Qt dynamically change bg color without overwriting other styles - qt

Okay what I am aiming for is a way to set the background color of a QGroupBox without overwriting any other styles that might be set on that object before.
Intuitively I'd use a QPalette for doing this but since my application is using stylesheets, I can't use palettes (using them just has no effect whatsoever).
Thus I am left with setting the background color via stylesheets. If the only style I want to set this was the background color, that'd be easy:
myBox->setStyleSheet("background-color: red;");
This however will overwrite all stylesheets that have been set on myBox before this call. In my case I am setting the font-size at a different place but on the same object and also via stylesheets.
So the next idea is to append to the existing stylesheet like this:
myBox->setStyleSheet(myBox->styleSheet() + " background-color: red;");
That's working so far, but the problem is that I want to change the background color rather frequently (not only once or twice) and while using the above method for the successive color changes (provided I append to the the stylesheet instead of prepending to it), it makes the stylesheet continually grow larger and larger. Furthermore I'd eventually be setting the background color hundreds of times in one and the same stylesheet just so I can have the currently active color as the final value. Parsing this seems like a huge waste of computational resources.
I am therefore looking for a way to change the background color of my box only. The method must preserve all attributes that are currently set in a stylesheet on my object (except the background color of course) and should not make the stylesheet grow to infinity without actually adding new information to it. And ideally the solution is not cascading the background color to children of my box.
How is something like this usually handled within Qt?
A possible solution that I could come up with would be to create a wrapper around the QGroupBox and introduce the style attributes I want to set on it as member variables and then creating the stylesheet based on the values of the member variables each time any of them changes.
This seems like a solution that doesn't scale very well and to me it seems like there should be a standard solution to this that doesn't require manually creating such wrappers every time...

You can have a selector like on CSS, example below:
QGroupBox { background-color: #fbca10;}
Or if you want more specific you can have the accessibleName as the selector also, example:
QGroupBox[accessibleName="mybox"] { background-color: #fbca10;}
the accessibleName is property on QWidget. You can set it on qt designer or by code.


Is there a way to change size of ng-cicle-progress CircleProgressComponent element dynamically?

In the Angular 11 project I need to change ng-circle-progress library CircleProgressComponent element size dynamically.
I have found out, that size of the element can be changed by putting width/height CSS properties on the child DOM element - svg. Problem is that svg doesn't have any id or class values, so even if I could somehow query the element, this would be not that easy and flexible as it should be.
Would be extremely nice to have a parameter in the CircleProgressComponent, that listens to outer variable changes and re-renders the element with a new size.
I had never used this library, so I've read their doc and thier demo page.
If I understand, they have the parameter that you want called radius
[radius]="200" // the size you want

Setting single stylesheet property in Qt

I'm trying to create vertical lines in a QTreeView; rather than painting over lines as suggested by some answers I am using a stylesheet to modify the right border of the cells in the treeview like so:
ui->tripsTreeView->setStyleSheet ("QTreeView::item:!last { border-right: 0.5px solid lightgray ;}");
Unfortunately this resets all other stylesheet properties on the treeview, making it unusable (white on white text, the expand triangle gets a blue background, custom background colours disappear, etc).
Has someone managed to set a stylesheet for a single property in Qt?
Or found a way to extract the current applied stylesheet? I would then do a search-and-replace to add/set the proper border. Unfortunately ui->tripsTreeView->styleSheet() returns only an empty string (meaning it uses the deault stylesheet, but what the heck is the default stylesheet?)
When no stylesheet is set Qt uses a style which matches the style of the OS. When you try to change the stylesheet of even a single property the whole stylesheet of the control is replaced with a default one. I am not sure if the default stylesheet can be extracted. Probably a custom delegate with paint() function reimplemented can do the trick.

