Avoid being asked for CRAN mirror? - r

When running R from the terminal, we sometimes see
--- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
Is there a universal, efficient, and memorable way to install.packages("example") without needing to memorise urls or interact with a dialogue box?
That is, is there a way to install an R package which is:
universal (works on any/all installations of R, irrespective of operating system)
Requires no memorisation of url(s)
Requires no interaction with duologue box(es)
Requires no files (e.g. .Rprofile) to be created or edited
Lastly, ideally, a method which is short and memorable (or easy use without having to look it up).
Here's a pseudo code example of an ideal solution (where 'force' is pseudocode for 'choose the most obvious defaults and press on at all costs!)

If you run help("install.packages"), you can see that the default value for the repository is repos = getOption("repos"). If you follow this trail to help("getOption"), it provides some more insight. Here is what it says for the repos option.
URLs of the repositories for use by update.packages. Defaults
to c(CRAN="#CRAN#"), a value that causes some utilities to prompt for
a CRAN mirror. To avoid this do set the CRAN mirror, by something like
local({r <- getOption("repos"); r["CRAN"] <- "http://my.local.cran";
options(repos = r)}).
You can see this by going into the 'etc/' subdirectory of your R installation. There is a file there called 'repositories'. While some other repos (e.g., R-Forge) have default URLs, CRAN does not. It shows #CRAN# as referenced by the help file.
The R documentation advises you that some utilities, such as what you are experiencing at the command line, will prompt you for a mirror, unless the option is explicitly set. The documentation does not indicate an alternative work around.
The reason why there cannot be a function to tell it to use the "most obvious default" is that there is actually no default. So a method such as your hypothetical force() would not be possible.
An edit with a bit more info:
You can use a few helpers from utils to set the repos option. I am not sure if it is easy enough to remember for your criteria, but there is chooseCRANmirror() and getCRANmirrors().
# this should work
chooseCRANmirror(ind = 1)
# or this clunky approach
install.packages("example", repos = getCRANmirrors()[1,"URL"])
But honestly at that point you may be better off just remembering repos = https://cloud.r-project.org/.


Run-time vs develop-time dependencies in R

I'm developing a package (golem) in R, and it returns a NOTE about excess package in an Import (DESCRIPTION):
checking package dependencies … NOTE
Imports includes 34 non-default packages.
Importing from so many packages makes the package vulnerable to any of
them becoming unavailable. Move as many as possible to Suggests and
use conditionally.
I have allocated some packages in Suggests (DESCRIPTION), like this:
usethis::use_package(package = "ggplot2", type = "Suggests")
usethis::use_package(package = "MASS", type = "Suggests")
I would like to know :
What is the difference between Imports (run-time) vs Suggests (develop-time) and if the latter has anything to do with the term "compile time" of other programming languages.
How do I know a package is needed by the user at runtime? Is there any universal rule for this (like a phrase to help you know)? And for Suggests?
In R, packages listed in the Imports clause of the DESCRIPTION file must be available or your package won't load. Normally they will all be loaded when your package is loaded, though it's possible to delay that by not importing anything, just using :: notation to access them.
Packages listed in the Suggests clause don't need to be available, and won't be automatically loaded. To access their functions, you normally call requireNamespace() to find out if the package is available, and if so use :: for access. If it is not available, your package should fail gracefully in whatever the user was trying to do, letting them know that they need to install the missing package if they want the task to succeed.
These aren't really "run-time" versus "develop-time" differences. It's all run-time.
There are two things in R that might be called "compile-time" in other languages. The best match is installing your package. That configures it to the particular R version and platform it is running on. R also has a "just-in-time" compiler that optimizes functions, but other than a bit of a speed increase that is pretty much invisible to the user.
I think #r2evans answered your second question clearly in a comment: the user needs a package to use functions that use that package. If some of your functions that use it are unlikely to be used by most users, use Suggests, and add the test.

