Sagemath 9.2 documentation not working on Ubuntu Focal - sage

I've downloaded the Sage 9.2 tarball from for Ubuntu Focal. The software works in every other regard but when I load a Jupyter notebook and click on one of the Help topics, I get a 404 File not Found saying the page I'm requesting doesn't exist.
How do I get the docs to work? Thanks for any help with this.

This is a bug in Sage 9.2. See
Ask Sage question 54581: 9.2 download for Ubuntu 20.04 documentation
Sage-Windows issue 52: broken symbolic link: doc -> /doesnotexist/html/en
The issue is fixed at the following ticket,
which was merged in Sage 9.3.beta3:
Sage Trac ticket 30903: Fix broken symlink to documentation in the Sage jupyter kernelspec
Two solutions to get the fix:
wait for Sage 9.3 in a few weeks
install 9.3.beta3
One can also fix one's installation as suggested
at Sage-Windows issue 52 referenced above.
For this run the following commands:
$ SR=`sage -c 'print(SAGE_ROOT)'`
$ A=$SR/local/share/doc/sage/html/en
$ B=$SR/local/share/jupyter/kernels/sagemath/doc
$ ln -sf $A $B
This works fine and restarting Sage is not even needed.


why customtkinter elements have a strange shape

I'm trying to use customtkinter. i downloaded the examples and when i try theme, all the elements have a strange shape enter image description here which don't look like the screens of the examples on github.
I searched on google but didn't find a way to solve this.
I use
Ubuntu 22.04
tested on Python 3.8 and python 3.10
the customtkinter (V5.0.3) was installed using pip
I tried two different versions of python, tried reinstalling the lib
was expecting elements with this kind of shape
Well apparently it's a known bug with anaconda and there is no proper solution yet. You can find the bug report here
An ugly workaround wich actual works is to replace your conda env libtk8.6 by a symlink to system libtk8.6:
cd [Your_conda_env_path]/lib/
ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ .

"qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "" even though it was found" and "not symbolic link" error when reinstalling xcb

I'm attempting to install RStudio in WSL2. R itself works just fine, however when I install and try to run RStudio I get the following error:
qt.qpa.xcb: could not connect to display
qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "" even though it was found.
This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
I've seen that other people have solved this problem by:
Installing libqt5x11extras5 and running the following command:
sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/platforms/ /usr/bin/
Attempting to reinstall libqt5x11extras5 and other xcb related libraries I get the following message at the end and rstudio still doesn't work:
/sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/lib/wsl/lib/ is not a symbolic link
In the /wsl/lib/ folder there are what I believe are a few duplicate files of and This folder is read only and it seems like it's that way for a reason.
I'm assuming the solution involves making a symbolic link but I'm not quite sure where I should be pointing it given wsl's slightly different file structure than regular ubuntu.
edit: for example I've tried
sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/wsl/lib/ /usr/bin
however it doesn't fix the issue with rstudio, and when I reinstall the xcb libraries I still get the same error about it not being a symbolic link.
edit 2: solved it! I needed to install windows 11 for the gui to work. I had read somewhere it would also work with the latest version of windows 10 but I guess not.

Adding Package in Julia - Frozen

I'm just starting to look at Julia (following a tutorial). I tried to do this:
using Pkg
but the install is stuck on 99.9% and nothing is happening.
Cloning default registries into `C:\Users\Alan\.julia`
Cloning registry from ""
Fetching: [========================================>] 99.9 %
Does anyone know what has gone wrong please?
Running Julia 1.4 on a Windows 10 destop PC btw.
Thank you.
Git cloning with libgit2 sometimes get stuck on Windows for some reason. You can probably just abort and try again. You might also have to delete the partial clone at ~/.julia/registries/General before trying again. If it doesn't work you can try to git clone the registry outside of Julia, e.g. something like
$ git -C ~/.julia/registries/ clone

Virtuoso appears to be installed... but isn't (and won't run)

I've followed the instructions to install the stable branch of Virtuoso Open Source 7 on Ubuntu 16.04. There don't appear to be any errors throughout the process of —
CFLAGS="-O2 -m64"
export CFLAGS
make install
However, when I go to /usr/local/virtuoso-opensource/var/lib/virtuoso/db (which contains only virtuoso.ini) and run —
virtuoso-t -f &
The first time I do this the terminal just vanishes. When I reopen the terminal and run the same again it just reads The program 'virtuoso-t' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: apt install virtuoso-opensource-6.1-bin.
I've tried installing both 7 stable and develop from github and both produce the same result. I'd rather use 7 but tried installing 6 via the ubuntu package and conductor wouldn't work for me - not having much luck all round, one of those days.
Thanks for assistance you can provide.
Sounds like you didn't adjust your $PATH variable after make install.
$PATH should include the path to the directory which contains the virtuoso-t, or you can include that path in the launch command, e.g. —
/path/to/virtuoso-t -f -c /usr/local/virtuoso-opensource/var/lib/virtuoso/db/virtuoso.ini &
(Note that the develop/7 branch is recommended over stable/7 at the moment, due to the number of fixes there.)

Eucalyptus FastStart ISO

I have a bit of a stupid question. I am trying to install Eucalyptus Fast Start and the installation guide states that you must have access to the Eucalyptus FastStart ISO.
It then directs you to the following link:
However this only gives me documentation on the installation process.
Does anyone know where I can find the relevant ISO files to download? I have been searching for the last number of hours with no luck.
Thanks in advance,
It looks to me like FastStart ISO has been removed. But the RPMs are still in the repository. So, if you have a CentOS 7.3 machine, you can try using a bash script from to drive an all-in-one installation:
bash <(curl -Ls
Or you can follow the full installation instructions, of course:
Admittedly that's more work than booting up an ISO.