Cystoscape, trying to display images instead of nodes

I'm trying to display images instead of nodes using Cytoscape.js to create a network diagram, but I haven't had any success yet. I started with the Images and breadthfirst example (https://gist.github.com/maxkfranz/aedff159b0df05ccfaa5), but there are a couple key things I would like to change.
For starters, I'd like to display an image only instead of a node. The above example displays a circle node with an image inside it. Is there any way to make the node completely transparent, and just let the image show through? I just want to see my vector icon images. When I delete all style properties for my node selector except width and height, I still see a circle constraining my image. I just want to see my image.
Next, I'd like to use something on the element data to decide what image to use instead of the #nodeId mechanism in the example above.
'background-image': 'https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7272/7633179468_3e19e45a0c_b.jpg'
Using a unique selector for each id is not very scalable or easy to modify. I'd prefer a declarative approach where a property on the data element determines which image to display. I tried using the "classes" property on an element, and I added a "shape-database" value to it. Here is how the class is defined...
.shape-database {
width: 95px;
height: 95px;
/*background: url('images/network-icons.jpg') 0px -95px;*/
background: url('images/database-5-med.png');
I then tested that the "shape-database" class was working by adding a simple div to the page, and the class is working properly on a normal div. The cyto node I added the classes property to does not display the background image. It's as if the class was not applied to the node, or else the node is blocking the image somehow. This is with the exact same code I was using above, with all the node selector css properties removed except width and height, and the #order-db css selector removed. I just see a grey circle for the node.
When the classes property on the element didn't work, I even tried the following to no avail...
Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong? A link to an example displaying just images instead of nodes would help as well.
Displaying an image instead of a node:
The key here was in hiding the node background and border completely, so that the background image alone shows through. The key to accomplishing that is through "background-opacity" and "border-opacity" (or "border-width") on the style objects. I added an image property (value is an img src) to the data object for each element that I wanted to swap out with an image, as well as the following style.
selector: 'node[image]',
style: {
'background-image': 'data(image)', // specify some image
'background-opacity': 0, // do not show the bg colour
'border-width': 0, // no border that would increase node size
'background-clip': 'none' // let image go beyond node shape (also better performance)
This also satisfied my requirement to use the element data to designate which elements are to be replaced with images and which images to use, instead of hard-coding a unique style and image for each element id.
I never got the classes data property to have any effect whatsoever on the background-image of a node. Perhaps there's a bug there.
Hopefully, this will help someone in the future because it was not obvious to me that background-opacity etc. made the entire node invisible. From the documentation, it sounded like it affected the node's background. Knowing that I was altering the background image for the node caused me quite a bit of confusion around nodes and backgrounds. I'm still quite fuzzy on all the layers and how they interact, but the above works and is better in my opinion than the image example given on the cytoscape site.

GXT3 - Change grid cell background color dependent on value (without CSS classes)

In GXT2 it was possible to change a cell's background color within the GridCellRenderer's render method. With GXT3 this is not possible anymore and the suggested approach is to use a GridViewConfig and override the getColStyle method.
My problem with this appoach is that I don't want to use css classes here but directly manipulate the cell's style as the desired background colors are only known at runtime.
My first idea was to do something like grid.getView().getCell(rowIndex, colIndex).getStyle().setBackgroundColor(...) within getColStyle but the returned cell always seems to be null here.
I've found a solution by myself:
I had to override com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.grid.GridView#doRender and append some custom SafeStyles to the cell dependend on the model. To make it more flexible, I introduced also an inheritance of the GridViewConfig to do this job.
I hoped that there would be a simpler solution but at least it is one.

Dojo GFX widgets displaying float-like behaviour instead of correct positioning

I'm using Dojo GFX to do some simple drawing, but having a problem with IE 7/8 (switching browsers is not an option).
If I create a div, set up a surface and draw some rects, they draw correctly relative to the div, so far so good.
However, what I want to do is create a widget, something with an embedded 'surface' that draws based on some widget-specific data. As such, I have a widget that contains a div, and I draw into this div. When I do that, the rects I create behave as if they are responding to a float:right, appearing in order they are created and ignoring the 'x' parameter.
I assume that this behaviour is something to do with CSS, but I haven't got to the bottom of it yet. Any ideas or solutions gratefully appreciated!
I've disabled all stylesheets and I am not using style attributes. No difference to the behaviour.
I've inspected the markup that gets generated using IE8 dev tools. Apart from the different location of the containing div, the only difference I can see is that the v:roundrect elements have no child elements when created against the widget div, but they do have empty elements like stroke when created against the div referenced by ID.
Reading back through the docs, a difference I can see that might be responsible is that the postCreate method where I am doing my drawing is manipulating a div that has not been added to the dom yet, whereas drawing on a hardcoded div is done when it does exist. Maybe the difference in rendering is something to do with this? Is there a specific lifecycle function which is appropriate to draw in for widgets?
It seems that if you are going to use Dojo GFX and draw on DOM elements that are created as part of a widget in IE7/8, you must actually do the drawing in an override of the startup() method.
Drawing in the postCreate() method causes incorrect rendering resembling a float: left.
