The method '[]' was called on null. Receiver: null. Tried calling: []("myuserId") [duplicate] - firebase

I have some code and when I run it produces an error, saying:
NoSuchMethod: the method 'XYZ' was called on null
What does that mean and how do I fix it?

Why do I get this error?
As a real world comparison, what just happened is this conversation:
Hey, how much gas is left in the tank of the car?
What are you talking about, we don't have a car.
That is exactly what is happening in your program. You wanted to call a function like _car.getGasLevel(); but there is no car, the variable _car is null.
Obviously, in your program it might not be a car. It could be a list or a string or anything else really.
Technical explanation
You are trying to use a variable that is null. Either you have explicitly set it to null, or you just never set it at all, the default value is null.
Like any variable, it can be passed into other functions. The place where you get the error might not be the source. You will have to follow the leads from the actual null value to where it originally came from, to find what the problem is and what the solution might be.
null can have different meanings: variables not set to another value will be null, but sometimes null values are used by programmers intentionally to signal that there is no value. Databases have nullable fields, JSON has missing values. Missing information may indeed be the information itself. The variable bool userWantsPizzaForDinner; for example might be used for true when the user said yes, false when the user declined and it might still be null when the user has not yet picked something. That's not a mistake, it's intentionally used and needs to be handled accordingly.
How do I fix it?
Find it
Use the stack trace that came with the error message to find out exactly which line the error was on. Then set a breakpoint on that line. When the program hits the breakpoint, inspect all the values of the variables. One of them is null, find out which one.
Fix it
Once you know which variable it is, find out how it ended up being null. Where did it come from? Was the value never set in the first place? Was the value another variable? How did that variable got it's value. It's like a line of breadcrumbs you can follow until you arrive at a point where you find that some variable was never set, or maybe you arrive at a point where you find that a variable was intentionally set to null. If it was unintentional, just fix it. Set it to the value you want it to have. If it was intentional, then you need to handle it further down in the program. Maybe you need another if to do something special for this case. If in doubt, you can ask the person that intentionally set it to null what they wanted to achieve.

simply the variable/function you are trying to access from the class does not exist;
above will give the error
NoSuchMethod: the method 'xyz' was called on null
because the class someClass does not exist
The following will work fine
// SomeClass created
// SomeClass has a function xyz
class SomeClass {
void xyz() {
void main() {
// create an instance of the class
final someClass = SomeClass();
// access the xyz function;


NoSuchMethodError: The getter 'hash' was called on null [duplicate]

I have some code and when I run it produces an error, saying:
NoSuchMethod: the method 'XYZ' was called on null
What does that mean and how do I fix it?
Why do I get this error?
As a real world comparison, what just happened is this conversation:
Hey, how much gas is left in the tank of the car?
What are you talking about, we don't have a car.
That is exactly what is happening in your program. You wanted to call a function like _car.getGasLevel(); but there is no car, the variable _car is null.
Obviously, in your program it might not be a car. It could be a list or a string or anything else really.
Technical explanation
You are trying to use a variable that is null. Either you have explicitly set it to null, or you just never set it at all, the default value is null.
Like any variable, it can be passed into other functions. The place where you get the error might not be the source. You will have to follow the leads from the actual null value to where it originally came from, to find what the problem is and what the solution might be.
null can have different meanings: variables not set to another value will be null, but sometimes null values are used by programmers intentionally to signal that there is no value. Databases have nullable fields, JSON has missing values. Missing information may indeed be the information itself. The variable bool userWantsPizzaForDinner; for example might be used for true when the user said yes, false when the user declined and it might still be null when the user has not yet picked something. That's not a mistake, it's intentionally used and needs to be handled accordingly.
How do I fix it?
Find it
Use the stack trace that came with the error message to find out exactly which line the error was on. Then set a breakpoint on that line. When the program hits the breakpoint, inspect all the values of the variables. One of them is null, find out which one.
Fix it
Once you know which variable it is, find out how it ended up being null. Where did it come from? Was the value never set in the first place? Was the value another variable? How did that variable got it's value. It's like a line of breadcrumbs you can follow until you arrive at a point where you find that some variable was never set, or maybe you arrive at a point where you find that a variable was intentionally set to null. If it was unintentional, just fix it. Set it to the value you want it to have. If it was intentional, then you need to handle it further down in the program. Maybe you need another if to do something special for this case. If in doubt, you can ask the person that intentionally set it to null what they wanted to achieve.
simply the variable/function you are trying to access from the class does not exist;
above will give the error
NoSuchMethod: the method 'xyz' was called on null
because the class someClass does not exist
The following will work fine
// SomeClass created
// SomeClass has a function xyz
class SomeClass {
void xyz() {
void main() {
// create an instance of the class
final someClass = SomeClass();
// access the xyz function;

Kotlin Bundle.putString not explicitly adding "String" but instead is "String?"

