Google Analytics 4, problem with URL (not set) - google-analytics

I am using the new Google Analytics 4, with automatic tracking.
I have some custom dimensions for "click" events, but "link_url" doesn't appear in the report. I can see the URL from "Real Time" if I click on "clicks", but with "Hub Analysis" then I cannot find that URL.
So if now I see URL "X" in "Real Time", tomorrow the same URL will be "(not set)". Why?
I have this problem with the new Google Analytics, with events "(not set)" in the report. I can see correct number for "clicks", but then I dont have the "link_url" parameter

It took me while to figure it out (documentation for this is poor).
GA4 -> All Events -> Create Custom Dimensions -> set link_url (This step you did)
Google Tag Manager -> Variables -> Built-in variables -> Configure -> Check Click URL
Wait approximately 24 hours.


Why can't I create a Google Analytics property view?

I'm trying to use Google Analytics as a data stream for Google Data Studio but it requires me to have a property view. There is no option for me to create a view in my property in the administration page:
There is no column named Views:
Is there something I need to do to be able to create new views?
OBS.: My Google Analytics account was imported directly from Firebase.
Google Analytics is changing and it is a bit confusing. I will try to clarify it for you. As far as I have gone, evolution has been:
1.- "App + web property" (Beta phase)
2.- "Universal Analytics" (*) (until 14-Oct-2020): It is identified because the account number is preceded by "UA-" eg. UA-123456789 (Attention, sometimes it is not very obvious and you have to create a new user to see the UA prefix). This option is only suitable for the monitoring and analysis of Web pages and has the option of analysis using "Views" enabled. If you don't have it, you should:
2.a.- Create a new "Property"
2.b.- "Show advanced options"
2.c.- Activate "Create an Analytics Property"
2.d.- Create only one "Universal Analytics" Property
3.- "Google Analytics 4": It is identified because the account number is preceded by "GA4-" eg. GA4-123456789. In this case, the analysis is not done through "View" but through "Data Stream" (** incorporating a series of improvements) although Google offers the possibility of creating two "Properties" one in UA format with Views and another in GA4 format with Data Stream
In all cases, you must place the corresponding gtag provided by Google Analytics within the tag of the page you want to analyze.
This is a good answer to that question. I had the same problem. In case the URL doesn't load, essentially,...
"If you set up a Google Analytics 4 property with a Web data stream, you have a Measurement ID (which begins with "G-").
If you set up a Universal Analytics ("Web") property (Universal Analytics properties have views instead of data streams), you have a Tracking ID (which begins with "UA-")."
You cannot have the property be a Google Analytics 4 property with a web data stream and have a view page as well. If you want the View page, then when you create the property, make sure its Universal Analytics.
Hope this helps, I'm new to this game.

Google analytic with Funnel steps with dynamic view

I am new to funnel setup for virtual Page view. I have an quick question for SEO experts...
As you know, the funnel has "Name " and "Screen/Page".
In following screen, I am wondering about track_Pageview values (e.g: 'inquirey-visitorname-completed'). Are they Funnel's name or "screen/page" values? Please let me know.
Thanks you guys in advance.
in your example(looks like it's example from KissMetrics article) after "onBlur" JS-event happend on example, trackPageview method send virtual pageviews.
In Google Analytics at report "All Pages" you will see values like:
In funnel settings you should use, for example, "/inquiry-visitorname-completed" as "Screen/Page".
So, in the "Screen/Page" should be used any type of pageview(real or virtual), like '/thankyou.html', '/order/completed/', etc.
In the "Name" field you can use "Order Lists", "Get a Quote", and so on - this is just name of steps for GA funnels.

How do I pass a parameter from my site into google analytics?

