SABRE RedWeb Installation / Getting Started - sabre

I did the basic installation of the SabreRedWeb-SDK-20.11.6 and then clicked on the ConciergeInstaller-5.7.0-1.0.4.exe and it seems to have installed properly. The web instructions found here don't match the video.
Web Instructions (I'm following the Concierge install section)
Video Explanation here...
At 1:45 of the video they mention doing a ngv...
Well, I assume I do that in the node installation which by default was put here...
C:\Program Files\Concierge\node
But when I do ngv when running node.exe
ReferenceError: ngv is not defined
I'm thinking I need to be running the concierge tool itself and not node directly.

You use a command prompt to do the ngv build etc...
Thereafter I am using Visual Studio Code and everytime I save the files the terminal does the save and "re-build" or I suppose it is "re-run".


API Manager 2.6.0 won't start -- can't find carbon.xml file, but install went fine

Windows Server 2016
Installed Java JDK 1.8.0_192, and set JAVA_HOME path as directed
Download and install of WSO2 API manager 2.6.0 was all good...
when trying to start wso2server.bat,
briefly get the following error message on screen:
Error: Could not find or load main class
From folder structures, carbon.xml file appears to be in proper place:
C:\Program Files\WSO2\API Manager\2.6.0\repository\conf
Thanks for any pointers!
Using the comment from Rans, I simplified the path with latest install to the following:
I also ran the WSO2server.bat from command line, while in the bin folder, and it completes the startup tasks, and now appears to be running fine.

JBDS 11.3.0.GA - Fuse generated project doesn't work

I'm using JBDS 11.3.0.GA on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. I'm generating a Fuse project for Fuse 7.1.0 on standalone Karaf platform, using the camel-spring-cxf-code-first template. The project generates correctly but, trying to run it as described by the ReadMe.txt file fails. For example, after installing the bundle as follows:
karaf#root()> install -s mvn:com.mycompany/camel-spring-cxf-code-first/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Bundle ID: 223
trying to go to http://localhost:8181/cxf/report/?wsdl (of course, after having replaced in the generated code 9292 by 8181) displays "No service was found." in the browser and shows the following in the log file:
16:33:36.209 WARN [XNIO-4 task-1] Can't find the the request for http://localhost:8181/cxf/report/'s Observe
meaning that the generated project is not valid.
Kind regards,
The deployment of this kind of projects is not working at the moment - see the following statement in the Readme.txt file.
Note: This project does not currently work. It has some issues. It is based
on the archetype.
I raised an issue for developers -

Project 'Unable to locate Dependency' on itself

I'm trying to run the latest Asp.Net 5 samples (currently 1.0.0-rc1-update1) on my Ubuntu 14.04 VM guest using VirtualBox on Windows 10. The sample code is being run via shared host directory.
I have the active and default DNX set as the CoreCLR x64.
When I have run the dnu restore command against either of the 2 web projects, the restore completes but with an error message. For example, for the HelloWeb project:
Unable to locate Dependency helloweb >= 1.0.0
If I run then command dnx web for the web projects I get the error message:
Error: Unable to load application or execute command 'Microsoft.AspNet.Server.Kestrel'. Available commands: web.
I have a related question here as I am also trying to also get the same samples running on my Windows machine. As they are basic and also unmodified, so I can't understand why they are not working. To make things worse, I actually had them running on this VM yesterday in the same manner I am trying here and as far as I'm aware, nothing has changed other than I have restarted the VM in the meantime.
Can anyone suggest why the projects are referencing themselves in this way and how I can resolve it?
The issue was being caused because the source code was being shared and the project.lock.json file had been created by the dnu restore process on Windows. I created a separate set of code samples and the code restored then ran fine.
This doesn't explain why the message was appearing but I assume the message Unable to locate Dependency helloweb >= 1.0.0 is actually a red herring and possibly refers to the fact that it can't replace the lock file.

