Select "toolbar-title" within shadow root of ion-title via css - css

In Ionic, the ion-title component has the content encapsulated in an extra div within its shadow-dom.
This div has the class .toolbar-title set. How can i select this div via scss-selector to change its overflow behavior?
I tried:
.toolbar-title { ... }
ion-title .toolbar-title
ion-title::shadow .toolbar-title { ... }
ion-title::shadow(div) { ... }
and a lot other combinations including :host & ::ng-deep selectors.
And, yes i know , ::shadow and ng-deep is deprectaded.
I also know that ionic has introduced css-variables for this purposes, but unfortunatley not for the overflow attribute.
THX in advance!

The concept of shadowDOM is you can't touch its content with CSS from the outside.
It is an open shadowDOM, so you can change it with JavaScript.
.overflow = "initial";

Ionic v6 allows you to target and modify shadowDOM contents with CSS. See
However, the element you want to select inside the shadowDOM needs to expose a part attribute. For instance the ion-select element:
<div part="placeholder" class="select-text select-placeholder"></div>
<div part="icon" class="select-icon"></div>
You can select the placeholder element with:
ion-select::part(placeholder) {
color: blue;
opacity: 1;
Unfortunately, the ion-title element does not expose any shadow parts. You need to wrap the contents of ion-title in a container to be able to modify them:
<div class="content">
<img src="..." />
Hello World!
.content {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
StackBlitz example:


CSS media query print:

Doing a page, html result like:
<div class="container table-page">
<div class="selected-block"> some info here </div>
<h1>Table header</h1>
<div class="notice-calc print-shown">Notices !</div>
<table class="input-data">...</table>
<button class="js-btn-add-row">Add row to a input table</button>
<button class="js-calculate">Calculate table values</button>
<div class="js-waiting" style="display: none;">Progress bar</div>
<table class="calc-result" style="display:none;">...</table>
Main idea of styles below - hide every direct children of '.container' except tables and some table elements with class="print-hidden" will be hidden too. For print version of page using rule:
#media print {
.container> :not(table),
.print-hidden {
display: none;
.print-shown {
display: block;
Later added notices must be shown at print version too, but it does not appear. Nevertheless if edit '.print-shown' rule like:
.container .print-shown {
display: block;
Then it shows. Tested in Chrome 88.0.4324.190 (Official Build) (64-bit)/ Dev.Firefox 86.0b9 (64x)/ Opera 74.0.3911.107. And Edge shows it in both cases.
Why single class selector does not work here?
It is because of this selector:
.container > :not(table)
It targets all direct children of .container (which is not a table). This also includes children with the .print-shown-class.
So, when you have a .print-shown element as a child of .container, the .container > :not(table) has presedence over the .print-shown class (because the first selector is more specific than the latter)

Selector Specificity Not Overriding Bootstrap

I am trying to override the right property for a h1 element that it is inheriting from the carousel-caption bootstrap class. It inherits right:15% and I am trying to set it to 0%. I found another post that led me to add id="bootstrap-overrides"to the tag and then use the selector: #bootstrap-overrides h1.second but this still doesn't remove the property. I check also in the inspect element and this property is not crossed out. When I uncheck this property in the inspect element I am left with the behaviour I desire.
code from React component:
<div id="initialImage">
<img src={logo} alt="Failed to load Image" class="img-fluid" />
<div class="carousel-caption greeting">
<h1 class="first">First.</h1>
<h1 class="second">Second.</h1>
#bootstrap-overrides h1.second {
right: 0%;
float: right;
font-family: "Rock Salt", cursive;
color: #fff2f4;
and as mentioned I have an id #bootstrap-overrides in the body tag of my index.html. Could it have something to do with the location of the import for boostrap?
Just to confirm, are you adding id="bootstrap-overrides" directly to the h1?
If so, your css should look like this: h1#bootstrap-overrides otherwise, if you are applying it to the parent of h1, then try adding important to your css like so: #bootstrap-overrides h1 { right: 0!important; }

How can I place slotted elements into css grid?