Let's say I have a site and the user comes into it with a parameter:
How do I go about passing along the url value from the parameter into Google Analytics?
1) User comes to the page with a url in the params
2) User clicks a download link with a ga tracking code attached to it which was generated from ga account like this:
You have to create a custom Dimension and a metric for that.
About custom Dimensions and metrics:
After you have created a Dimension, you can add metrics to it by view, in example.
Follow the steps here for Universal Analytics:
Note that due to not have 10 point of reputation, I wrote the a "_" in http like "ht_tp"
I think what you want to know is the number os visitors that clicks a download link in your site that comes from, lets say "blahblahblah" as web origin or other methods.
For that, you have the param utm_source that you can receive directly in the url.
So instead of ht_tp:// you should receive ht_tp://
In this way, you have no care about it. Analytics is going to take care for you so you can get a report of clicks by source.
Or, just use the referer in case all the incoming visitors are from webs:
ga('set', 'referrer', 'ht_tp://');
And a final option, to use Events:
_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'ReferencedVisitors', jsVarWhereYouHaveTheOrigin]);

Google analytics does not show Event Label in real-time?

I am using the following code to send GA events:
Tracker t = ((AnalyticsHelper) getApplication()).getTracker(AnalyticsHelper.TrackerName.APP_TRACKER);
t.send(new HitBuilders.EventBuilder()
But on google analytics report webpage -> Real Time, it only shows the Category and Action. The Label is missing. Is Label ignored by real-time reporting? Do I need to wait for one day for the Label to show up?
As #stkent answered, you have to click on the category to see the labels.
But also, make sure there are no extra filters added unintentionally

Custom Dimension tracked in GTM, but not showing in UA

I tried to setup Google Tag Manager. The Pageviews are tracked correctly, but in Universal Analytics I can not see Custom Dimensions.
In Google Universal Analytics:
I have defined some custom dimensions in the Universal Analytics Profile under "Admin" -> "Custom Definitions" -> "Custom Dimensions".
The following Dimensions are relevant:
(Name) (Index)
PageView Author 7
PageView Themenwelt 8
PageView Seitentyp 9
PageView Posttyp 10
PageView Modified Date 11
In Google Tag Manager:
I have added a page Universal Analytics Tag with Track Type "Page View" and the following settings for "Custom Dimensions":
(Index) (Dimension)
7 {{Tracking Variable Posttyp}}
9 {{Tracking Variable Seitentyp}}
8 {{Tracking Variable Themenwelt}}
7 {{Tracking Variable Autor}}
11 {{Tracking Variable Modified Date}}
The values for the dimensions are fetched via Macros, using the "Javascript Variable" Macro.
Example for such a macro is just:
Global Variable Name: window.analytics_tracking_params.Author
The Variable is defined in the Website content, before the tag manager code.
When I go to the debug mode of tag manager, I can see the event being triggered, with the following debug entry for "Dimension":
7: Tracking Variable Autor,
8: Tracking Variable Themenwelt,
9: Tracking Variable Seitentyp,
10: Tracking Variable Posttyp,
11: Tracking Variable Modified Date,
The Macros resolve correctly to the values set on the website.
----------> I believe that the Google Tag Manager Setup is correct.
Again, in Google Universal Analytics:
I have created a Custom Report ("Customization" -> "+New Custom Report") with the following settings:
Metric Groups: Pageviews (Users)
Dimension Drilldowns: PageView Posttyp (Custom Dimensions)
In the report table below the Chart, there is only this message "There is no data for this view.".
This happens regardless of which Custom Dimension I chose.
----------> I believe that the Settings in Google Universal Analytics are correct, but apparently something does not work as expected.
It seems the Data is not correctly sent to Universal Analytics OR Universal Analytics is not able to process the Data and display it. Is there anything I might have forgotten or misunderstood?
I encountered a similar problem with my GTM configuration. I had my macro retrieving the values for my custom dimensions set up to fill in an empty string as a default value (see checkbox for default value: "To set the default value to be an empty string, select this option and leave the text field blank.").
Unfortunately my custom dimension was overwritten at some places with the empty string, so in GA pagehits etc. were recorded but the custom dimensions have been set to blank.
I changed that with unchecking the default value box, so instead of a empty string a nil value (or in JS: undefined) will be used instead. With that setting my custom dimension haven't got overwritten again with empty strings.
Maybe that might fix your problem as well?
see if your custom dimensions can be seen as aseconday dimension in the events sections. If you can you are probably look at standard user reports. Custom reports easily populate custom dimensions.
