Is there any way to aggregate xquery code to one file? - xquery

I seek for a way to aggregate some XQuery files to package file (like JAR file in java).
I want to insert it to another project and use it as an external black-box code.
I'm using Saxon XQuery processor.

Saxon doesn't have this capability for XQuery. It does so only for XSLT. You can however include the source query modules in a JAR file and resolve their references to each other when compiling the query.


Are .ui files from qt compatible with both python and c++?

I have been working with QT UIs and python for a while now. I have been wondering, if the .ui files that are generated when using the qt-creator or qt-designer are compatible with both python and c++? I mean it is just some simple xml syntax right?
Yes, both are simple xmls. The differences could be generated in the tools that convert that xml to C++ or Python (uic for C++ and currently for PySide2, pyuic for PyQt5) since that code interprets the attributes.
So the answer, that I was looking for: Yes .ui files are compatible. They are simple xml syntax files and simply contain the structure of your designed user interface.
Depending on your programming lagnuage, the xml file is parsed, so that you can use it.

How to implement XProc in BaseX

I am working on a project where I must follow multiple steps at the time of data ingestion into the BaseX Database. I want to define these steps in XProc for the ease. Specially we need DOCX to DocBook and DocBook to DOC converstion.
My BaseX version is 8.6.44. I tried but it is not supported. I tried to import some jar into BaseX but not working.
Please help me to start XProc on BaseX.

Pentaho Kettle - Conversion of a job to jar file

Is it possible to convert a pentaho job to jar file? if it so please tel me how? i tried to convert a job to jar but failed due to the class problems.
In JAR, we aggregate many Java class files. But in PDI Jobs, the files are in XML files. Pentaho uses its DI Engine to read these XML files. Hence we cannot create JAR files out of an XML file.
You can run an ETL job from java code, using kettle's api. You can't convert a job into a jar.
If you launch a job or a transformation in batch mode, you have to use the scripts kitchen or pan (with sh or bat extension dopending on the OS). Actually those scripts run a java program inside, using the parameters that you pass to it. One of the parameters has to be the path of the file .Kjb (extension of a job), which is a regular xml file. So the xml files are necessary, but you can launch directly the java command (the one inside of the sh/bat script) passing the required paramenters to it. To see which parameters it needs you will have to do a reverse engineering work on the kitchen/pan script, which are really simple and short inside.

Using a GUI with a custom WSQLite3

I am new to a position where my predecessor built a custom WSQLite3.exe/dll that allowed him to read in custom aggregate functions for common queries our organization does to minimize the need to write and rewrite the joins. They are read in from a .sql file
Because of this, I am relegated to work in the command line which I find very limiting since I need to copy/paste and browse the tables a lot.
Has anyone had success using a custom wsqlite3.exe build with one of the many SQLite 3 GUIs?
The standard sqlite3.exe shell (and most programs based on it) have the .load command to load extensions that are designed for this purpose.
This is probably not the case for your extension.
Many GUIs have no extension mechanism, or support the same extension format.
The SQLite Manager Firefox extension supports extensions written in JavaScript.

How to integrate Sqlite to Visual Studio?

I'm planning to use Sqlite but I don't know how to integrate it to visual studio or use it. Any help please... thanks.
I really recommend using System.Data.Sqlite (
Have been using it for quite some time and it works great every time! You can create tables using the designer, similar to for MSSQL etc. Recommended++
Depends on how you want to use it. The easiest is to get the amalgamation version - this version "contains all preprocessed C code combined into a single source file", meaning you have a single .h and .c file to add to your project. This is the officially recommended practice.
If you want to build a "proper" library or link against SQLite dynamically, you have a bit more work ahead, since there's no VS project/solution files included with SQLite. You'll have to set up your own library project, add the correct files from the file, and set this project as a dependency on your main project. Doing this is actually officially discouraged.
Forgot to mention that the above solution is assuming C/C++, as OP didn't specify language.
use System.Data.Sqlite
System.Data.SQLite is an ADO.NET provider for SQLite.