Creating R package using code from script file

I’ve written some R functions and dropped them into a script file using RStudio. These are bits of code that I use over and over, so I’m wondering how I might most easily create an R package out of them (for my own private use).
I’ve read various “how to” guides online but they’re quite complicated. Can anyone suggest an “idiot’s guide” to doing this please?
I've been involved in creating R packages recently, so I can help you with that. Before proceeding to the steps to be followed, there are some pre-requisites, which include:
devtools package (for most of the functions involved in creation of a package)
roxygen2 package (for roxygen documentation)
In case you don't have the aforementioned packages, you can install them with these commands respectively:
(1) Import devtools in RStudio by using library(devtools).
(devtools is a core package that makes creating R packages easier with its tools)
(2) Create your package by using:
create_package("~/directory/package_name") for a custom directory.
create_package("package_name") if you want your package to be created in current workspace directory.
(3) Soon after you execute this function, it will open a new RStudio session. You will observe that in the old session some lines will be auto-generated which basically tells R to create a new package with required components in the specified directory.
After this, we are done with this old instance of RStudio. We will continue our work on the new RStudio session window.
By far the package creation part is already over (yes, that simple) however, a package isn't directly functionable just by its creation plus the fact that you need to include a function in it requires some additional aspects of a package such as its documentation (where the function's title, parameters, return types, examples etc as mentioned using #param, #return etc - you would be familiar if you see roxygen documentation like in some github repositories) and R CMD checks to get it working.
I'll get to that in the subsequent steps, but just in case you want to verify that your package is created, you can look at:
The top right corner of the new RStudio session, where you can see the package name that you created.
The console, where you will see that R created a new directory/folder in the path that we specified in create_package() function.
The files panel of RStudio session, where you'll notice a bunch of new files and directories within your directory.
(4) As you mentioned in your words, you drop your functions in a script file - hence you will need to create the script first, which can be done using:
A new R script will pop up in your working session, ready to be used.
Now go ahead and write your function(s) in it.
(5) After your done, you need to load the function(s) you have written for your package. This is accomplished by using the devtools::load_all() function.
When you execute load_all() in the console, you'll get to know that the functions have been loaded into your package when you'll see Loading package_name displayed in console.
You can try calling your functions after that in the console to verify that they work as a part of the package.
(6) Now that your function has been written and loaded into your package, it is time to move onto checks. It is a good practice to check the whole package as we make changes to our package. The function devtools::check() offers an easy way to do this.
Try executing check() in the console, it will go through a number of procedures checking your package for warnings/errors and give details for the same as messages on the screen (pertaining to what are the errors/warnings/notes). The R CMD check results at the end will contain the vital logs for you to see what are the errors and warnings you got along with their frequency.
If the functions in your package are written well, (with additional package dependencies taken care of) it will give you two warnings upon execution of check:
The first warning will be regarding the license that your package uses, which is not specified for a new pacakge.
The second should be the one for documentation, warning us that our code is not documented.
To resolve the first issue which is the license, use the use_mit_license("license_holder_name") command (or any other license which suits your package - but then for private use as you mentioned, it doesn't really matter what you specify if only your going to use it or not its to be distributed) with your name as in place of license_holder_name or anything which suits a license name.
This will add the license field in the .DESCRIPTION file (in your files panel) plus create additional files adding the license information.
Also you'll need to edit the .DESCRIPTION file, which have self-explanatory fields to fill-in or edit. Here is an example of how you can have it:
Package: Your_package_name
Title: Give a brief title
person(given = "Your_first_name",
family = "Your_surname/family_name",
role = c("package_creator", "author"),
email = "youremailaddress#gmail.com",
comment = c(ORCID = "YOUR-ORCID-ID"))
Description: Give a brief description considering your package functionality.
License: will be updated with whatever license you provide, the above step will take care of this line.
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
To resolve the documentation warning, you'll need to document your function using roxygen documentation. An example:
#' #param a parameter one
#' #param b parameter two
#' #return sum of a and b
#' #export
#' #examples
#' yourfunction(1,2)
yourfunction <- function(a,b)
sum <- a+b
Follow the roxygen syntax and add attributes as you desire, some may be optional such as #title for specifying title, while others such as #import are required (must) if your importing from other packages other than base R.
After your done documenting your function(s) using the Roxygen skeleton, we can tell our package that we have documented our functions by running devtools::document(). After you execute the document() command, perform check() again to see if you get any warnings. If you don't, then that means you're good to go. (you won't if you follow the steps)
Lastly, you'll need to install the package, for it to be accessible by R. Simply use the install() command (yes the same one you used at the beginning, except you don't need to specify the package here like install("package") since you are currently working in an instance where the package is loaded and is ready to be deployed/installed) and you'll see after a few lines of installation a statement like "Done (package_name)", which indicates the installation of our package is complete.
Now you can try your function by first importing your package using library("package_name") and then calling your desired function from the package. Thats it, congrats you did it!
I've tried to include the procedure in a lucid way (the way I create my R packages), but if you have any doubts feel free to ask.

