How do I get inside a room with locked door in inform 7? - inform7

I am new to inform 7 and I am very simply trying to have a locked door in a room and unlock it, which I have done, but now I need to be able to enter a room on the other side of this door.
This is the part I need to fix:
The Castle Door is a door in Castle Entrance. It leads to Treasure Room. It is lockable and locked. The
Bronze key unlocks Castle Door.
The Error message says it doesn't understand the 'leads' to part of it. So how do I get inside?

"Leads to" isn't valid Inform syntax. Door locations are defined just like rooms so that the door is placed in the middle of the rooms it connects. See Writing with Inform ch. 3.12.
The Castle Door is a door. It is lockable and locked.
The Castle Door is south of Castle Entrance and north of Treasure Room.
If you want to use inside/outside instead of compass directions:
The Castle Door is inside of Castle Entrance and outside of Treasure Room.


Is there a way to identify the reasons that led a user to abandon a journey inside an app in GoogleAnalytics/Data Studio?

I'm working on an app that, according to user feedback, has a high frequency of errors on the login screen. I set up a dashboard in Data Studio to check the volume of users leaving the journey at the login screen and a little later. I can create a segment in Google Analytics to identify how many users accessed the app's Home, how many users made it through the Login screen, and how many successfully ended the journey. Of course, many users "get lost along the way", but I would like to know why these users don't finish the journey and specifically how many abandon the journey due to an app error.
Is there a way to identify the reasons that led a user to abandon a journey inside an app in Google Analytics/Data Studio?
loot at hotjar, im not affiliated, a front end dev (also systems admin) just showcased it for us and I really liked it! There are free alternatives, Matomo looked nifty.
It records the users mouse and typing events purely inside your page (no bookmarks or the address box in the browser for example, those are private).
It creates a heat-map for how far people scroll the page, what percent get how far, a heat map for clicks, but also user "stories" following a screen recording of each visitor. including mouse trace, where they seemed to get confused, sometimes you can see people are bored and click on things just for no reason lol. pretty fun! hope it helps

Page specific roles on Wordpress

We are a College of Higher Education that offers a range of undergraduate, postgraduate and short courses to individuals both in the UK and oversees. We want to empower programme leaders and other staff members to have control over the content on the pages that are relevant to their positions.
For example, for the Bachelor of Science in Business Studies page, we want the programme leader to ONLY have access to this page and to be able to edit the content. For the Campus Ministries page, we want the Chaplain to ONLY have access to this page and to be able to edit the content. When editing, they need to be able to add pictures, writing, upload files, etc.
However, we want there to be a stage whereby when an edit is made, it doesn't go live straight away but needs to be approved by an admin. The admin needs to be notified as soon as the edit is made and he/she needs to be able to approve/disapprove or make edits to what the programme leader did before approving. Eg. if the Bachelor of Science in Business Studies programme leader adds a new picture, the admin needs to be notified. If he sees that it's a good addition but a wrong picture, then the admin needs to have access to change the photo and then approve the updated changes.
Just to recap, this is the workflow I'm aiming for:
Editors can only edit only pages asigned to them
Editors can save the new content but not publish it
Admin is notified to approve the changes (or make any edits, if necessary)
Any suggestions?
There are plugins available to allow granular control over what a user can and cannot do, but out of the box it is not possible with WordPress.
Adding the edit_pages capability to the contributor role using the members plugin gets it pretty close, but not quite where you need to go.
Certainly possible, but would take some tinkering by a professional to get it all right and not open up security holes in your permissions setup.

