: http
- name: https
nodePort: 31746
port: 443
protocol: TCP
targetPort: https
app: nginx-ingress
component: controller
release: ingress
sessionAffinity: None
type: LoadBalancer
loadBalancer: {}
But Gitlab still cant find the ingress endpoint. I tried restarting cluster and Gitlab.
The network inspection in Gitlab always shows this response:
name ingress
status installed
status_reason null
version 1.22.1
external_ip null
external_hostname null
update_available false
can_uninstall false
Any ideas how to have a working Ingress Endpoint?
GitLab: 12.4.3 (4d477238500) k8s: 1.16.3-00
I had the exact same issue as you, and I finally figured out how to solve it.
The first to understand, is that on bare metal, you can't make it working without using MetalLB, because it calls the required Kubernetes APIs making it accepting the IP address you give to the Service of LoadBalancer type.
So first step is to deploy MetalLB to your cluster.
Then you need to have another machine, running a service like NGiNX or HAproxy or whatever can do some load balancing.
Last but not least, you have to give the Load Balancer machine IP address to MetalLB so that it can assign it to the Service.
Usually MetalLB requires a range of IP addresses, but you can also give one IP address like I did:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
namespace: metallb-system
name: config
config: |
- name: staging-public-ips
protocol: layer2
This way, MetalLB will assign the IP address to the Service with type LoadBalancer and Gitlab will finally find the IP address.
WARNING: MetalLB will assign only once an IP address. If you need many Service with type LoadBalancer, you will need many machines running NGiNX/HAproxy and so on and add its IP address in the MetalLB addresses pool.
For your information, I've posted all the technical details to my Gitlab issue here.
I had a couple of questions regarding kubernetes ingress service [/controllers]
For example I have an nginx frontend image that I am trying to run with kubectl -
kubectl run <deployment> --image <repo> --port <internal-nginx-port>.
Now I tried to expose this to the outer world with a service -
kubectl expose deployment <deployment> --target-port <port>.
Then tried to create an ingress service with the following nignx-ing.yaml -
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: urtutorsv2ingress
kubernetes.io/ingress.global-static-ip-name: "coreos"
serviceName: <service>
servicePort: <port>
Where my ingress.global-static-ip-name is correctly created & available
in Google cloud console.
[I am assuming the service port here is the port I want on my "coreos" IP , so I set it to 80 initially which didn't work so I tried setting it same as the specified in the first step but it still didn't work.]
So, the issue is I am not able to access the frontend at both the urls
http://COREOS_IP, http://COREOS_IPIP:
Which is why I tried to use -
kubectl expose deployment <deployment> --target-port <port>. --type NodePort
to see if it worked with a NodePort & I was able to access the frontend.
So, I am thinking there might be a configuration mistake here because of which I am not getting results with the ingress.
Can anyone here help debug / fix the issue ?
Yeah, the service is there. I tried to check the status with - kubectl get services, kubectl describe service k8urtutorsv2. It showed the service. I tried editing it & saved the nodeport value. the thing is it works with nodeport but not 80 or 443.
You cannot directly expose service on the port 80 or 443.
The available range of exposed services is predefined in the kube-api configuration by the service-node-port-range option with the default value 30000-32767.
I have a web app hosted in the Google Cloud platform that sits behind a load balancer, which itself sits behind an ingress. The ingress is set up with an SSL certificate and accepts HTTPS connections as expected, with one problem: I cannot get it to redirect non-HTTPS connections to HTTPS. For example, if I connect to it with the URL http://foo.com or foo.com, it just goes to foo.com, instead of https://foo.com as I would expect. Connecting to https://foo.com explicitly produces the desired HTTPS connection.
I have tried every annotation and config imaginable, but it stubbornly refuses, although it shouldn't even be necessary since docs imply that the redirect is automatic if TLS is specified. Am I fundamentally misunderstanding how ingress resources work?
Update: Is it necessary to manually install nginx ingress on GCP? Now that I think about it, I've been taking its availability on the platform for granted, but after coming across information on how to install nginx ingress on the Google Container Engine, I realized the answer may be a lot simpler than I thought. Will investigate further.
Kubernetes version: 1.8.5-gke.0
Ingress YAML file:
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: https-ingress
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "nginx"
ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect: "true"
ingress.kubernetes.io/secure-backends: "true"
ingress.kubernetes.io/force-ssl-redirect: "true"
- hosts:
- foo.com
secretName: tls-secret
- host: foo.com
- path: /*
serviceName: foo-prod
servicePort: 80
kubectl describe ing https-ingress output
Name: https-ingress
Namespace: default
Default backend: default-http-backend:80 (
tls-secret terminates foo.com
Host Path Backends
---- ---- --------
/* foo-prod:80 (<none>)
force-ssl-redirect: true
secure-backends: true
ssl-redirect: true
Events: <none>
The problem was indeed the fact that the Nginx Ingress is not standard on the Google Cloud Platform, and needs to be installed manually - doh!
However, I found installing it to be much more difficult than anticipated (especially because my needs pertained specifically to GCP), so I'm going to outline every step I took from start to finish in hopes of helping anyone else who uses that specific cloud and has that specific need, and finds generic guides to not quite fit the bill.
Get Cluster Credentials
This is a GCP specific step that tripped me up for a while - you're dealing with it if you get weird errors like
kubectl unable to connect to server: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
when trying to run kubectl commands. Run this to set up your console:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials YOUR-K8s-CLUSTER-NAME --z YOUR-K8S-CLUSTER-ZONE
Install Helm
Helm by itself is not hard to install, and the directions can be found on GCP's own docs; what they neglect to mention, however, is that on new versions of K8s, RBAC configuration is required to allow Tiller to install things. Run the following after helm init:
kubectl create serviceaccount --namespace kube-system tiller
kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-rule --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller
kubectl patch deploy --namespace kube-system tiller-deploy -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"serviceAccount":"tiller"}}}}'
Install Nginx Ingress through Helm
Here's another step that tripped me up - rbac.create=true is necessary for the aforementioned RBAC factor.
helm install --name nginx-ingress-release stable/nginx-ingress --set rbac.create=true
Create your Ingress resource
This step is the simplest, and there are plenty of sample nginx ingress configs to tweak - see #JahongirRahmonov's example above. What you MUST keep in mind is that this step takes anywhere from half an hour to over an hour to set up - if you change the config and check again immediately, it won't be set up, but don't take that as implication that you messed something up! Wait for a while and see first.
It's hard to believe this is how much it takes just to redirect HTTP to HTTPS with Kubernetes right now, but I hope this guide helps anyone else stuck on such a seemingly simple and yet so critical need.
GCP has a default ingress controller which at the time of this writing cannot force https.
You need to explicitly manage an NGINX Ingress Controller.
See this article on how to do that on GCP.
Then add this annotation to your ingress:
kubernetes.io/ingress.allow-http: "false"
Hope it helps.