I'm trying to send a text for example "Hello # World" with Telegram API with this url:
But I just receive Hello
I also tried to encode it like this:
But I just receive Hello %23 World.
Any solution to receive Hello # World? Thanks :D
You did not url-encode the string properly, it should be
Instead off
The complete url:
hello friends I want to send a Text message with emojis but I can't able to send when I add emoji to a text msg it stops working
I want to send a message like this -
Hello friends 😀 how are you
and this is the code I use. if anyone knows how to send emojis and text at the same time plz help
print("Sending Message to:", user['name'])
client.send_message(receiver, message)
print("Waiting {} seconds".format(SLEEP_TIME))
I need to send an URL that contains thespecial character # through Telegram API post request.
I'm currently use HTML as parse mode.
The message to send is something like:
<a href='www.example.com/#/otherparams'>inline link example</a>
But when I send message the substring of the URL from the # to the end is automatically deleted.
I try to encode the # with related ASCII code %23 and the message is sent correctly, but the when I click on the link the URL doesn't works. I think there isn't a resolution of %23. If I manually replace the ASCII code in the URL bar of the browser with # works.
I obviously try to escape the char # with backslash, but the problem still persists.
On the docs I can't find nothing.
This is an example of script that I'm using, written in Python.
The problem is only #, if I change the message with an URL that doesn't contain #, the script works.
import requests
msg="<a href='www.example.com/#/otherparams'>inline link example</a>"
requests.post("https://api.telegram.org/bot" + token + "/sendMessage" + "?chat_id=" + chat_id + "&parseMode=html&text=" + msg)
Right now i am developing a chat bot using Dialogflow(API.AI) and the problem is when i send a message that contains a apostrophe(') the bot shows it as &apos , is there any way to show it as the original character?
for example look the image:
The message name is "Ricardo's Party" but when dialogflow returns the message it says "Ricardo&apost;s Party" there is any way to change that response message?
in the end, the problem was with the characters ' and " i solved the problem sending the message to the webhook(javascript backend) replacing all &apost; and " with "\'" and "\"" and then returning the new message to skype.
iam using QT and Qsslsocket to get some emails body from Gmail using IMAP, I started using the IMAP command to log in, check how many emails I have, and fetch the data from the email I selected I use this commands sure after connected to IMAP using hostname and port.
tag login username password
after login and check the number of messages using tag select inbox I use this command to extract the body of the email.
tag fetch message_number (body[1])
the problem is i got very strange words like this
* 5 FETCH (BODY[1] {1856}
but the email contains normal message have normal words the strange is when i test with another gmail, i take this email from first email and send it forward message to my second email, it give me the normal text in it! so please any help i can't understand what is the problem, also what i tried is using openssl which give me same result as QT strange words, and javaMail library and extract text from first email it worked? so is the problem from the imap command i used or what?
Thanks in advance.
this a screenshot of the email message
when i start some search i checked that this message is encoded to base64 and when i used online decoder it convert to the normal text but the question now is what command should i use so that i can fetch this message body text in normal text automaticly if there is such away.
I have a general question. Should we normally sanitize the SMS text command that the user inputs via their phone for which we send the response? If yes should we sanitize right away i.e. as soon as it comes? Any ideas for the ways that this can be done in asp.net V4.5/MVC?
I am using Twilio. Does Twilio Helper have any APis to do this?
Should we normally sanitize the SMS text command that the user inputs via their phone for which we send the response?
I'm assuming you mean "send to the response", as in Response object in ASP.NET?
Like all input to your application, you should properly encode it when output to the response. You can usually store it in raw, unencoded format in your database, but if this is output to HTML or JavaScript then it should be encoded properly.
e.g. If the " character is output into HTML, then you should encode this as " at the point of output. In MVC, this is automatically done by Razor using the #variable syntax. In classic MVC, the syntax is <%: variable%> (never use <%=variable%> as this will not encode).
If output to JavaScript then it should be hex entity encoded, so " becomes \x22. You can do this in MVC using #Html.Raw(HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(variable)) (this example is using Razor).
Check out the OWASP XSS Prevention Cheat Sheet for tips on how to encode correctly depending on output context.