Why does GraphQL .Net HttpConext not have the correct user session? - graphql-dotnet

I am using GraphQL .net to respond to graphql queries on the backend of an Asp.net Core website. All the cookies seem to be passed with the requests but for some reason my graphql.net requests do not have the proper user session set on the HttpContext. The ClaimPrincipal is mostly empty via graphql.net while my Asp.net Core WebApi/Mvc style endpoints have the correct principal with user id even though both GraphQl.Net requests and non-graphql.net requests are happening at the same time.
I checked the payload and all the same cookies are passed in both requests. So it makes me wonder why are my regular WebApi endpoints able to (auto-magically) get the claims principal and why can't the graph.net endpoints do the same. As far as I know from previous usages of GraphQl.net I wasn't aware that any special session code had to be added (other than passing the user from the HttpContext to graphQL.net).
I've been reading through GraphQL.Net and Asp.net core source code and docs, but so far I haven't found any obvious offenses or leads.
What might cause some issue like this? what are some common causes?
Should I just try to figure out how to manually read in the cookie to Asp.net core and pull the principal?
Perhaps I'm missing a special header value? I don't think the headers are weird but I haven't done a side by side comparison between the headers in graphql.net and asp.net core requests.
In this snippet is where I first detect a problem. If I put a breakpoint here then the claimsprinical isn't correctly set for the current user session. And also later when I access the HttpContext the user session is not correct for graphql.net requests.
public static GraphQLUserContext InitializeFromContext(HttpContext httpContext)
return new GraphQLUserContext
User = httpContext.User,
Here's part of the Graphql.net configuration:
services.AddGraphQL((options, provider) =>
options.EnableMetrics = _env.IsDevelopment();
var logger = provider.GetRequiredService<ILogger<WebDependencyInjectionConfig>>();
options.UnhandledExceptionDelegate = ctx => logger.LogError("{Error} occurred", ctx.OriginalException.Message);
.AddErrorInfoProvider(opt =>
opt.ExposeExceptionStackTrace = _env.IsDevelopment();
opt.ExposeCodes = _env.IsDevelopment();
opt.ExposeCode = _env.IsDevelopment();
opt.ExposeData = _env.IsDevelopment();
opt.ExposeExtensions = _env.IsDevelopment();
.AddGraphTypes(typeof(PrimarySchema), ServiceLifetime.Scoped);
I'll gladly provide any requested configuration if anyone wants it, but there is a lot of possible code it touches. Thanks!

What does your Configure method look like? Is your app.UseAuthentication() before your GraphQL middleware configuration?
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)


Documentation for Ocelot - Authentication

I am trying to learn and look into splitting up my current asp.net api into a bunch of smaller apis to try and make a microservices application (Mainly for learning purposes). I am using Ocelot as gateway and I have found Ocelot nice and easy to set up. However, I am finding it difficult to find proper documentation on for instance how to add authentication, as the ocelot.readthedocs.io feels scarse in this regards. I have a hard time figuring out if I should make my register and login methods inside my gateway api or still keep this seperate in the microservice that holds the user database? Maybe I should connect my gateway api to the user database for direct interactions? (feels like it defeats the purpose of microservices).
To me, it also sounds kind of insecure to only authenticate the reroutes, compared to authenticating the http methods as you do in a monolithic application. But I might just have missed the whole point. Otherwise, if you guys know any great source of information it would be great, as I am having a hard time finding artciles, tutorial, courses or anything of that nature for ocelot and asp.net microservices.
We are doing the same microservice approach and we solved it by overwriting the standard ocelot authentication middleware.
In startup (.net core) in the Configure section we implemented it as follows:
public async void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
OcelotPipelineConfiguration ocelotConfig = new OcelotPipelineConfiguration
AuthenticationMiddleware = async (ctx, next) =>
AuthenticationClient.Authenticate(Configuration, ctx.HttpContext, new List<string>());
IEnumerable<string> allowedRoles = ctx.DownstreamReRoute.RouteClaimsRequirement.Select(e => e.Value).ToList();
if(allowedRoles != null && allowedRoles.Count() > 0)
string userId= AuthenticationClient.Authenticate(Configuration, ctx.HttpContext, allowedRoles);
ctx.DownstreamReRoute.AddHeadersToDownstream.Add(new AddHeader("userId", userId));
}catch(ApiGateway.Core.Exceptions.ForbiddenException e)
ctx.Errors.Add(new ApiGateway.WebApi.Exceptions.ForbiddenException(e.Message, Ocelot.Errors.OcelotErrorCode.UnauthorizedError));
catch(Exception e)
ctx.Errors.Add(new UnauthenticatedError(e.Message));
await next.Invoke();
AuthorisationMiddleware = async (ctx, next) =>
await next.Invoke();
First the user gets authenticated using the bearer-jwt-token (or Basic) from the http-Header.
Then read the allowed Roles/Permissions (We have active directory groups as roles) from Ocelot-Settings (Section RouteClaimsRequirement).
If the user has one of the allowed roles/permissions, we get the userId and add it to the http-request header that is forwarded to the respective service. So, the target service knows the user.
To me, it also sounds kind of insecure to only authenticate the reroutes,
Usually the microservices itself are not directly accessible and are deployed a server layer behind. Only the API-Gateway is allowed to access them.
The advantage is, that your micro-services don't need to care about authentication, authorization etc.
Hope it can clarify you question.