Spotify integration with Facebook OpenGraph

I'm trying to reproduce some cool things of the Spotify opengraph integration but there is one thing I understand how they do :
when you go on your spotify app profile (mine : you can see that the musician links points to the facebook page and not the spotify web pages ( How do they do that.
Also, is it this that lets Facebook to do behind the scenes the nice box in the artists page on the top showing friends interactions with the artist and spotify friend interactions.
Everything seems to point to the facebook pages instead of the spotify pages. How do they do that?
Yes, Spotify uses Facebook Open Graph Music, a predefined set of objects and properties for music.
Then I guess the Spotify account is marked in a way that makes this available. It is possible that this is what makes Facebook show the nice box in the artist page.
I work at Spotify, but I am not really sure about all the details of this. I know other music streaming services also use this, but I am not sure if it still requires a special account. It did in the beginning. Spotify was one of the first users of Open Graph.
The destination of the links inside Open Graph artifacts are left to the discretion of the developer. Say you're writing an app that lets people share restaurant tips. When you post a "Tip" object to OG, you naturally would include a link to the restaurant. As the app developer, you could choose the restaurant's web page, its Yelp page, its OpenTable page, your own representation of the restaurant page on your web site or any other web page on the internets. :-)
Being faced with a similar situation, I chose to use my own application's web page representing a restaurant. I experimented with using the restaurant's Facebook page (which I had to look up using the Graph API for search) as well as a third-party provider of restaurant information, e.g. Yelp. Using the Facebook page, my app felt more tightly integrated with Facebook, but I didn't get the luxury of having my own Facebook app metadata. Because I chose to link to my own restaurant page, I was able to set and retrieve whatever metadata I wanted, which really came in handy later when I started configuring aggregations.
I don't know how Spotify data surfaces on artist pages nor do I know how they managed to shoehorn song AND album objects into each listen post on OpenGraph, e.g.: "Chris listened to Torn and Frayed on Exile on Main Street." I could only ever get ONE object linked to an action, e.g. "Chris left a tip on California Pizza Kitchen." My assumption is that since they were one of the (if not the only) Facebook Open Graph launch partner, they probably had some inside help.

UI design - popup

I am currently developing a website.
Let me narrate the issue that i facing:
When users opens website they will get two options in a small pop-up.
Fisrt option in the popup will direct to sub-domain 1
second option in the popup will direct to sub-domain 2
now my query is, how to present this in a most appealing User Interface... Can you please give some ideas on this.
It would be really helpful if anyone can give the website names who have already implemented similar one / any UI related websites.
Thanks a lot
Your question leaves too much to the imagination. Define your goal, and I think you'll answer your own question...
Are you selling products skewed
toward different buyers (sub#1=cars,
Are you selling the
same product to different
demographics (boys click here, girls
click there)?
Is it the same product built for different markets (commercial products, residential products)?
Whatever your situation is...
Determine the goal, and the rest should fall into place.
To the UI...
Since you're going to halt the visitor as soon as they land, just split your home page down the middle with whatever graphic you see fit (big button on either | trucks....girls | boys...commercial | residential) -- This approach doesn't require any JS, popups, etc. very clean and to the point.
If you want to have "canned" content on the home page, but force them to make a choice, I would prefer an element that slides into the screen like the "Welcome Back" message on SO, or even a screen take over (tho not as much because they're intrusive as !##$).
Pop-ups are so 1998 :-) Avoid at all cost
Here's a couple links on UI design/technique that may help (tons of technique and examples):
10 Techniques, and 40 Helpful Resources on UI Design Patterns
I think that instead of pop ups you should show those two websites and their previews (clickable) on the page side by side, and whatever preview user clicks, he may be redirected to that page.

USA map drill-down in ASP.NET

I'm looking for some component (preferably freeware) what will provide me the ability to take an image of the USA and have a user click a state. The image of the state will then display, giving the ability to click either a region, or a county, and drill down further. A user would then be able to select one or more counties. I'm also trying to stay away from any google mapping features.
I don't mind having to create this feature from scratch, but I'm having trouble finding tutorials or similar articles on such a technique to get me started on the right path.
Any suggestions would be helpful! :-)
I have see maps on 2 components
And FusionCharts.
Here is a Drill Down demo
I do not know if its what you looking, but its a start.
