Is there a way to compose css classes using other css classes? - css

I have been looking at tailwind CSS, when I am using it, it feels like writing style inside HTML. Which makes this an awkward library to use for me. But while I was looking at it I got an idea.
Instead of using tailwind like this
<div class="p-4 flex text-lg">Something</div>
Is it possible for me to do this using some CSS preprocessor:
// in html
<div class="some">Something</div>
// in css (with a preprocessor)
.some {
include: .p-4;
include: .flex;
include: .text-lg;
This way I don't have to write style in HTML but still get the benefits of tailwind's utility classes.
I know Scss has mixins, but as far as I know tailwind only provides classes and not mixins, and I have no experience with any other CSS preprocessor. So is there any preprocessor that supports this feature?

With SCSS, #extend could do the job. However, it will only work if you have access to the classes you want to extend. As for Tailwind CSS, I think #apply is the built-in way to do what you want.


When to use CSS and JSX styles in React

I am learning React and realized that you can use either real CSS by importing a CSS file, or you can use JS which has CSS-like code using camel cases.
Example for pure CSS: import './AppStyle.css' which contains background-color: black;
Example for JS version: const AppStyle = { backgroundColor: "black" }
Which one is better to use and why? Or maybe they’re both fine?
Writing CSS allows all the benefits of CSS (like selectors, media query).
In inline styles, you write Object-like styles vs. actual CSS.
Code readability is worst in inline style implementation, while managing styles using the CSS is easy to maintain.
The inline styles take more space in DOM because all the styles are defined internally along with the DOM element, while CSS is described separately, creating no issues for the compiler while compiling the file.
There is ups and down with both solutions, you can achieve the same result with both, so it comes down to you want styling solution you prefer
Based on my experience,JSX and CSS are different technologies to solve the styling problem.
Good points of css:
css selectors
styling into css files
Good points of js:
js into styling -> sometimes you want to calculate styles over js
more approaches to solve one problem -> it has js
Recommendation: Try to use one, it reduce the complexity and documentation to read.

Sass #extend vs adding class to component

I have a project generated via create-react-app with sass-compilation (doc) and foundation-sites framework.
Let's say I have a component that renders something like this:
<div class='mycomp grid-x'>
<div class='mycomp__element cell small-6'>1</div>
<div class='mycomp__element cell small-6'>2</div>
I thought maybe it would be cleaner if I moved markup foundation classes to sass like this:
#extend .grid-x
#extend .cell
#extend .small-6
It's not really pretty but at least I don't have to think about markup classes in js-code. And if I want to change css-framework mostly I will need to edit .sass files.
So my question is "Is it a good thought?". And if it is how do I approach this? Since sass compiles each file into corresponding .css I will have to compile them all together in one big .css and remove all import './Mycomp.css' from js-files I guess
The two main benefits of #extend are:
using inheritance like features in CSS/sass
keeping the HTML markup clean and writing all messy styling things only in styling files
Refer: this article

Is it possible to #extend Foundation SCSS classes?

Using the tools provided by Zurb's Foundation as they were intended means you have to compromise your HTML-markup. You'll be adding classes the HTML doesn't need just to pull in that Foundation functionality.
Using the SASS source code I'm trying to avoid aforementioned problem by using #extend.
Some example HTML markup I want to avoid
<nav id="main_navigation" class="top-bar">
By doing this
#main_navigation {
#extend .top-bar;
I realise this would still compile to redundant CSS as well as probably break the JS functionality for the topbar, but let's save that for another question.
The issue is that it doesn't work! Styles that apply to children of .top-bar as well as any pseudo-classes don't get extended to apply to #main_navigation. I tried to recreate the problem in a CodePen, but the compiled code over there is flawless.
So is this a structural problem in Foundation? Or am I messing something up?
I use a Grunt task with grunt-sass to compile the Foundation SASS with my own code after it.
After some more extensive debugging using CodePen I figured the issue had to be in the compiler.
Switching from grunt-sass to the more stable (but slower) grunt-contrib-sass made all unexpected behavior disappear.
Yes, you can #extend Foundation SCSS

Using #extend-Only to abstract Bootstrap selectors

I have several styles that use Sass' #extend or #include to inherit properties from selectors imported from Bootstrap scss files.
I would like to convert all of the Bootstrap selectors to #extend-Only placeholders, so I do not have to include any original Bootstrap selectors in my final .css output. The goal is to write my own css classes, extend from Bootstrap only where desired.
For example, I wish to have a navbar called .super-freaky-nav:
#extend .navbar;
#extend .navbar-default;
#extend .navbar-top-fixed;
Ideally, my final .css output will not have a single reference to .navbar, .navbar-default, or .navbar-top-fixed.
Is there a way to do this without going into the _navbar.scss file and converting all of the selectors to #extend-Only classes (%navbar, %navbar-default, %navbar-top-fixed, etc)?
No. Sass does not have the ability to do what you're asking for. There's still a legitimate need to be able to extend normal classes and Sass has no way of differentiating between classes that should or shouldn't be extended.
One potential implementation I'm exploring uses custom importers in ruby-sass or the experimental importers feature in node-sass (2.0+) to apply a sed (find and replace) transform to the Bootstrap Sass files, replacing leading class definitions with % syntax. I haven't gotten much past experimentation, though, and I don't know what I might break without a comprehensive visual test suite. Happy to have some help with it.

Is it possible in SASS to inherit from a class in another file?

The question pretty much says it all.
For instance, if I were using, say, Twitter Bootstrap, could I define classes in my own SASS stylesheet that inherit from Bootstrap's CSS classes? Or does inheritance in SASS only work within the scope of a single file?
YES! its possible.
If you want all <button> elements to inherit the .btn class from Twitter Bootstrap's Default buttons
In your styles.scss file you would have to first import _bootstrap.scss:
#import "_bootstrap.scss";
Then below the import:
button { #extend .btn; }
**I might be mistaken, but if I get what you're trying to do, can't you just use the #extend .classname; command inside the element that you'd want to extend? Naturally, you should only modify your own code to preserve updatability.
To my knowledge, you have to use #import of the file containing the classes you want to use into your SASS file in order to utilize them in that file. However, I am not a SASS/SCSS expert, so someone may know of another way to remotely use them that I am not aware of.
Just as the accepted answer has shown this is possible with #import, however #import has been deprecated by sass
The Sass team discourages the continued use of the #import rule. Sass will gradually phase it out over the next few years, and eventually remove it from the language entirely. Prefer the #use rule instead.
The #use rule is better suited for use now, since it does not pollute the scope of the importing (user) module. unfortunately at the time of writing the use rule is only implemented in Dart sass.
