How to run existing task scheduler's task using Python? - windows-task-scheduler

I created a task in my Windows 10 Task Scheduler. I was wondering whether it is possible to run the task using Python. I know it is possible to run the task using CMD (How to run existing windows 7 task using command prompt) but can I somehow do it using Python.


Automated R script through Task Scheduler not running complete script

I have an R script that I've set up to automatically update every week using Task Scheduler. The R script is supposed to pull out about 10 extracts from Google Analytics, however when I run the script through task scheduler it only extracts 4 and then seemingly stops. If I run it manually in RStudio it runs all the way through with no errors. Does anyone know why it might stop in Task Scheduler?

How to access R session/global environment after running script through Rscript on Linux

I am using a Linux Workstation to run my R script. I did so using screen and then Rscript myRscript.R. Is there anyway to access the R session after the script has run? I want to be able to write new commands and access the global environment that was created during that session.
I tried asking the Unix community, but no response...
The session is lost after the script is done running. But you can save the environment using save.image("env_file.Rdata") and use it later using load("env_file.Rdata").

Is it possible to start a task in parallel while another task is running from SBT console?

My scenario is the following:
I am running a jetty server from within sbt. While it is running, without stopping it, I'd also like to run another command.
Is this possible without running two instances of sbt?
You could try using the new (as of sbt 1) bgRun command when running jetty. See
Try the all command, whose argument commands will be run in parallel.
So something like all jettyStart otherCommand.

R script schedulling

I have created an R script that runs a K-means segmentation for one of my customers. How can I run this script every thirty days? The script should be on Linux Server.
First you need to create an R script for your k-means calculation. Save this file as your_script.R.
Next create a Windows batch file your_batch.bat which will execute the R script. The batch file should contain the following line which uses Rscript to launch R:
Rscript your_script.R arg1 arg2
Finally you can use the Windows Task Scheduler to setup your script to run every 30 days. Do a Windows search for "Task Scheduler" to find it, and specify your_batch.bat as the program to run.
You can use Sys.sleep to suspend execution for a given number of seconds. You could use this combined with a while to execute a function that runs your K-means segmentation.
I would however recommend you use a task scheduler for this, cron in your case. Just use Rscript to run your script as a cronjob. This does not require an R process to remain active, will launch on restart of the machine, and is easier to stop (no need to kill the process).

automate tasks in R for Windows 8 platform

I would like to have my R script files automatically executed at certain times each day. I have tried to add the script file to the Windows task scheduler but all that does is open up Rstudio and the file but no execution.I followed these steps Scheduling R Tasks via Windows Task Scheduler but this does not work on my computer. When I create the batch file, command won't open it. I need help!
Schedule R scripts/processes with the Windows task scheduler. This allows R users working on Windows to automate R processes on specific timepoints from R itself.
If you are looking for a Linux/Unix scheduler, you might be interested in the R package cronR available
