Strip meteor build of javascript comments - meteor

Is there a way to remove all comments (inline and block) when running meteor build? I know blaze handle bars get stripped of comments ({{!-- --}}) when compiling to html. Is there a similar way to handle it for all the JS files?


How to inspect precompiled minified SASS code

I'm using Codekit to minify all my CSS via Sass. This works great but causes an issue when inspecting the code as everything appears on line 1! I use the lines as a quick way to find the code I'm looking for.
I use the Codekit plugin for Coda, which means every time I make a change to a .scss file and save, it just auto compiles the code.
I guess everyone will tell me not to compile the code until launch, in an ideal world that's great but there will ALWAYS be a need to inspect the code without once it's all been compiled.
Is there a way around this? Or is this a downside of compiled code? What processes do people go through to get to the minified code? How can I tell which .scss the change is in?
I could set it to be less compressed so it's not all on one line but I would then lose the benefits of compressing it.
These are the settings I have Codekit set to:
Codekit supports Source Maps, which will let Google Chrome show you the original code even after minification.
In your compilation settings, check the Create a source map box for SASS.
For more information, check out this Team Treehouse article (the article deals with JavaScript, but the same principle applies to CSS too) and the Codekit SASS documentation.

How do I dynamically change less variables in Meteor?

I have the Less package loaded in my Meteor application and it is working fine. Now I need to allow the users of my app. to override my less variables. I have looked at :
'#canvas': '#5B83AD'
but my app. is saying that 'less is not defined'. Can someone suggest how this can be done?
Less files can only be modified up to the point they're compiled to css files. This happens when you deploy your Meteor app.
It's not possible to change less variables at runtime. You would have to manipulate the DOM instead. Jquery is able to do this by targeting the DOM elements you want to change. You would have to tag them with a class.
An approach this way make work for you:
<div class="canvas"></div>
Then you could edit it at runtime using Jquery:
$(".canvas").css({background: '#5B83AD'});
Edit: I think the code you're refering to is the less.js client side file from There's a bit more info under 'Client side usage' on
This is a bit different from the Meteor less package, which is exclusively a server side compiler during development.
If you downloaded the less.js file (from and placed it in your /client/compatiblity folder you could use it in the way you wish. Keep in mind you may have to remove the Meteor less package since you want to load them raw, you will also need to reference them manually as Meteor will ignore the less once you remove the less package.

Using Less with Web Components

As stated by Rob Dodson, style tags are now unavoidable with Web Components. I am trying to find a way to use LESS with this new tecnhology without having to paste the compiled CSS in my HTML document everytime I change something in the LESS file . Is there anyway to achieve that?
I am using Polymer.
You can make the client compile the LESS to CSS , you should definitely take a look at this :
It is advised to compile it yourself to css in a production environment though !
Doing this client-side hardly seems like the corrent solution, especially at scale. For instance, do you really want 1000 web components in your app all including LessCSS and compiling on the client side?
Just compile server-side and include the compiled version in your html import. Apps like DocPad, make this a lot easier. For instance:
src/documents/components/my-component/my-component.css.less is your source file, and is compiled to out/components/my-component/my-component.css, which is accessible at /compoennt/my-component/my-component.css.
We use this workflow to also make use of javascript pre-processors like coffeescript, as well as post-processors like css auto prefixer, and bundlers like Browserify. See: for more info.
Simply compile your less and embed the generated CSS file via good old link tag.
I don't think that rob wanted to say that using style tags is the only way to go. You can still link to external stylesheets as you always did.
Why don´t you compile on server side using php compiler? Have a look here - -
To let you know, i´m using this compiler on my projects, on the server side without any kind of problems!!!!!!! :) IMO, it´s better to have the compilation work on the server side. I´m not totally 100% sure, but i think IE8 don´t recognize text/less
The way I have done this before is have individual .less or .scss file for each component and have it compile into the individual .css file which is then called into the respective component file. and finally vulcanize everything into a single file.
Incase you want to use a single CSS file, then use //deep// combinator or ::shadow pseudo elements in the CSS.
If you able to create the custom elements without using ShadowDOM then you can simply have all your less merge into a single CSS.
Honestly speaking I was unable to create a wc without shadowDOM in polymer. There is a long conversation on github on enabling / disabling and hacking a way to create a wc without shadowDOM here
One solution would be to have the preprocessor translate .less files into .css and then linking them inside Polymer components, like explained in the official documentation:
Unfortunately this is deprecated. So the other way to go could be to have another step that wraps the preprocessor-generated css files with a dom-module: this way you can follow the Polymer way including the style module inside your components, or using the css file compiled from less if you do things outside Polymer components.
I'm using Gulp for my build process and I found this module very useful:
It creates, for every .less file I have in my sources, an .html file with a dom-module wrapped around it, ready to be included in the components' styles.

