To Fetch Service Request Form URL from Remedy / Digital Work Place / SmartIT - remedy

We have a standalone web application which has a list of links that redirects the users to (SmartIT / Other Internal Web Applications). These links are picked from a JSON File.
"title" : "BMC Remedy",
"link" : ""
"title" : "Password Rest",
"link" : ""
Now we are heading for a Remedy Upgrade which results in URL Change of all these Links (Close to 400). Is there any way to fetch a report of all SmartIT form URL's. Else we have to this manually.
I tried using srd_url field in SRD:ServiceRequestDefinition, but the report did not give any results.

The newer Version's SRD ID is same across all of the newer version platfrom (PERF, QA and PROD). We have migrated it by changing the prefix (www.*** and kept the IDs same.


here api request error --- Invalid credentials

I have a 90-day trial and I am registered at (Evaluation 2018-06-29).
But when I request with my correct copied app id and app code I get the below error.
"response": {
"_type": "ns2:RoutingServiceErrorType",
"type": "PermissionError",
"subtype": "InvalidCredentials",
"details": "This is not a valid app_id and app_code pair. Please verify that the values are not swapped between the app_id and app_code and the values provisioned by HERE (either by your customer representative or via were copied correctly into the request.",
"metaInfo": {
"timestamp": "2018-08-15T18:52:35Z",
"mapVersion": "",
"moduleVersion": "7.2.201832-36299",
"interfaceVersion": "2.6.34"
Can anyone help, especially someone from here api developer support team?
Go into your account projects and add a new project explicitly for the Freemium plan. Then you should be able to generate a new JavaScript/REST App ID and App Code. If you are using one of the mobile SDKs you would generate a new id / code there as well.
(1) Copy and Paste
I'm not certain this is what may be happening for you, but one of my codes had a leading underscore and it was very easy to copy and paste it incorrectly into my source code.
(2) Domain Protection
Also make sure that if you checked "Secure app credentials against a specific domain" that you are calling the routing service from the same domain.
(3) Shell Interpolation
Without more detail about how you are making the calls to the routing service (curl, postman, javascript, ios, android, etc.) it may also indicate where to offer advice.
For example, if you are using curl make sure your parameters have surrounding quotes as & will be interpreted by a shell such that ?app_id=your-app-id&app_code=your-app-code is not interpreted properly. That could generate the response you saw as the shell took your app_code parameter away before curl could make the request only passing the app_id.

DotNetNuke website migration to Azure fails with nx domain DNS error

I am currently working on a DotNetNuke website (07.03.02) and I am trying to migrate it to Azure. The website is working on my local machine with IIS.
I followed this tutorial to migrate the website :
So I created a new web application on Azure that will host the website files. I also created a new database on Azure, and I imported my DNN backup database.
I changed the connection strings in my web.config to use my Azure database, I uploaded the website folder on Azure.
Now if I try to browse my webapp using the link [sitename], I get the following error :
DNN Error Domain Name Does Not Exist In The Database
DotNetNuke supports multiple websites from a single database/codebase.
It accomplishes this by converting the URL of the client browser
Request to a valid PortalID in the Portals database table. The
following steps describe the process:
Web Server Processing When a web server receives a Request from a
client browser, it compares the file name extension on the target URL
resource to its Application Extension Mappings defined in IIS. Based
on the corresponding match, IIS then sends the Request to the defined
Executable Path ( aspnet_asapi.dll in the case of ASP.NET Requests ).
The aspnet_isapi.dll engine processes the Request in an ordered series
of events beginning with Application_BeginRequest.
HttpModule.URLRewrite OnBeginRequest ( UrlRewriteModule.vb ) The
Request URL is parsed based on the "/" character A Domain Name is
constructed using each of the relevant parsed URL segments.
URL: = Domain Name:
URL: = Domain Name:
URL: http://localhost/DotNetNuke/default.aspx = Domain Name:
localhost/DotNetNuke URL: = Domain Name: URL: = Domain Name:
Using the Domain Name, the application queries the database ( Portals
table - PortalAlias field ) to locate a matching record.
Note: If there are multiple URLs which correspond to the same website
then the website alias field must contain each valid Domain Name in a
comma separated list.
URL: http://localhost/DotNetNuke/default.aspx URL:
http://MACHINENAME/DotNetNuke/default.aspx URL: PortalAlias:
Note: If you are installing the application to a remote server you
must modify the PortalAlias field value for the default record in the
Portals table according to the rules defined above.
So I inserted the Site Alias ([sitename] record into the PortalAlias table as mentioned in the turorial.
Now when I try to reach the website [sitename], I don't have the previous DNN error but it loads for a long time and then I got the following error :
www.[sitename]’s server DNS address could not be
After the load end, the URL curiously become https://www.[sitename] and the DNS error occur.
Is there something I need to change in Azure or in my web.config file ? Maybe there is something to configure in DotNetNuke or in the ASP version?
I don't get why my browser change the url and why this dns error occur (I have no issues with my local IIS server).
(I also tried by using the automatic portal alias transfer as mentioned in the tutorial but I got the same result : the alias is inserted in the database but I still have the NXdomain error)
Thank you for your help !
In your original post you have:
www.[sitename]’s server DNS address could not be found. DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN
Try to manually put the . (The full, http with colons, etc.) Sometimes the web browser will add the WWW automatically, thinking you wanted it (I hate when they do that). Azure doesn't know about the www subdomain, so that is why you are probably getting that error.
Edit: Oh, and the long load time is good - it means that azure compiled your site and you didn't get a compile error.
The fact that you get an error that comes from DNN is good news, and means that you have (probably) done the major work correctly.
Now, you need to get into your database and modify the PortalAlias table so that there is an alias for (I'm assuming that the brackets around sitename are incorrect and "[sitename]" eeds to be replaced by the actual domain name for your site.)