Additional information to ensure R code will run on another computer?

sessionInfo() includes very useful info that will improve the chances of someone being able to run your code on their machine, including
OS and version
R version
Attached packages
What other info can be provided with an R script to ensure someone else will be able to run it in their environment?
NB please include how to get that info (i.e. what command to run or where to look for it)
While this is not a complete answer, I tend to include this function with scripts I send along as it will download a package if the computer does not have it. This is more of a suggestion for scripts. For packages, you can explicitly put what versions of other packages your package depends on.
package_load<-function(packages = NULL, quiet=TRUE,
verbose=FALSE, warn.conflicts=FALSE){
# download required packages if they're not already
pkgsToDownload<- packages[!(packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
install.packages(pkgsToDownload, repos="http://cran.us.r-project.org",
quiet=quiet, verbose=verbose)
# then load them
for(i in 1:length(packages))
require(packages[i], character.only=T, quietly=quiet,
## Example of use
package_load(c('dplyr', 'rgdal'))
This is helpful for one off scripts as it gets over the hurdle of a different computer not having the appropriate packages. However, I generally suggest to folks to make sure their version of R is up to date as well.
Is this the best solution? Probably not, but it does help with minor scripts you send along to others. For a larger code base, it would probably be better to put together a package or a docker image.
I think the criterion you listed are the "basics" of reusability of a script. The next levels would be the possible interaction of your scripts (e.g. R Shiny scripts will use web features: therefore, giving the web browser and its version used to produce the script is a good practice). Also, another kind of information would be commentaries precising the expected input and outputs.
NB: I would precise "attached packages and their versions", just for us to be sure...

How can I install packages in knitr?

Till now, I was using this chunk of code to load R packages and write .R files. But I am trying to use knitr
rm (list=ls(all=TRUE))
kpacks <- c('ggplot2','install_github','devtools','mapdata')
new.packs <- kpacks[!(kpacks %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
if(length(new.packs)) install.packages(new.packs)
lapply(kpacks, require, character.only=T)
remove(kpacks, new.packs)
But now, when I put this chunk of code in a Knitr document, I get this error:
Error in contrib.url(repos, "source") :
trying to use CRAN without setting a mirror calls:......
How can I fix this?
The narrow answer to your question is that you should set your repos option:
options(repos=c(CRAN="<something sensible near you>"))
You're hitting the problem because R's default behaviour when the repository option is initially unset is to query the user -- and it can't do that when you're running code non-interactively.
More broadly, I would question whether you want to include this sort of thing in your R code; under some circumstances it can be problematic.
what if the user doesn't have a network connection?
what if they are geographically very far from you so that your default repository setting doesn't make sense?
what if they don't feel like downloading and installing a (possibly large) package?
My preferred practice is to specify in the instructions for running the code that users should have packages X, Y, Z installed (and giving them example code to install them, in case they're inexperienced with R).
One way to avoid installing the packages is to do something like
stop("you need to install package.name")
In your code chunk. Depending on your knitr document settings, this will generate the message in the document, in the console, or prevent the document from being knitted.

Convenient way to load (and if needed install) a package in R

A user can work on many PCs. A good code runs no matter what PC it is running on. Assuming one does not want to rely on preference and option files, what is the best way to make sure a package is loaded (and installed if needed).
library command is cool, but the require command is much better. But even require is not getting the job done.
Triggering re-install that is not needed (eg, in R studio) causes an interesting prompt to restart the R session - and this is why unnecessary installs are best avoided.
One possible trick A is to do this (not to type the package name too often)
doInstall <- T;toInstall <- c("downloader");
if(doInstall) install.packages(toInstall);
lapply(toInstall, library, character.only = T)
or a worse trick B would be
if (!require(downloader)) {install.packages("downloader"); require(downloader)}
Is there a "2015 way" of doing it with one command - something like
Here is an example of installing package zipcode using the pacman approach.
if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
Assuming one does not want to rely on preference and option files
That rules out putting anything in .Rprofile or using external packages so we're stuck with base R to solve your problem. If that's the case then the answer is that you can't do this much better than what you have written in your question (I prefer B to A)
If you're willing to bend a little bit and require the user to load a package first (which could be done on startup by using .Rprofile) there are a few options that do exactly what you want.
installr::require2 and pacman::p_load do what you ask. Disclosure: I am a an author/maintainer of pacman. I agree with your sentiment that we shouldn't rely on options or external files though especially if we plan on sharing the code. I use pacman pretty much every day (it has much more use than just installing/loading packages) but for the most part these types of functions should be treated as useful for interactive use but if you want portable, shareable code without worries about whether packages will be available you will have to resort to something along the lines of what you have in your question.