How to implement SASS in an project

I am searching for a solution on how to implement SASS into an project. I have searched a lot but have found no example on the web. As far as I know some kind of JavaScript file will be needed in project in order for it to work.
Can anybody please share a sample aspx page with one or two textboxes with SASS applied to it?
Sass is written in Ruby, not JavaScript. There are a few JS compilers, but none of them are official, and none of them should ever be considered for use outside of development.
Outside of Ruby on Rails, there is no integration. You put your source files where appropriate and use the Sass compiler to compile it and place the CSS file into your public directory. Whether you use the command line or an application like Scout is up to you.
I personally use the command line to continuously watch my Sass files as I am working on them, and it only takes a second or 2 to compile (just slightly longer than it takes to alt-tab so I can refresh and see how it looks).

Jade templating in Meteor

In the Meteor FAQs there is some information about adding a different (than the default Handlebars) templating system. Jade is the only other example explicitly called out elsewhere in the docs.
So is somebody already working on Jade? If not, is it feasible for me to start? Or is it still too early? e.g. :
The package API is rapidly changing and isn't documented, so you can't
make your own packages just yet. Coming soon.
I've been trying to love Handlebars in my current Ember.js project, but for me nothing is as elegant as Jade.
We would love to see Jade integration. Use packages/handlebars as a template.
The basic strategy is to wire the output of the template engine into Meteor.ui.render which is how we implement live page updates. As long as your template returns HTML, that'll work. Any time a Jade template references a Meteor.Collection document or Session variable, Meteor will register that dependency so that knows to rerender the template when the data changes.
Even better, though, is to also use Meteor.ui.chunk and Meteor.ui.listChunk. These will limit the amount of recalculation Meteor has to do when there's a change. For example, if you are rendering a list of documents using {{#each}} in Handlebars-speak, there's no reason to recalculate the whole template when a new document enters the result set. We just render one HTML chunk for the new document, and insert that right into the DOM. That's listChunk in action.
So you'll likely find that instrumenting just if/unless and for/each in Jade gets you a long way there.
Just be aware, package development is not as documented as the other parts of the system. So don't hesitate to ask more specific questions as you go.
meteor >= 0.8.0
Using the mquandalle:jade package has been officially recommended.
meteor <= 0.7.2
If you are not using CoffeeScript, you should check out jade-handlebars. As of this writing, there is an issue where CoffeeScript template files seem to need to be wrapped inside a Meteor.startup function which caused other issues for me.
If you are using CoffeeScript, you should check out my Cakefile. The details are all in the description, but the short version is that it automatically adds/removes/updates html files alongside your jade files. I ended up adding *.html to my .gitignore, which only works if you are not mixing html and jade in the same project. It's a bit of a hack but so far it's working fine for me.
Just publish my first meteor smart package on Atmosphere!
Use Jade+Handlebars instead of HTML+Handlebars
Just got jade templating working with my Meteor projects! And it is actual jade not jade-handlebars or some half form of jade. It is great but it needs Meteor UI which is currently in a development release called blaze-rc1. So it does not work with Meteor 0.7 at the moment.
do 'mrt add jade'
Run your meteor project using 'mrt --release blaze-rc1'
If you have coffeescript and jade files in the same folder add _ to the beginning of the file name so it loads jade files before the coffeescript file, otherwise it will not work correctly.
mrt add jade
in client/views/templates/hello.jade you could do something like this:
h1 hello world!
input(type="button" value="click")
start you app with mrt