Apple App Site association not working

App Search API Validation Tool of "Apple" is not validating my domain.
I am using universal links but "Link to Application" is showing me "Error".(
Here is my "apple-app-site-association" file code.
{"applinks": {"apps": [],"details": {"": {"paths": ["*"]}}}}
Can someone please solve my query or send the sample of "apple-app-site-association" valid code?
Apple's API validation tool compares your website's association file to a store listing. If your app is not yet publicly available the error you listed will be displayed.
Your apple-app-site-association has a small typo where you specify the details (it should be an array). I also assume you're replacing the XXXX's with your app ID.
"applinks": {
"apps": [],
"details": [
"paths": [ "*" ]
Even if you get this error from Apple's validation tool, you can test Universal links. If your Universal Link does not work on your test device you need to inspect the device logs when you fresh install it and make sure your apple-app-site-association is available at the root of your site via https with no redirects. Sometimes there is issue if the content-type is not application/json (but the file name should remain exactly apple-app-site-association).

Box API: Create folder on behalf of another user

I am able to create folder via put API call.
Now I am trying to use User impersonation to create a new folder giving following headers.
headers = { "Authorization" : "<token>", "As-User" : "237490238" }
It is always giving me 403 forbidden as response.
I also tried creating folder this way via POSTMAN giving X-On-Behalf-Of and X-As-User headers. The response is 201 ( created ) but created_by is not the user (with id = '237490238') provided in headers.
Is it possible to have user impersonation in creating files/folders , creating shared links for files/folders via API?
1: Your Authorization header is not formatted properly. The value needs to be prefixed by Bearer:
headers = {
"Authorization" : "Bearer <token>",
"As-User" : "237490238"
2: Ensure that the scope of your authorization token includes Manage an enterprise. This is required in order to use the As-User functionality.

Creating a url in controller in mvc 4

I am trying to send activation mail to the currently registered user.In mail body,I need to send a link like, for debugging on local machine, I manually write it as localhost:30995/account/activation?username=d&email=g. But, when my port number changes, I need to rewrite it.
I tried another question
on this website,but, compiler gives error like url.action doesnot exist.
Please give me fresh solution as I am confused with that solution.
Use a Url.Action overload that takes a protocol parameter to generate your URLs:
Url.Action("Activation", "Account", new { username = "d", email = "g" }, "http")
This generates an absolute URL rather than a relative one. The protocol can be either "http" or "https". So this will return http://localhost:XXXXX/account/activation?username=d&email=g on your local machine, and on production.
In short, this will stick whatever domain you're hosting your app on in front of your URL; you can then change your hostname/port number/domain name as many times as you want. Your links will always point to the host they originated from. That should solve the problem you're facing.
Try using IIS / IIS-Express instead of Casinni web server that comes with visual studio.
You could add bindings to have the right URL (with host entries of course).
This will avoid the port numbers in your links.