val args = Bundle()
args.putString("type", details.type)
navigator.navigate(context!!, findNavController(), Destination.TYPE, args)
I am quite confused as to why in the receiving fragment when I go to access the arguments I have passed through it is responding with...
val type: String = arguments.getString("type")
The arguments.getString is all underlined red and says "Required String Found String?" But how when I called method "putString"?!?
It is resulting in text not being rendered in the new fragment and I assume this is a nullability issue.
It's a matter of knowledge that is available in the receiving Fragment.
The Fragment is not aware of how its arguments were created (or modified) so it has to assume the "type" key you're looking for might not be in the arguments Bundle. That's why it returns a nullable (String?) result (the null value would mean absent in arguments).
Your fragment might be created in many places in your app and its arguments might have been modified in many places. We have no way of tracking that.
There are different solutions for this problem, depending on your approach in other parts of the code and how "confident" you are in creating of your Fragment.
I would usually choose a solution in which I assume setting the type is mandatory. Therefore if the type is absent - I fail fast. That would mean the Fragment was misused.
val type: String = arguments!!.getString("type")!!
The code above will crash if either:
a) arguments weren't set, or
b) String with type wasn't put in the arguments Bundle.
You are right, that is a : null ability issue.
First you should be sure if you are expecting a value, so try adding "?" or "!!", i would recommend "?", or go with the block of if {} else
To read the string safely you can use:
val type: String = arguments?.getString("type").orEmpty()
The orEmpty call at the end ensures that a valid String is returned even if either arguments or getString() returns null.
The method signature for getString() returns a nullable String. This is because at compile time, the compiler can't know if the value exists in the bundle or not. You will have the same issue when retrieving anything from any Map.
If you know for certain that the value in the bundle or map should exist at the time you call getString(), you can use the !! operator. That's what it's there for. When you know something should always be there, it is appropriate to want an exception to be thrown (in this case KNPE) if it's not there so you can easily find any programming error during testing.
isEmpty() or ?.let aren't helpful in this particular case because they would just be masking a programming error and making it harder to discover or debug.

JavaFX binding and null values

I was wondering how to bind values where the source of the bind could be null.
I have a property:
private ObjectProperty<Operation> operation = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(null);
I also have a text field:
private Text txtCurrentOperation;
I would like to bind the textProperty of the field to the value of the operation object.
My first thought was to use FluentAPI with its when/then/otherwise construct, but it is eagerly evaluated so the solution:
will throw a NPE, because the parameter of otherwise is evaluated no matter what the result of the when.
My next idea was to use lambda somehow:
txtCurrentOperation.textProperty().bind(() ->
new SimpleStringProperty(
operation.isNotNull().get() ? "Null" : operation.get().getName()
But the bind has no lambda enabled solution. (Later I realized that it couldn't have, becasue the real work goes backward: the change of the binded object (operation) will trigger the update of the binder (the field text property).)
Some articles I found suggested to use an "extremal" value for the property instead of null. But Operation is a complex and heavy weight component so it is not trivial to construct an artifical instance to represent null. Even more, this seems to me boilercode, something the binding mechanism is designed to help eliminating.
My next try was to logically swap the binding direction and add listener to the operation property and let it update the field programatically. It works and rather simple as long as the need of update only depends the operation object instances:
operation.addListener((e) -> {
txtCurrentOperation.setText(operation.isNull().get() ?
"Null" : operation.get().getName());
It is relatively simple, but doesn't work: it throws "A bound value cannot be set." exception and I don't see why is the text property of the control regarded as bound.
I ran out of ideas. After much searching, I still cannot solve the simple problem to update a text field differently based on whether the source is null or not.
This seems so simple and everyday problem, that I am sure I missed the solution.
If a 3rd party library is an option, check out EasyBind. Try something like this:
There's also a JavaFX JIRA issue for the type of functionality provided by EasyBind. If you don't want to use a 3rd party library, try
.otherwise(, "name"));
Be aware the null checking in isn't super efficient. There's a JIRA issue for it.
Just in case if somebody using not Java itself but Kotlin.
It is a good idea to use wonderful tornadofx library.
There you can just use{}. Although, this feature seems not to be documented yet, so it took some time to discover it.

Object reference not set to an instance of an object while reading from 2 textboxes

for (int i = 0; i < parts.Count; i++)
if (!((part)parts[i]).deleteUsed)
((part)parts[i]).hints = ((TextBox)partsView.Rows[i].Cells[4].FindControl("textBox")).Text;
((part)parts[i]).PartsWaiting = ((TextBox)partsView.Rows[i].Cells[5].FindControl("textBox1")).Text;
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Im getting this error for some reason, don't seem to figure out where I'm going wrong.
Your problem is partly due to multiple chained deferences e.g.
and if one of those methods returns null, you can't easily identify what's going on.
Unless you're very sure of what you're doing, I would split the above into either:
separate lines and assign intermediate variables. A null will then become apparent wrt. the line that it's on
a set of functions that dereference and throw a NullPtrException upon resolving a null. Again, your offending line will become apparent immediately.
You'll note that the above isn't particular to your immediate problem. Rather it's a useful practise when you can't be sure that chaining methods won't return null at some stage.
Its likely that FindControl is not getting the TextBoxes. Set breakpoints and watch the FindControl(). Also make sure the IDs you are using ain FindControl are correct.

ASP.NET Error Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Object reference not set to an instance of an object
I am getting this error sometimes.
I have a page where I load questions and for some question system generate this error. Why do I get this error? Please help me.
It means that somewhere something dereferences a null reference. Crude example:
Foobar foo = null;
foo.DoSomething(); // this line will trigger a NullReferenceException
Here's what you can do:
compile in debug mode
run it until it crashes
examine the stack trace; it will tell you where the exception originates (unless you're doing stupid things like catching and rethrowing improperly). You may have to follow the chain of inner exceptions
if that doesn't provide sufficient information, step through your code with a debugger until right before the call that makes it crash. Examine any variables that might be null.
Once you have found the culprit, you need to find out why it is null and what to do about it. The solution can be one of:
fix incorrect program logic that causes something to be null that shouldn't be
check if something is null before dereferencing it
handle the exception at a point that makes sense, and translate it into something more meaningful (probably some sort of custom exception)
You got null reference and if it can't handle it will show that message.
It can caused by some case
The return value of a method is null
A local variable or member field is declared but not initialized
An object in a collection or array is null
An object is not created because of a condition
An object passed by reference to a method is set to null
I suggest you to track the null value using a debug mode
You get this error, whenever you are trying to make use of variable with Null value in it.
