does not connect to some sites, when connected to vpn windvoss - vpn

using a Windows server, I created a pptp vpn connection, but when connecting, for example, to YouTube, it displays an error that the waiting time was exceeded, to create a vpnk connection, I used this guide


Application is blocking all TCP and UDP traffic which does not match with its own traffic request

Recently my office provided a remote server connection app Accops HySecure to connect to office system but when you connect to the app It blocks internet connection to my local laptop using at home.
It blocks TCP and UDP traffic which does not match with the HySecure published network. How to go around the problem since I am using multiple screen to use my office laptop. Now I can not access the internet.

SIM5320A, device connected to 3G Network but can't ping server

I've been trying to make this SIM5320A module send HTTP requests to my server but even though it appears connected to the internet I can't seem to ping any server or make any requests.
I'm sending AT commands through a terminal on my Linux PC.
I've configured through the AT+CGDCONT, AT+SOCKSETPN = 1 and AT+CGSOCKCONT commands, adding my service provider's APN.
AT+NETOPEN returns OK. Running it again returns Network is already opened.
AT+CPSI? show's that it's connected to the WCDMA network and is online.
AT+IPADDR throws a proper IPv4 address.
So I'm trying to do AT+CPING="",1 but it just won't connect.
I've even been able of sending a SMS and reading GPS coordinates, just failing in the internet stuff.
Am I missing any configuration steps? There is so little information online on this device.

How to make TCP socket connection work over WAN with different ISP?

I recently made a very basic TCP server application in C++ and Python using the very basic socket API. The client server connection happens flawlessly within the localhost as well as inside my LAN (within the same Wi-fi). But If I connect my client to an internet service (WAN) and try to connect to my server application behind my wifi (using the Wi-fi's public IP (provided by its ISP) and the port on which my server will be listening to) , I'm unable to get a connection. The server sits idle waiting for a connection ! I have enabled port forwarding on my Wi-fi, but still the results are all vain...
**EDIT: **
I managed to connect them over WAN, but now the ISP have to be the same... This is what I did: I made the server run on my Android device, bound it to the IP of my device that uses mobile data... The client sits behind a WiFi and connects to the Server using the previously mentioned IP and everything works fine ! But however if the client becomes an android app in another device with mobile data provided by different ISP everything fails !!! * So long as client runs behind a WiFi, but server connected to WAN (same ISP) the system works. *

If you have web sites open on a browser and then connect to a vpn, do those websites get sent to the vpn provider?

Do they automatically send all the sites open on the browser through the vpn, or does the traffic not get sent through the vpn until the pages are refreshed?
Depends on if anything loads after you connect to the VPN. If you already have the webpage completely rendered, then there will be no requests from the website being sent to the VPN
When you initiate a VPN you default route will be though the VPN gateway, if it's intended to provide internet access. However, if its just to reach specific subnets on the peer end of the VPN tunnel then the VPN tunnel will be used for that specific subnets.
Although, HTTP uses TCP connection it doesn't keep the connection open after sending all the requested data and upon successfully received by the browser.
Assuming you have the first scenario and HTTP connection behavior it will start sending traffic though the VPN if you refresh or click any hyper link in the page(as this will create a new TCP connection to request that data.

HoloLens emulator connect to server on LAN

I have a websocket server running on a pc connected to the pc through a switch.
When I make a websocket client in the HoloLens with the IP of the server it doesn't connect. How come? I cannot ping the HoloLens emulator from the pc with the server but I can ping the pc running the emulator.
By default all interactions with the emulator are done through a address. This address is not externally routable. If you go to the networking menu option in the web portal for the emulator you should see two network adapters, one is the address and another is an address assigned via dhcp. My guess is that you don't have a second adapter and need to fix that in your Hyper V configuration for the emulator. If you do have that second adapter pinging that address will not work, because HoloLens does not run and ICMP server to respond to pings. A better test is to open Internet Explorer in the emulator and attempt to go to a valid web server address on your network. Here is what my settings look like as an example:
