How do i handle state management while working with next js - redux

Í am A newbie working with the MERN stacks, I just managed to build an ecommerce website from scratch,but then I hear nextjs is good for server side rendering which make our web app load faster and also seo friendly, I looked into the documentàtion, but I am yet to understand how I mange state in next js...càn I use redux,and how?

It's easy to integrate redux into Next.js
These examples come from the official Next.js repo
with redux
with redux-toolkit
with redux-thunk
if you want to manage state with redux on server-side, you can follow this example with next-redux-wrappper


Backend and DB with NextJS

I started to create my project with NextJs, but I have some issues with the Backend of next js.
As Next is mostly the frontend part, how can I set up backend for next js?
I am looking for some tutorials to install BE, also I am interested to investigate some hostings. As I know, I can setup BE with Azure, some Express etc.
I will be happy if you share some knowledge about it.

Configure Onesignal with Nativescript (with javascript)

I´m creating an app with nativescript and i need push notifications, so i read about onesignal and it looks promissing, so i have created an account with them, follow the instructions for ios, then they sent you here where you are suppose to configure the nativescript SDK for your mobile app. Well, i´m not using typescript, so my first question is:
Where is the javascript version to configure the nativescript SDK,
does anyone knows?
My second question is related with the data that my app receives, which is throught a database, i have a webapp and everytime a user INSERTS in the database, a listview in the nativescript app is "fed"...but when this happens, i need the script from onesginal to send the push does anyone ever used it?
Thanks for your time
TypeScript makes it easy to maintain large scale JavaScript applications, NativeScript or Angular itself is written in TypeScript for same reason. So personally I would recommend getting started with TypeScript for better.
If you want to convert TypeScript into JavaScript, simply remove all typings from your code, replace import statements with require. At least this should work in NativeScript environment as it supports most of ES6 syntaxes. If you prefer ES5, simply use any online compiler to get JS version of same code, TypeScript Playground for instance.
Also NativeScript docs got examples for extending app delegate in JavaScript if you need further guidance on this.
I don't think the plugin provides any interface to handle notification data at the moment. If you are familiar with the native apis, you may directly access them from JavaScript to access the data sent from server. If possible, I would recommend migrating to Firebase which supports end to end integration with proper examples.

vuejs nativescript firebase webapp to android/ios app

I am new with NativeScript, Vue.js, and Firebase.
I have a built web app using Vue.js and Firebase, but now I don't know how to integrate the code to NativeScript using the same code of Vue.js.
Is there a way to do this? And how can I start it?
I worked with #jlooper over the last couple of weekends to get a definitive answer for this because there wasn't one anywhere previously:
There are instructions on Eddy's plugin README are mostly complete, but there are a few gotchas that I point out in my blog post that you need to be aware of. Also, the readme isn't specific to vue so it's not immediately clear where to put the Firebase files. Those are all explained in the blog post as well as a couple of links to other small projects from Jen that will get you started.

Do I still need a backend like RoR or Django if I use Firebase?

I am a Front-end developer with limited backend knowledge.
My question is do I need other backend frameworks like Django or Ruby on Rails if I use Firebase as a backend? In other words, can I solely depend on Firebase as a backend and build a single page web application or Mobile application without writing a single line of backend code?
Thanks for your time viewing the question.
I was also looking for a platform to minimize server code and I found that firebase can help a lot.
You will get plenty of docs on net. You can start at angular fire + firebase doc
Following document was helpful for me to design my app, which requires some amount of off-line processing too.

What router and ui-framework to use in meteor?

Just started to discover meteor. created app with DiscoverMeteor book, but misunderstood many moments. then read Your first meteor application and Your first meteor application books. Realized that Todos example is really too simple to cover many important things. And only after that I found the official guide on! now reading about all these complex (for my opinion) things. and have 2 questions:
What router should I prefer to use? I want to create fast app with lots of data loading from the server. Found information that Iron router is deprecated, and Flow router is recommended nowadays, but also found that flow router can not route on server, only on client. And that exactly client routing is the reason why for example soundcloud is really slow. So that is the question - I know nothing about server/client routing, but want to make right decision for the future project.
What ui-framework to use? I read that blaze is easy to start, but react js is really powerful. So: is Blaze enough for serious project (like a popular blog)? Or do I have to learn react js in order not to rewrite code in the future?
I am working with Meteor, which is latest in market and believe, you don't have to do anything out of the box to go with experimental UI-Frameworks and stuff.
Blaze template which is handlebars based implementation is best.
Blaze template is very well glued with, futures and DDP implementation for cutting edge implementation for asynchronous and reactive behaviour on UI.
Blaze is really good for cumbersome, heavy data websites as well. If you have any doubt, i can skype and show you what i have implemented in just 2 days on development using everything given by Meteor.
React.js, Koa.js (re-written Express framework), express etc are very good and powerful, but I think implementing it at initial level of your grasp is overkill. Go with Blaze first.
There are hundered sitting and developing Meteor.js just for you to be comfortable. I am not at all biased, I am giving you my open opinion.
I worked with Laravel 5.2, Play framework,, DJango in past, but believe there is nothing like pure Meteor js with there own packages. There are many videos on youtube like Meteor nights and stuff where you can find the developers from all around the world developing huge stuff just using stuff given by Meteor js.
For routing flow-router is good, even iron:router is awesome and easily gettable.
This video can guide you very well.
Flow Router is the recommended router by the official Meteor Guide. It's also the popular choice these days, and for a reason: it's a high quality router implementation.
As for MVC, it's really like choosing a religion. React has a huge community, possibly a bright future, and it's not Meteor-only unlike Blaze. But some folks find Blaze templates nicer than JSX files. I think it's easier to get help on StackOverflow if you pick React, but Blaze might be easier to get started.
Maybe this post helps a bit: How to set up React with Meteor?
