Flutter Firestore Offline Database - firebase

I have a clarifying question about Cloud Firestore and Flutter:
I am making an app that users can create log entries of sort, which will be saved on Firebase. But they might make up to 30 entries offline, before they have internet connection again.
And I know that Firestore has an offline feature, with which any created documents can be viewed offline because it is saved in the order of logging, and then synced with the database when internet connection is gained. But it is absolutely crucial that these logs cannot be lost in my app before having a chance of uploading it. Is there a way to ensure that my app will not lose this data before connecting to Firebase again, or should I create a Sembast database on the device, and save a copy of everything, and then check that once in a while against the database?
Does Firestore have offline contingency for if the phone's battery dies before it could sync with Firestore?
Or is there another solution I am unaware of?

For Android and iOS, offline persistence is enabled by default.
You don't have to do anything in your code.
Note there is a default cache size of 100 MB. This can be changed though, eg
let settings = Firestore.firestore().settings
settings.cacheSizeBytes = FirestoreCacheSizeUnlimited
Firestore.firestore().settings = settings

Does Firestore have offline contingency for if the phone's battery dies before it could sync with Firestore?
When Firestore's offline persistence is enabled, it stores data that your app has recently read, as well as any pending writes, to a database on the local device or browser. This disk based cache will survive restarts of the app/reloads of the page.

For new version of use below code -
FirebaseFirestore.instance.settings =
Settings(cacheSizeBytes: Settings.CACHE_SIZE_UNLIMITED);


Flutter StreamBuilder shows Firebase data even when I'm offline

This is not a problematic question, it was asked because just wanted to know what's actually going on behind it, I can't find an answer in any documentation.
When i open the app without internet it shows the data from firebase, i try to restart then it also shows, i try to clear the cache but it shows the data like it shows from the local database, Why is this happening, is there a built-in local storage or something in Firebase Flutter?
Firestore SDKs cache any data that they've recently seen, as well as any pending writes from the local client that haven't been synchronized to the server yet. On mobile clients (iOS and Android) this cache is enabled by default, while on web you can enable it with an API call.
For more on this, see the Firebase documentation on accessing Firestore data while you're offline.

Firebase Firestore not showing documents created by my flutter application

I was able to configure the Firestore database in Firebase with my flutter app and also create and read documents from my collection but when I go to Firestore console I don't see the created data, also when I creat data manually I am unable to see it in my application.
I am using the test mode which means any user can read or write.
I hope someone can help me with this puzzle.
It sounds like the device/emulator that you are running on is not connected to the internet, or at least not to the Firestore servers. In that case, the client writes all local changes into a local database, waiting to send them to the server when it gets a connection. So the local app will work, but won't be able to synchronize its local cache with the database servers.
You might want to check the connection on your device, and any proxies that might exist between your app and the Firestore servers.

Is it a good idea to cache data in a mobile application when reading a NoSQL DB?

I'm really new in Xamarin.
It's been some weeks I've started an app to play with, and I've just discovered NoSql world with Firebase DB stuff.
I read/watch a lot of things, it's was a big jump from the Relational DB world !
I'm asking for some advices about this topic please : caching or not caching data in a mobile app when data is coming from a NoSQL DB.
Examples of data to cache :
Authenticated user main informations,
Authenticated user favorite items,
Thanks !
Is it a good idea to cache data in a mobile application when reading a NoSQL DB?
Yes, it is since it makes your app work even if the device goes offline.
caching or not caching data in a mobile app when data is coming from a NoSQL DB.
Absolutely yes. According to the docs:
You can write, read, listen to, and query the cached data. When the device comes back online, Cloud Firestore synchronizes any local changes made by your app to the Cloud Firestore backend.
Besides that:
For Android and iOS, offline persistence is enabled by default.
For the web, offline persistence is disabled by default. To enable persistence, call the enablePersistence method. Cloud Firestore's cache isn't automatically cleared between sessions.
You should surely cache your data for a user session, while the user is still using the application.
You can allow the user to do pull to refresh.
Best with firebase DB you can have events published and update your cache accordingly.

Firestore pricing clarifications for offline cached data

It seems odd to me that Firestore would charge me for read queries to locally cached data, but I can't find any clarification to the contrary in the Firestore Pricing document. If I force Firebase into offline mode and then perform reads on my locally cached data, am I still charged for each individual entity that I retrieve?
Second, offline users in my app write many small updates to a single entity. I want the changes to persist locally each time (in case they quit the app), but I only need eventually consistent saves to the cloud. When a user reconnects to the internet and Firestore flushes the local changes, will I be charged a single write request for the entity or one per update call that I made while offline?
Firestore could potentially fit my use case very well, but if offline reads and writes are charged at the same rate as online ones it would not be an affordable option.
As the offical documentation says,
Cloud Firestore supports offline data persistence. This feature caches a copy of the Cloud Firestore data that your app is actively using, so your app can access the data when the device is offline. You can write, read, listen to, and query the cached data. When the device comes back online, Cloud Firestore synchronizes any local changes made by your app to the data stored remotely in Cloud Firestore.
So, every client that is using a Firestore database and sets PersistenceEnabled to true, maintains it's own internal (local) version of the database. When data is inserted/updated, it is first written to this local version of the database. As a result, all writes to the database are added to a queue. This means that all the operations that where stored there will be commited on Firebase servers once you are back online. This also means that those operations will be seen as independent operations and not as a whole.
But remeber, don't use Firestore as an offline-only database. It is really designed as an online database that came work for short to intermediate periods of being disconnected. While offline it will keep queue of write operations. As this queue grows, local operations and app startup will slow down. Nothing major, but over time these may add up.
If Google Cloud Firestore priceing model does not fit your use case very well then use Firebase Realtime Database. As mentioned also in this post from the Firebase offical blog, one the reasons you still might want to use the Realtime Database is:
As we noted above, Cloud Firestore's pricing model means that applications that perform very large numbers of small reads and writes per second per client could be significantly more expensive than a similarly performing app in the Realtime Database.
So it's up to you which option you choose.
According to this If you want to work completely offline with Cloud Firestore you can disable network by :
but firestore will cause client offline error for first user get request, that you must consider this error as empty response.

Does firebase download all data on client devices?

Assuming my rules are setup to user read/write on owned object only, I want to know what data does firebase client (IOS/Android) store in devices? In this example, does it download the data that doesn't belongs to the user as well on the device but just blocked it? or only object owned by user will be downloaded on device.
Is there a way to just have some of the child object saved in the cloud only but not locally? I am worried about the db size getting too large in the devices.
Your Firebase app will only have access to data in the database that the rules permit. Security is handled by the Firebase Realtime Database (not the app) so only data that the user is allowed to access will be downloaded.
In order for your app to work with data stored in the database, it needs to be downloaded to the device. By default, data is cached so that your app still works even if your device temporarily loses its network connection. The app only stores this locally if you enable offline capabilities to allow the app to continue working when no network is available.
Firebase apps automatically handle temporary network interruptions. Cached data is available while offline and Firebase resends any writes when network connectivity is restored.
When you enable disk persistence, your app writes the data locally to the device so your app can maintain state while offline, even if the user or operating system restarts the app.
The Firebase app will automatically handle all of this functionality for you.
The size of the local cache will rarely be large enough to worry about, unless you are storing or downloading huge amounts of data, which is not recommended. If your database is large, you should implement strategies to restrict queries to only retrieve relevant data by filtering or paginating your queries.
