Unable to rename directory using Google Cloud SDK getting 404: No such object:buket/olddirname - directory

I am trying to rename a directory of google cloud using the SDK. I am getting error message of 404 No such object:buketname/previousDirName. Renaming a file works fine but only facing issue in renaming folder.
Here is the code i am using:
if(file_exists(dirname(__DIR__) .'/vendor/autoload.php')){
$selected_bucket = 'BucketName';
$key_file = dirname(__DIR__).'/authkey.json';
$client = new StorageClient([
'keyFilePath' => $key_file,
$bucket = $client->bucket($selected_bucket);
$endpoint = 'https://storage.googleapis.com/'. $selected_bucket;
$adapter = new GoogleStorageAdapter($client, $bucket, $subfolder.'/'); // code to list specific subfolder of the bucket
} else {
$adapter = new GoogleStorageAdapter($client, $bucket);
$filesystem = new Filesystem($adapter, Array ( "url" => $endpoint ));
// rename a file
$filesystem->rename('filename.txt', 'newname.txt'); // works fine
// rename a directory
$response = $filesystem->rename('developer', 'developer123');
I tried to debug in the sdk but nothing found. I searched the issue if someone faced the same issue but didn't found any working solution. I found one but the solution was in gsutil.
Please please suggest me what I am missing in case of renaming directory.

Google Cloud Storage does not not have the concept of "folder", there are only buckets that contain storage objects (flat namespace) and the meaning of "/" is really imposed by clients (and client libraries). As such, folders can't be renamed atomically and thus you would need to rename each of the contained files, by using the gsutil mv command as you have already figured out, like:
gsutil -d mv gs://my-bucket/folder1 gs://my-bucket/folder2
The -d option will cause it to output the sequence of requests gsutil generates to do the rename and additional debug info needed.
In addition, you could try using the -I option, which reads the file list from stdin and is supported with the mv command, as stated here.
Here you may find an example of code samples as well.


Using Laravel's File::makeDirectory to create a folder in the public directory

I have the following code in my controller - I am trying to create a directory structure to save files into:
use File;
$path = public_path().'/shared/uploads/images/brands/400';
if (!File::exists($path)) {
File::makeDirectory($path, $mode = 0755, true, true);
When I run the controller I get the following error:
Intervention\Image\Exception\NotWritableException: Can't write image data to path (/home/tony/Git/website/public/shared/uploads/images/brands/800/17.png) in file /home/tony/Git/website/vendor/intervention/image/src/Intervention/Image/Image.php on line 150
Looking in my public directory I can see no directory structure has been created.
Looking at other examples of this code doing similar/same thing I can't see any difference with my code except that I am creating the directories in the public folder.
As always, any help appreciated.
This was a permission issue.
On my development machine I simply changed the owner of /shared to www-data:www-data:
sudo chown www-data:www-data ./shared/
Once I'd done that the controller worked fine, creating the rest of the directory structure.

Remove local Git repo when working with JGit

I am building a small tool to propose some Git commands to users not familiar with Git. The commands are not intended to modify the repo, just consult some information.
I am creating the tool in Java, using JGit which seems to be the best match to do this kind of stuff.
The issue I face so far is that I create a temporary folder to host the repo content, but I am unable to delete it automatically at the end of the execution.
Here is the code (I removed the try/catch stuff to simplify the reading):
// Create temporary folder
Path folderPath = Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
File localRepoFolder = Files.createTempDirectory(folderPath, "local-repo").toFile();
// Clone the repo
CloneCommand clone = new CloneCommand();
clone.setCredentialsProvider(new UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider("user", "password"));
Git gitRepo = clone.call();
// Do some stuff
// Cleanup before closing
I searched quite a lot on this topic, but I get everywhere that it should be automatically deleted... Am I missing something?
I would use something like Apache Commons IO (http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-io/) which has a FileUtils.deleteDirectory

Not able to initialize tess-two (Could not initialize Tesseract API error)

I wrote a sample Android app. I am getting 'Tesseract(native): Could not initialize Tesseract API with language=eng!' error.
I did include
compile 'com.rmtheis:tess-two:5.4.0'
in the gradle file
Also copied all 'data files' 3.04.00 version to 'tessdata' directory.
I debugged Java portion of 'init' code it seems to be working fine, it's failing inside 'nativeside'.
Any suggestions what could be going wrong with my code. Here are few lines of code I am using to init
final String lang = "eng";
TessBaseAPI baseApi = new TessBaseAPI();
File externalDir = Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS);
String externalDirPath = externalDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/";
flag = baseApi.init(externalDirPath, lang);
The problem was not with tess-two, it was with my app, I deployed it on Marshmallow, it requires different way to get WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission. I was not aware of it, now I fixed that issue my app is working fine.

Update solr config files in solrcloud

Hi fellow SOLR developers,
https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Using+ZooKeeper+to+Manage+Configuration+Files This link says the below
To update or change your SolrCloud configuration files:
1. Download the latest configuration files from ZooKeeper, using the
source control checkout process.
2. Make your changes. Commit your changed file to source control.
3. Push the changes back to ZooKeeper.
4. Reload the collection so that the changes will be in effect.
But I was wondering if there are some examples or articles somewhere which can help me do this. For instance, how would one download the latest config files from zookeeper? Or should I know Zoopkeeper in-and-out to do this?
Version 5.3.1
I updated the synonym file in the "C:\12345\solrcloud\solr-5.3.1\example\example-DIH\solr\db\conf" folder and I'm using the below command
zkcli -zkhost localhost:2181,localhost:2182,localhost:2183 -cmd upconfig -confname db_config -confdir "C:\12345\solrcloud\solr-5.3.1\example\example-DIH\solr\db\conf"
But the file doesn't seem to change nor the query seem to work. I reloaded the core which did not help too. I even tried restarting my solrcloud.
My Brother, you are using upconfig command....
Same way there is a command called downconfig with same parameters.
So your order of execution will be :
Change the config
Downconfig command :
bin/solr zk downconfig -z 111.222.333.444:2181 -n mynewconfig -d /path/to/configset
Upconfig command :
bin/solr zk upconfig -z 111.222.333.444:2181 -n mynewconfig -d /path/to/configset
I think this short code can help to download the configs of solrcloud from zookeeper.
public void exportSynonyms(...) {
try {
final CloudSolrClient cloudSolrClient = ... //Retrieve the Solr client
final String configName = cloudSolrClient.getDefaultCollection();
final Path configPath = ... //Get or create temporary local file path
cloudSolrClient.downloadConfig(configName, configPath);
// Do something
cloudSolrClient.uploadConfig(configPath, configName);
// Reload the collection
} catch (RestClientException | SolrServiceException | IOException var11){
And I met the same problem and asked it on
Hope it can help you.
After you update the file in Zookeeper, you need to tell solr to reload the collection, this tells solr to get the new configuration from Zookeeper.
See the Reload Solr Collection REST call:

Meteor reading CSV files to populate database don't work after deploy

So I have a bunch of data that I want to load into database from CSV. I've hacked together a solution that works in local development, but when I deploy to meteor.com, it no longer works.
I'm loading the csv file in the folder /server/data/:
function readData(name){
var fs = __meteor_bootstrap__.require('fs');
var path = __meteor_bootstrap__.require('path');
var base = path.resolve('.');
var data = fs.readFileSync(path.join(base, '/server/data/', name));
return CSVToArray(data);
After I deploy to meteor.com, i got:
INFO Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory '/meteor/containers/98eb1286-120b-ee84-8e98-ce673fa2eab7/public/data/categories.csv'
at Object.openSync (fs.js:240:18)
at Object.readFileSync (fs.js:128:15)
at readData (app/server/models.js:10:16)
at app/server/categories.js:6:7
at /meteor/containers/98eb1286-120b-ee84-8e98-ce673fa2eab7/bundle/server/server.js:132:63
at Array.forEach (native)
at Function.<anonymous> (/meteor/containers/98eb1286-120b-ee84-8e98-ce673fa2eab7/bundle/server/underscore.js:76:11)
at /meteor/containers/98eb1286-120b-ee84-8e98-ce673fa2eab7/bundle/server/server.js:132:7
Any idea how I can get meteor to see the csv file after deployment?
I realize this question is old, but it still ranks high on certain keyword searches. So, if you're using Meteor 0.6.5+, you can use the new Assets API.
The issue is that meteor only bundles files that it knows about (ie. JS/CSS/HTML/+more depending on which packages you use) up when it deploys.
Try putting the file you need in the public directory (this directory is exempt from the above rule).
Thanks to SamuelDavis and Tom Coleman's tips. I ended up figuring out what the problem is. Turns out the bundled app is no longer formated as client, public, and server. I ended up debugging it by running meteor bundle to create a tarball. extract the tarball and took a look inside to find where the data folder is. Tom was also right that the data folder needed to be in the public folder in order to get bundled in.
It appears that the base directory is not in the same location that contains the file '/server/data/xxx.csv'.
Before you try anything else, log the base path after calling "var base = path.resolve('.'). If that value is what you expected, log the files that appear in that directory. Again if the files are what you expected, navigate into the /server folder and print out those directories and so forth.
This should pinpoint you to which folder and/or directory is missing and should indicate where you should place the CSV file in future.