Asp.net core 2 AuthenticationProperties storing jwt tokens

I am trying to get a better understanding of how jwt tokens are stored (id, access, refresh). When you add OpenIdConnect, one of the options you can set is saving tokens. With below configuration, whenever the user logs in, the jwt tokens are generated (without having to have a separate call to the authorization endpoint to retrieve tokens).
.AddOpenIdConnect("Test", options => {
options.SaveTokens = true;
From what I have read, they are saved in the AuthenticationProperties collection returned along with the ClaimsPrincipal. You can retrieve them via HttpContext.GetTokenAsync.
Example below:
var accessToken = await HttpContext.GetTokenAsync("access_token");
I am trying to understand more about how these values are stored and retrieved. I know that the claimsprincial is a collection of identities / claims associated with a user. But how exactly are authentication properties set? How can I access the collection of authentication properties individually? Is there a class / interface I can use to get direct access to the class properties? I didn't see anything about authentication properties in the ClaimsPrincial class.
Also, as the access token is stored in the authentication properties, is the only way to update the value is to re-authenticate (i.e. challenge the user to login again)? How can I update the value? Or would it be better off extracting the value is storing it elsewhere to update?
I have been looking into this a bit myself as well. The OpenID Connect middleware seems to usually persist data into a signed cookie via a second cookie authentication scheme, specified by the SignInScheme option. Extending your example from before with an explicitly configured example:
.AddOpenIdConnect("Test", options => {
options.SignInScheme = "MyCookieScheme";
options.SaveTokens = true;
This example implies that a cookie authentication scheme has also been set up with a call like this:
From the documentation comments on SignInScheme:
Gets or sets the authentication scheme corresponding to the middleware responsible of persisting user's identity after a successful authentication. This value typically corresponds to a cookie middleware registered in the Startup class. When omitted, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.AuthenticationOptions.DefaultSignInScheme is used as a fallback value.
(Note that this property actually comes from a RemoteAuthenticationOptions class that OpenIdConnectOptions extends)
Tracing what happens in default setup scenarios where you don't explicitly give a cookie authentication scheme is a bit tricky but I imagine it sets one up by default, or relies on one being there. Also, I guess that in theory, any other type of authentication scheme could be used for this persistence (e.g. your own JWT issuing and signing scheme), but I have not seen any examples of this.
As for what is actually stored in the cookie and how it gets put there by the OpenID Connect middleware, you would probably have to do a lot of digging through all of the code to work that out for sure - the specifics of all this low-level middleware doesn't seem to have been documented much yet. All I know for sure is that the DataProtection middleware is involved in encrypting the contents of the cookie.
You could look into decrypting the cookie itself to see what's there - see the answers here: How to manually decrypt an ASP.NET Core Authentication cookie?
(oh and for the record, all these examples are based off ASP.NET Core v2.0)
Another option is to use TokenValidationParameters.SaveSigninToken
From source code
if (validationParameters.SaveSigninToken)
identity.BootstrapContext = jwtToken.RawData;
It will store the original token in the BoostrapContext property of the current identity.
public class Startup
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
.AddJwtBearer(options =>
options.TokenValidationParameters.SaveSigninToken = true;
Then access the identity of the current user
((ClaimsIdentity)this.User.Identity).BoostrapContext // => original JWT token

Using Identity Server 3, ClaimsPrinciple null even after successful bearer token authentication

I have a test console app which I'm pointing at a local instance of Identity Server 3 to request an access token. The following code does this and returns my token fine (passing a single scope "scope.test.client").
static TokenResponse GetClientToken(string clientId, string clientSecret, string[] scopes)
var uri = new Uri(string.Concat(ID_BASE_URI, ID_URL_TOKEN));
var client = new TokenClient(
return client.RequestClientCredentialsAsync(string.Join(" ", scopes)).Result;
I then use this token to call an API also running locally. This takes the TokenResponse obtained above and passed it to this method:
static void CallApi(string url, TokenResponse response)
using (var client = new HttpClient())
catch (Exception x)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Exception: {0}", x.Message));
The API (an ASP.NET WebApi project) uses an Owin Startup class to enforce bearer token authentication for all requests:
appBuilder.Map(baseApiUrl, inner =>
// Enforce bearer token authentication for all API requests
inner.UseIdentityServerBearerTokenAuthentication(new IdentityServerBearerTokenAuthenticationOptions
Authority = "https://identityserver/core",
ValidationMode = ValidationMode.ValidationEndpoint,
RequiredScopes = new[] { "scope.test.client" }
It also ensures all API requests are handled by a custom authorize attribute:
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Filters.Add(new DefaultApiAuthorizeAttribute());
Debugging this API, the first line in my overridden OnAuthorize method (in DefaultApiAuthorizeAttribute) is this:
var caller = actionContext.RequestContext.Principal as System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal;
If I break on this line I can see that actionContext.RequestContext.Principal is always null. However, I can see that ((System.Web.Http.Owin.OwinHttpRequestContext)actionContext.RequestContext).Request.Headers contains an Authorization header with the bearer token passed from my console app.
So it would seem that the API project is not authenticating the bearer token. Certainly the Identity Server logs suggest it isn't being hit at all after issuing the initial access token. So I'd appreciate your expert advice about why this might not be happening, or at least some pointers about where to look.
I suspect it might have something to do with SSL. Both sites are hosted locally under self-signed SSL certs, although Identity Server is configured to not require SSL and uses the idsrv3test.pfx development certificate for signing. I do have another test MVC web app which delegates authentication to the same IS3 instance which works fine locally, so I believe my IS3 instance is configured correctly.
You need to call UseIdentityServerBearerTokenAuthentication before you call UseWebApi. When you set up an OWIN Middleware Pipeline, the order is important.
In your case, Web API will be handling your requests before they get sent onto Identity Server (if they get sent on at all).
I imagine a range of possible issues could have the impact I described, but in my case I was able to find the cause by adding a diagnostics log to my consuming API. This led me to discover that the problem was an assembly conflict. The Owin middleware was looking for a Newtonsoft.JSON assembly with version but my consuming API (actually running on top of a CMS intance) was using
For anyone else who wants to find the answer fast, rather than spend hours tweaking configurations, here's the documentation that describes how to add this logging: https://identityserver.github.io/Documentation/docsv2/consuming/diagnostics.html

How do I apply the OutputCache attribute on a method in a vNext project?

What is the correct way of using the following in a vNext application on an async method:
[OutputCache(NoStore = true, Duration = 0, VaryByParam = "*")]
I see it is part of System.Web.Caching, but the only place I could add that would be in the aspnet50 -> frameworkAssemblies section of my project.json file, which is incorrect.
ASP.NET Core 1.1/2.0 Answer
Add the response caching middleware like so:
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder application)
This middleware caches content based on the caching HTTP headers you set in your response. You can take a look at the rest of the answer to see how to use ResponseCache.
ASP.NET Core 1.0 Answer
Use the new ResponseCache attribute instead. ResponseCache is not a direct replacement of OutputCache as it only controls client and proxy caching using the Cache-Control HTTP header.
If you want to use server side caching, see this StackOverflow question discussing how to use IMemoryCache or IDistributedCache.
// Add this to your controller action.
[ResponseCache(Duration = 3600)]
Here is an example using the new cache profiles:
// Add this to your controller action.
// Add this in Startup.cs
services.AddMvc(options =>
new CacheProfile()
Name = "Cache1Hour",
Duration = 3600,
VaryByHeader = "Accept"
The response caching middleware stops working in a variety of situations which you can learn more about in the docs. Two common ones you will probably hit are that it stops working if it sees an Authorization or Set-Cookie HTTP header.
Bonus Comment
In ASP.NET 4.6, we could represent cache profiles in the web.config and change the settings without recompiling the code. For more information about how you can move your cache profiles to the new appsettings.json, rather than hard coding it in Startup.cs see this question.
As AndersNS was kind to point out, it will be available in RC1 most likely: https://github.com/aspnet/Mvc/issues/536.
To put it simply there's no OutputCache or equivalent in ASP.NET 5 currently.
However, please note that OutputCache is just an attribute with minimal logic that talks to a cache provider. You can easily implement your own such attribute, using Memory Cache for example. Or you can use third party solutions.
I am sure that when ASP.NET 5 will ship there will be plenty of solutions out on the market. And I'm quite sure that we will have an official OutputCache equivalent too.
Here's the basic MemoryCache usage in case someone finds it useful
MemoryCache cache = MemoryCache.Default;
string cacheName = "MyCache";
if (cache.Contains(cacheName) == false || cache[cacheName] == null)
var data = ... get data
cache.Set(cacheName, data, new CacheItemPolicy() { SlidingExpiration = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).TimeOfDay });
return cache[cacheName];

