How to create email template in autosys - autosys

Lets say i have a job that runs for 10mins(lets say the time as 10.00). i set max_run_alarm as 3. i should get an email at 10.03 where i can goahead and see why the job is running more than the max_run_alarm. if i use max_run_alarm i am able to see in the logs triggering that alarm, but I cannot spend all day monitoring the logs to see which job is taking long as i have many jobs. my question is am i using max_run_alarm in the correct way or is there something else i am missing or is there entirely different way for the emails to generate.

There is an added functionality where you can configure the email id where all Autosys notification to be sent out.
Incase of any event such as Job Failure / Termination / Run Alarms etc are notified to that email address.
This is configured by the Autosys Admin or the Scheduling Team which i call them as.


alert in stackdriver for not receiving msg after 24 hours in google cloud

I want to monitor that a pod in kubernetes is running correctly as cronjob twice a day using stackdriver.
In order to do it I want to send start msg and end msg logs in the pod and I want to create an alert metric in stack driver that if not receiving these msgs after 24 hours, send Email.
Is it possible to do this alerting in stack driver ?
There are several ways of accomplishing this.
In order to generate the event, I think the easiest way is to check on a log-based metric based on the CRON itself. If you are running a kind:CronJob, you can either use the Metrics Explorer to find Resource type:GKE Container Metric: Log entries, and then filter by container_name (which will be your CronJob
You could also create a log based metric on something like
...and maybe add a string to the spec.containers.args section to make filtering easier.
You could also publish to a pub/sub topic and do your alerting on publish message operations.
Once you decide on the metric, you just need to alert if Any time series is absent[1] for 13 hours. Add a notification channel type=email[2], and you will receive an alert whenever the cron does not run at least once a day.

Control-m email alert for when the job is not triggered by spefic time

I'm exploring different options to send email notifications when the job is not started before 11:00 PM .
My job type is OS and it is dependent on other job(not owned by me), some time the source job run for long time and causing my job to wait , in this case I would like get a notification as my job is not started .
I could see there is a option in Actions tab --> Notifications before job completion --> when : Job not submitted by time , have different option to specify the time but in the Send notification section Don't have email as destination .
Could you please help me if we have options to send email alert .
This is a common requirement. It can be solved by creating custom shout destinations on the Control-M server. Any custom shout destination will show up in the list in your screenshot.
Custom shout destinations can be configured to send an email to a hardcoded email address among other things.
See following link for more details:

Batch Jobs Not Running When Set to Waiting on My Dev Server

My level of experience with the product is basic at best, but I'm expected to be a developer; I have a basic understanding of many things.
Right now my job is to investigate canceling lines in Purchase Orders. We have a workflow set up to handle those, and I'm trying to duplicate the scenario in my dev instance. Whenever a user cancels a line, the workflow is supposed to engage, and I've found that a batch job is what triggers that workflow to work (maybe that's the case with all workflows, but I don't know that for sure).
I've set up my personal Dev AX Instance under System Configuration => System => Server Configuration to use my personal Dev AOS server that my client is also running under, but when I go to System Configuration => Batch Jobs => Batch Jobs, then find the Batch Job I've been looking for and set the status to Waiting, the Batch Job never runs.
On our Test instance, the jobs is configured exactly the same way, except they use the AOS Server allotted for it.
I did a SQL script to change the batch job to use my personal Dev AOS Server, then did a restart of the Dynamics AX Servers.
There must be something I'm doing wrong for my personal dev instance. I've been reading some things from here about what may be going on and following down the list, but I'm pretty sure the problem is even stupider =>
First of all, do you have all 3 workflow jobs set up?
Workflow message processing
Workflow due date processing
Workflow line-item notifications
They can be set up from System administration > Setup > Workflow > Workflow infrastructure configuration.
Secondly, it is OK for the periodic batch jobs to have status Waiting. They will be in status Executing for a short time and then they will be Waiting for the next run. If the Scheduled start date/time value in this batch job is in the past, that could be a problem. Otherwise everything is OK.
Lastly, if you have already ticked the Is batch server check-box in System administration > Setup > System > Server configuration, please also make sure to move the workflow batch group in the Batch server groups section in the same form from Remaining groups to Selected groups.
The batch jobs should start at Scheduled start date/time - or a bit later, you'd need to wait a minute and refresh the grid.

AUTOSYS jjobs max run alert system

(Alert) I am new with autosys.
Our team is using autosys version 11.3.5 in remote server(no access to idash).What we are looking for is , if any job is running for more that its mentioned max run time in JIL script , it should email a report containing details of such jobs to a particular mailbox.
Please provide answer with details.So , that a newbie can understand.if possible please provide with the script as we are on tight schedule .
Thanks in Advance.
You can simply use 1max_run_alarmof Autosys to set the alarm and it will send an email to the email id that you put as a part ofnotification_emailaddress` parameter.
Autosys Email Generation if the job runs more than the time specified

Autosys Email Generation if the job runs more than the time specified

Currenty I have requirement in my enviroment for the autosys email notifition.
Requirement: If the job runs more than the specified time it should trigger an email.
What I am trying is using max_run_alam, but I am not successful.
Lets say i have a job that runs for 10mins(lets say the time as 10.00). i set max_run_alarm as 3. i should get an email at 10.03 where i can goahead and see why the job is running more than the max_run_alarm. if i use max_run_alarm i am able to see in the logs triggering that alarm, but I cannot spend all day monitoring the logs to see which job is taking long as i have many jobs. my question is am i using max_run_alarm in the correct way or is there something else i am missing or is there entirely different way for the emails to generate.
pls advise.
We are using autosys R11 at work. I believe the triggering of emails is already automated in higher versions of autosys, but, in our version, to send automatic emails after a certain time, we create two extra autosys jobs. One autosys job starts at the same time as the job you want to "monitor". This job contains a 'sleep' command. (in your example, the command would be "sleep 180" for the job to run for 3 minutes until completion). The second extra job is the sending of the email and only starts after successful completion of the sleep-job.
To prevent the mail from being send every time the autosys box starts, you have to add your first job as BOX_SUCCESS condition. The sleep-job will run to completion, but the mail-job went from the "ACTIVATED" state to the "INACTIVE" state because the autosys box isn't RUNNING anymore.