My HTML is like this:
<div id="grid-container">
<slot name="items-to-be-filled"></slot>
I have formatted the above with CSS like this:
#grid-container {
display: grid;
However, the items that I filled into the slot seem to be out of order. I examined using developer's tool and found out that the slotted items are not being treated as grid items.
Is it possible to treat slotted items just as normal children nodes? Thanks.
The Shadow DOM isolate external from internet CSS styles.
As a consequence, and to be effective, the CSS property display: grid should be placed in the Shadow DOM.
host.attachShadow( { mode: 'open' } )
.innerHTML =
#grid-container { display: grid }
<div id="grid-container">
<div id="host">

How to get global selector inside emulated view encapsulation (CSS / Angular2)

I have a Home component with this inside:
<alert type="info">Hello from ng2-bootstrap</alert>
Inside my, I have this:
:host .alert {
background-color: green;
which should change the background color to green, but it does not.
The above css code will produce this style:
[_nghost-wjn-3] .alert[_ngcontent-wjn-3] {
background-color: green;
and the final HTML looks like this:
<home _nghost-wjn-3="">
<div _ngcontent-wjn-3="" class="card-container">
<alert _ngcontent-wjn-3="" type="info" ng-reflect-type="info">
<div class="alert alert-info" role="alert" ng-reflect-initial-classes="alert" ng-reflect-ng-class="alert-info">
Hello from ng2-bootstrap Sat Sep 17 2016
I don't know what the problem is here, but I think the selector is wrong. I'd like the final selector to be:
[_nghost-wjn-3] .alert
instead of:
[_nghost-wjn-3] .alert[_ngcontent-wjn-3]
Or in other words, why is there no _ngcontent-wjn-3 attribute on <div class="alert">...</div>?
Maybe I'm doing the whole thing wrong. What I'm trying to achieve is to customize the CSS of the individual bootstrap components (<alert> in the code above) as provided by the ng2-bootrap library ( inside my custom components (<home> in the code above).
I'm using the default view encapsulation (emulated) in the home component.
How can I do that please?
I figured it out myself. This is what I was looking for:
:host /deep/ .alert {
background-color: green;
The above code will produce the following:
[_nghost-wjn-3] .alert {
background-color: green;
This way I can modify the default styles of a bootstrap class (.alert, in this case) inside of my component <home>.
You need:
[_nghost-wjn-3] alert[_ngcontent-wjn-3]
Instead of:
[_nghost-wjn-3] .alert[_ngcontent-wjn-3]
If you go and check your structure, alert tag has the ngcontent... attribute, not his div child with alert class.

Overriding Inline css of wordpress template

I want to override the style padding-top:100px to padding-top:0px. How can i override the inline style inside wordpress template?
<!-- Sidebar With Content Section-->
<div class="with-sidebar-wrapper">
<section id="content-section-1" >
<div class="gdlr-full-size-wrapper gdlr-show-all" style="padding-top: 100px; padding-bottom: 0px; background-color: #ffffff; " ><div class="gdlr-master-slider-item gdlr-slider-item gdlr-item" style="margin-bottom: 0px;" >
<!-- MasterSlider -->
I already tried the below code in style.css but its not working!
.gdlr-full-size-wrapper .gdlr-show-all{
padding-top:0px !important;
To select this perticular <div> you to write your CSS like:
.gdlr-full-size-wrapper.gdlr-show-all {
} /*without space between*/
you're using
.gdlr-full-size-wrapper .gdlr-show-all {
viz selecting
<div class="gdlr-full-size-wrapper">
<div class="gdlr-show-all"></div>
Also if you're willing to override inline CSS only then you can use [style] selector also.
<div class="someClass" style="font-size:10px; "></div>
So we can write CSS like:
.someClass[style] { font-size:14px !important}
what's trick here is this CSS only works when someClass has inline CSS for font.
Use following code it will work for both cases if you have one or both classes on div tag.
.gdlr-full-size-wrapper.gdlr-show-all, .gdlr-full-size-wrapper .gdlr-show-all
padding-top:0px !important;
Justinas explains it well and that should work perfectly, I have applied the same to custom CSS of a WordPress theme and has worked for me. The CSS I had trouble changing were inline a div.