Creating a .NET secret using SecretManager

I'm working with Visual Studio 2015 RC and following a tutorial for adding Facebook auth. It says to store the Facebook App Id as a secret using the SecretManager app:
"Set the Facebook AppId by running user-secret set Authentication:Facebook:AppId 862373430475128"
I am not quite grasping how to install the SecretManager, or how to access it from a command line. I'm used to VS2010 and so the dnvm/dnu stuff is totally new to me. Here's what I've tried:
opened a regular command prompt and typed dnvm - that works; it's in the PATH
typed user-secret - not recognized
tried to install SecretManager via dnvm - got an error partway through
added SecretManager to my project via nuGet - worked but I don't get where to go to type "user-secret"
Can someone provide a simple set of steps to get to where I can use the "user-secret" command?
UPDATE: After manually adding the dnu tool to my Path and running
dnu commands install SecretManager
I got the following command line output:
OK'SecretManager' 595ms
Restoring packages for C:\Users\jprice\.dnx\bin\packages\6534b338f1b44210898ea19d5c3801b9\project.json
Writing lock file C:\Users\jprice\.dnx\bin\packages\6534b338f1b44210898ea19d5c3801b9\project.lock.json
Restore complete, 358ms elapsed
Restoring packages for C:\Users\jprice\.dnx\bin\packages\SecretManager\1.0.0-beta4\app\project.json
OK'System.Console' 407ms
Unable to locate SecretManager >= 1.0.0-beta4-10173
Writing lock file C:\Users\jprice\.dnx\bin\packages\SecretManager\1.0.0-beta4\app\project.lock.json
Restore complete, 564ms elapsed
Errors in C:\Users\jprice\.dnx\bin\packages\SecretManager\1.0.0-beta4\app\project.json
Unable to locate SecretManager >= 1.0.0-beta4-10173
I know how to install nuGet packages for a specific app, but I'm less clear on how the global tools concept works. I'm currently on VS 2010, so this is mostly new to me.
See . A user there had the same issue with SecretManager and his solution (editing the dependency version at C:\Users\myname.dnx\bin\packages\SecretManager\1.0.0-beta4\app) worked for me.
I'm still not 100% clear on why I had to manually set up the PATH to the dnu tool, but I'm guessing that the community edition is just missing the VS command prompt and other items.

Build Kobold2d project from command line

I posted this on the Kobold2d forums but haven't received any replies yet. I'm hoping the larger audience here at SO can help.
I'm trying to get our Kobold2d project working with our Hudson CI server. I'd like to have a script that executes the proper command line build instructions using xcodebuild, but I'm running into a problem with any Kobold2d project.
As a test I created a Orthogonal-Tilemap template project and built/ran it in the xcode 4.4.1 gui successfully. Building the projects individually from the command line the Kobold2D-Libraries.xcodeproj reports a successful build (though I have no idea where any products are stored), but the tilemap project fails with the message:
ld: file not found: <path>/Kobold2D/Kobold2D-2.0.3/BuildTest/build/Release-iphoneos/libkobold2d-ios.a
The only information I can find on this message talks about errors from building in the xcode gui, which is not the problem.
I also tried having xcodebuild build the workspace file but that failed with multiple dependency errors.
Has anyone found a way to successfully build Kobold2d projects from the command line?
Actually I use Hudson to automate Kobold2D builds. Here's the build script for Hudson.
I can see from your path that you changed Xcode's default build locations (Advanced, next to Derived Data in Preferences -> Locations). There's one setting (legacy) that doesn't work at all with Kobold2D, and should actually open a browser window explaining the issue should you have used that setting.
I think your setting is "relative to project" or something similar. Try changing the build location to Xcode default (Unique) and try again. You can use a custom location for derived data if you want to.
In any case, if the output location path of build products ends up being somewhere in the app project folder (in this case: BuildTest) then ld won't be able to find dependencies because they're not all in the same folder. If you do require this you could add a pre-link step that copies the .a files to the correct location. But it's best to avoid this because it'll be prone to breaking.
My script includes
xcodebuild -workspace Bulge.xcworkspace -scheme Bulge-iOS -sdk ${sdk} archive || die "Archive failed"