Implementing Authorization in a Self Hosted SignalR Server accessed from Web

I'm looking for some guidance on how to implement authorization security for SignalR on a back end service running in a self-hosted (non-IIS) environment, that is called from a Web application. The backend app is basically a monitor that fires SignalR events back to the HTML based client. This all works fine (amazingly well actually).
However, we need to restrict access to the server for authenticated users from the Web site. So basically if a user is authenticated on the Web site, we need to somehow pick up the crendentials (user name is enough) and validation state in the backend app to decide whether to allow the connection as to avoid unauthorized access.
Can anybody point at some strategies or patterns on how to accomplish this sort of auth forwarding?
I am having similar issues here, as in my web app I use a simple cookie authentication system which uses an AoP style approach to check for any controllers with an attribute, then will get the current context (be it from the static HttpContext.Current or from the target invocation object depending on the type of interceptor) and then verify the cookie exists, it contains right data, then finally verify the token with the db or cache etc.
Anyway this approach can also be used for Signalr, although its a bit more long winded and you are using dependency injection. You would basically wrap the hub calls with the desired attribute, then set up your DI/IoC configuration to intercept these calls, then either get the hub instance within your interceptor and get the cookie (or your custom authentication mechanism) from the request, verify it is all valid or not, and if not then throw a new HttpException("403", "Not authenticated"); which should kick the user out and return back before it even hits your hub method, this way you can put the logic in one place (your interceptor, or a class the interceptor consumes) then just wrap any method that needs to use this authentication using your attribute.
I use Ninject and the interception extension, but most major DI frameworks these days have some form of IoC plugin/extensions, such as Autofac, Windsor, Spring etc.
If you were not happy going down the route of introducing DI and/or AOP to your current project, then maybe you could just create a custom hub instance which contains your authentication logic and then just use that in your hubs, so ok you will still be manually calling some authentication logic from within each hub method you want to protect, but its less code, so something like:
public class AuthorisableHub : Hub
private ISomeAuthenticationToken GetSomeAuthenticationTokenFromRequest(Request request) // probably a SignalR specific request object
// Get your token from the querystring or cookie etc
private bool IsAuthenticationTokenValid(ISomeAuthenticationToken token)
// Perform some validation, be it simple or db based and return result
protected void PerformUserAuthentication()
var token = GetSomeAuthenticationTokenFromRequest(Context.Request);
var isRequestValid = IsAuthenticationTokenValid(token);
{ throw new HttpException(403, "<Some forbidden message here>"); }
public class MyFancyPantsHub : AuthorisableHub
public void TellAllClientsSomethingSecret(ISecret secret)
// Do stuff with the secret as it should have bombed the user out
// before it reaches here if working correctly
It is not perfect but would work (I think), also I am sure I once read somewhere that Hubs are newly instantiated for each request, and if this is indeed true, you could possibly just put this logic in your constructor if you want to apply the authentication to every action within the hub.
Hope that helps, or gives you ideas... would be interested in knowing how you did solve it in the end.
SignalR does not provide any additional features for authentication. Instead, it is designed to work with the authentication mechanism of your application.
You should do authentication as you normally would and then use the Authorize attribute provided by SignalR to enforce the results of the authentication on the Hubs.
The Authorize attribute can be applied to an entire Hub or particular methods in the Hub. Some examples:
[Authorize] – only authenticated users
[Authorize(Roles = "Admin,Manager")] – only authenticated users in the specified .NET roles
[Authorize(Users = "user1,user2")] – only authenticated users with the specified user names
You can also require all Hubs to require authentication by adding the following method in the Application_Start method:
Persistent Connections
You can use the user object in the request to see if the user is authenticated:
