Is there a way I can add log gridlines to my graph with RStudio? - r

I'm currently trying to create a dose-response curve with Rstudio and I'm using the tidydrc package. I was wondering if there was a way I could add minor gridlines, since the x-axis is log.
Here's an image of what I've got so far
This is the code I've got so far:
tidydrc_plot(Nifedipinedrc,ed50=FALSE) +
scale_x_log10() +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=g$Nifedipine-g$SD, ymax=g$Nifedipine+g$SD, x=Nifedipinedrc[[1]][[1]]$d, y=Nifedipinedrc[[1]][[1]]$r)) +
ggtitle("graph") +
labs(x="Concentration", y= "Force")
I know it's an absolute mess of a code but I'm completely self taught and I feel like I've hit a bit of a brick wall with this because I don't actually understand a lot of the guides currently on stack.

Here is a function that you can use for the minor_breaks argument of log scales. The proposed function uses an unexported function from ggplot2, so I'm cheating a little bit. This probably only works well for log10 axis though and you might want to accentuate the major gridlines some more through the theme() setting.
# A function factory for minor log breaks
minor_breaks_log <- function(base) {
# Prevents lazy evaluation
# Wrap calculation in a function that the outer function returns
function(limits) {
base = base,
minpow = floor(log(limits[1], base = base)),
maxpow = ceiling(log(limits[2], base = base))
ggplot(msleep, aes(bodywt, brainwt)) +
geom_point() +
scale_y_log10(minor_breaks = minor_breaks_log(10)) +
scale_x_log10(minor_breaks = minor_breaks_log(10))
#> Warning: Removed 27 rows containing missing values (geom_point).
Created on 2020-12-02 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)


How to solve "no visible binding for global variable 'x' " [duplicate]

EDIT: Hadley Wickham points out that I misspoke. R CMD check is throwing NOTES, not Warnings. I'm terribly sorry for the confusion. It was my oversight.
The short version
R CMD check throws this note every time I use sensible plot-creation syntax in ggplot2:
no visible binding for global variable [variable name]
I understand why R CMD check does that, but it seems to be criminalizing an entire vein of otherwise sensible syntax. I'm not sure what steps to take to get my package to pass R CMD check and get admitted to CRAN.
The background
Sascha Epskamp previously posted on essentially the same issue. The difference, I think, is that subset()'s manpage says it's designed for interactive use.
In my case, the issue is not over subset() but over a core feature of ggplot2: the data = argument.
An example of code I write that generates these notes
Here's a sub-function in my package that adds points to a plot:
JitteredResponsesByContrast <- function (data) {
x = x.values,
y = y.values
data = data,
position = position_jitter(height = 0, width = GetDegreeOfJitter(jj))
R CMD check, on parsing this code, will say
granovagg.contr : JitteredResponsesByContrast: no visible binding for
global variable 'x.values'
granovagg.contr : JitteredResponsesByContrast: no visible binding for
global variable 'y.values'
Why R CMD check is right
The check is technically correct. x.values and y.values
Aren't defined locally in the function JitteredResponsesByContrast()
Aren't pre-defined in the form x.values <- [something] either globally or in the caller.
Instead, they're variables within a dataframe that gets defined earlier and passed into the function JitteredResponsesByContrast().
Why ggplot2 makes it difficult to appease R CMD check
ggplot2 seems to encourage the use of a data argument. The data argument, presumably, is why this code will execute
p <- ggplot(aes(x = hwy, y = cty), data = mpg)
p + geom_point()
but this code will produce an object-not-found error:
hwy # a variable in the mpg dataset
Two work-arounds, and why I'm happy with neither
The NULLing out strategy
Matthew Dowle recommends setting the problematic variables to NULL first, which in my case would look like this:
JitteredResponsesByContrast <- function (data) {
x.values <- y.values <- NULL # Setting the variables to NULL first
x = x.values,
y = y.values
data = data,
position = position_jitter(height = 0, width = GetDegreeOfJitter(jj))
I appreciate this solution, but I dislike it for three reasons.
it serves no additional purpose beyond appeasing R CMD check.
it doesn't reflect intent. It raises the expectation that the aes() call will see our now-NULL variables (it won't), while obscuring the real purpose (making R CMD check aware of variables it apparently wouldn't otherwise know were bound)
The problems of 1 and 2 multiply because every time you write a function that returns a plot element, you have to add a confusing NULLing statement
The with() strategy
You can use with() to explicitly signal that the variables in question can be found inside some larger environment. In my case, using with() looks like this:
JitteredResponsesByContrast <- function (data) {
with(data, {
x = x.values,
y = y.values
data = data,
position = position_jitter(height = 0, width = GetDegreeOfJitter(jj))
This solution works. But, I don't like this solution because it doesn't even work the way I would expect it to. If with() were really solving the problem of pointing the interpreter to where the variables are, then I shouldn't even need the data = argument. But, with() doesn't work that way:
p <- ggplot()
p <- p + with(mpg, geom_point(aes(x = hwy, y = cty)))
p # will generate an error saying `hwy` is not found
So, again, I think this solution has similar flaws to the NULLing strategy:
I still have to go through every plot element function and wrap the logic in a with() call
The with() call is misleading. I still need to supply a data = argument; all with() is doing is appeasing R CMD check.
The way I see it, there are three options I could take:
Lobby CRAN to ignore the notes by arguing that they're "spurious" (pursuant to CRAN policy), and do that every time I submit a package
Fix my code with one of two undesirable strategies (NULLing or with() blocks)
Hum really loudly and hope the problem goes away
None of the three make me happy, and I'm wondering what people suggest I (and other package developers wanting to tap into ggplot2) should do.
You have two solutions:
Rewrite your code to avoid non-standard evaluation. For ggplot2, this means using aes_string() instead of aes() (as described by Harlan)
Add a call to globalVariables(c("x.values", "y.values")) somewhere in the top-level of your package.
You should strive for 0 NOTES in your package when submitting to CRAN, even if you have to do something slightly hacky. This makes life easier for CRAN, and easier for you.
(Updated 2014-12-31 to reflect my latest thoughts on this)
Have you tried with aes_string instead of aes? This should work, although I haven't tried it:
aes_string(x = 'x.values', y = 'y.values')
This question has been asked and answered a while ago but just for your information, since version 2.1.0 there is another way to get around the notes: aes_(x=~x.values,y=~y.values).
In 2019, the best way to get around this is to use the .data prefix from the rlang package, which also gets exported to ggplot2. This tells R to treat x.values and y.values as columns in a data.frame (so it won't complain about undefined variables).
Note: This works best if you have predefined columns names that you know will exist in you data input
#' #importFrom ggplot2 .data
my_func <- function(data) {
ggplot(data, aes(x = .data$x, y = .data$y))
EDIT: Updated to export .data from ggplot2 instead of rlang based off #Noah comment
getRversion() >= "3.1.0"
You can add a call at the top level of the package:
utils::suppressForeignCheck(c("x.values", "y.values"))
Add this line of code to the file in which you provide package-level documentation:
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") utils::globalVariables(c("."))
Example here
how about using get()?
x = get('x.values'),
y = get('y.values')
data = data,
position = position_jitter(height = 0, width = GetDegreeOfJitter(jj))
Because the manual for ?aes_string says
All these functions are soft-deprecated. Please use tidy evaluation
idioms instead (see the quasiquotation section in aes()
So I read that page, and came up with this pattern:
ggplot2::aes(x = !!quote(x.values),
y = !!quote(y.values))
It is about as fugly as an IIFE, and mixes base expressions with tidy-bang-bangs. But does not require the global variables workaround, either, and doesn't use anything that is deprecated afaict. It seems like it also works with calculations in aesthetics and the derived variables like ..count..

Ggplot does not show plots in sourced function

I've been trying to draw two plots using R's ggplot library in RStudio. Problem is, when I draw two within one function, only the last one displays (in RStudio's "plots" view) and the first one disappears. Even worse, when I run ggsave() after each plot - which saves them to a file - neither of them appear (but the files save as expected). However, I want to view what I've saved in the plots as I was able to before.
Is there a way I can both display what I'll be plotting in RStudio's plots view and also save them? Moreover, when the plots are not being saved, why does the display problem happen when there's more than one plot? (i.e. why does it show the last one but not the ones before?)
The code with the plotting parts are below. I've removed some parts because they seem unnecessary (but can add them if they are indeed relevant).
HHIplot = ggplot(pergame)
# some ggplot geoms and misc. here
ggsave(paste("HHI Index of all games,",year,"Finals.png"),
path = plotpath, width = 6, height = 4)
HHIAvePlot = ggplot(AveHHI, aes(x = AveHHI$n_brokers))
# some ggplot geoms and misc. here
ggsave(paste("Average HHI Index of all games,",year,"Finals.png"),
path = plotpath, width = 6, height = 4)
I've already taken a look here and here but neither have helped. Adding a print(HHIplot) or print(HHIAvePlot) after the ggsave() lines has not displayed the plot.
Many thanks in advance.
Update 1: The solution suggested below didn't work, although it works for the answer's sample code. I passed the ggplot objects to .Globalenv and print() gives me an empty gray box on the plot area (which I imagine is an empty ggplot object with no layers). I think the issue might lie in some of the layers or manipulators I have used, so I've brought the full code for one ggplot object below. Any thoughts? (Note: I've tried putting the assign() line in all possible locations in relation to ggsave() and ggplot().)
HHIplot = ggplot(pergame)
HHIplot +
geom_point(aes(x = pergame$n_brokers, y = pergame$HHI)) +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,10000)) +
scale_x_discrete(breaks = gameSizes) +
labs(title = paste("HHI Index of all games,",year,"Finals"),
x = "Game Size", y = "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index") +
theme(text = element_text(size=15),axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 0, hjust = 1))
assign("HHIplot",HHIplot, envir = .GlobalEnv)
ggsave(paste("HHI Index of all games,",year,"Finals.png"),
path = plotpath, width = 6, height = 4)
I'll preface this by saying that the following is bad practice. It's considered bad practice to break a programming language's scoping rules for something as trivial as this, but here's how it's done anyway.
So within the body of your function you'll create both plots and put them into variables. Then you'll use ggsave() to write them out. Finally, you'll use assign() to push the variables to the global scope.
myFun <- function() {
#some sample data that you should be passing into the function via arguments
df <- data.frame(x=1:10, y1=1:10, y2=10:1)
p1 <- ggplot(df, aes(x=x, y=y1))+geom_point()
p2 <- ggplot(df, aes(x=x, y=y2))+geom_point()
ggsave('p1.jpg', p1)
ggsave('p2.jpg', p2)
assign('p1', p1, envir=.GlobalEnv)
assign('p2', p2, envir=.GlobalEnv)
Now, when you run myFun() it will write out your two plots to .jpg files, and also drop the plots into your global environment so that you can just run p1 or p2 on the console and they'll appear in RStudio's Plot pane.
Good practice would be to not worry about the fact that they're not popping up in RStudio. They wrote out to files, and you know they did, so go look at them there.

Weird ggplot2 error: Empty raster

Why does
ggplot(data.frame(x=c(1,2),y=c(1,2),z=c(1.5,1.5)),aes(x=x,y=y,color=z)) +
give me the error
Error in, x$raster, x$x, x$y, x$width, x$height, : Empty raster
but the following two plots work
ggplot(data.frame(x=c(1,2),y=c(1,2),z=c(2.5,2.5)),aes(x=x,y=y,color=z)) +
ggplot(data.frame(x=c(1,2),y=c(1,2),z=c(1.5,2.5)),aes(x=x,y=y,color=z)) +
I'm using ggplot2
TL;DR: Check your data -- do you really want to use a continuous color scale with only one possible value for the color?
The error does not occur if you add + scale_fill_continuous(guide=FALSE) to the plot. (This turns off the legend.)
ggplot(data.frame(x=c(1,2), y=c(1,2), z=c(1.5,1.5)), aes(x=x,y=y,color=z)) +
geom_point() + scale_color_continuous(guide = FALSE)
The error seems to be triggered in cases where a continuous color scale uses only one color. The current GitHub version already includes the relevant pull request. Install it via:
But more probably there is an issue with the data: why would you use a continuous color scale with only one value?
The same behaviour (i.e. the "Empty raster"error) appeared to me with another value apart from 1.5.
Try the following:
+ geom_point()
And you get again the same error (tried with both and versions) so it looks like a nasty and weird bug.
This definitely sounds like an edge case better suited for a bug report as others have mentioned but here's some generalizable code that might be useful to somebody as a clunky workaround or for handling labels/colors. It's plotting a rescaled variable and using the real values as labels.
z <- c(1.5,1.5)
# rescale z to 0:1
z_rescaled <- rescale(z)
# customizable number of breaks in the legend
max_breaks_cnt <- 5
# break z and z_rescaled by quantiles determined by number of maximum breaks
# and use 'unique' to remove duplicate breaks
breaks_z <- unique(as.vector(quantile(z, seq(0,1,by=1/max_breaks_cnt))))
breaks_z_rescaled <- unique(as.vector(quantile(z_rescaled, seq(0,1,by=1/max_breaks_cnt))))
# make a color palette
Pal <- colorRampPalette(c('yellow','orange','red'))(500)
# plot z_rescaled with breaks_z used as labels
ggplot(data.frame(x=c(1,2),y=c(1,2),z_rescaled),aes(x=x,y=y,color=z_rescaled)) +
geom_point() + scale_colour_gradientn("z",colours=Pal,labels = breaks_z,breaks=breaks_z_rescaled)
This is quite off-topic but I like to use rescaling to send tons of changing variables to a function like this:
colorfunction <- gradient_n_pal(colours = colorRampPalette(c('yellow','orange','red'))(500),
values = c(0:1), space = "Lab")

How can I handle R CMD check "no visible binding for global variable" notes when my ggplot2 syntax is sensible?

EDIT: Hadley Wickham points out that I misspoke. R CMD check is throwing NOTES, not Warnings. I'm terribly sorry for the confusion. It was my oversight.
The short version
R CMD check throws this note every time I use sensible plot-creation syntax in ggplot2:
no visible binding for global variable [variable name]
I understand why R CMD check does that, but it seems to be criminalizing an entire vein of otherwise sensible syntax. I'm not sure what steps to take to get my package to pass R CMD check and get admitted to CRAN.
The background
Sascha Epskamp previously posted on essentially the same issue. The difference, I think, is that subset()'s manpage says it's designed for interactive use.
In my case, the issue is not over subset() but over a core feature of ggplot2: the data = argument.
An example of code I write that generates these notes
Here's a sub-function in my package that adds points to a plot:
JitteredResponsesByContrast <- function (data) {
x = x.values,
y = y.values
data = data,
position = position_jitter(height = 0, width = GetDegreeOfJitter(jj))
R CMD check, on parsing this code, will say
granovagg.contr : JitteredResponsesByContrast: no visible binding for
global variable 'x.values'
granovagg.contr : JitteredResponsesByContrast: no visible binding for
global variable 'y.values'
Why R CMD check is right
The check is technically correct. x.values and y.values
Aren't defined locally in the function JitteredResponsesByContrast()
Aren't pre-defined in the form x.values <- [something] either globally or in the caller.
Instead, they're variables within a dataframe that gets defined earlier and passed into the function JitteredResponsesByContrast().
Why ggplot2 makes it difficult to appease R CMD check
ggplot2 seems to encourage the use of a data argument. The data argument, presumably, is why this code will execute
p <- ggplot(aes(x = hwy, y = cty), data = mpg)
p + geom_point()
but this code will produce an object-not-found error:
hwy # a variable in the mpg dataset
Two work-arounds, and why I'm happy with neither
The NULLing out strategy
Matthew Dowle recommends setting the problematic variables to NULL first, which in my case would look like this:
JitteredResponsesByContrast <- function (data) {
x.values <- y.values <- NULL # Setting the variables to NULL first
x = x.values,
y = y.values
data = data,
position = position_jitter(height = 0, width = GetDegreeOfJitter(jj))
I appreciate this solution, but I dislike it for three reasons.
it serves no additional purpose beyond appeasing R CMD check.
it doesn't reflect intent. It raises the expectation that the aes() call will see our now-NULL variables (it won't), while obscuring the real purpose (making R CMD check aware of variables it apparently wouldn't otherwise know were bound)
The problems of 1 and 2 multiply because every time you write a function that returns a plot element, you have to add a confusing NULLing statement
The with() strategy
You can use with() to explicitly signal that the variables in question can be found inside some larger environment. In my case, using with() looks like this:
JitteredResponsesByContrast <- function (data) {
with(data, {
x = x.values,
y = y.values
data = data,
position = position_jitter(height = 0, width = GetDegreeOfJitter(jj))
This solution works. But, I don't like this solution because it doesn't even work the way I would expect it to. If with() were really solving the problem of pointing the interpreter to where the variables are, then I shouldn't even need the data = argument. But, with() doesn't work that way:
p <- ggplot()
p <- p + with(mpg, geom_point(aes(x = hwy, y = cty)))
p # will generate an error saying `hwy` is not found
So, again, I think this solution has similar flaws to the NULLing strategy:
I still have to go through every plot element function and wrap the logic in a with() call
The with() call is misleading. I still need to supply a data = argument; all with() is doing is appeasing R CMD check.
The way I see it, there are three options I could take:
Lobby CRAN to ignore the notes by arguing that they're "spurious" (pursuant to CRAN policy), and do that every time I submit a package
Fix my code with one of two undesirable strategies (NULLing or with() blocks)
Hum really loudly and hope the problem goes away
None of the three make me happy, and I'm wondering what people suggest I (and other package developers wanting to tap into ggplot2) should do.
You have two solutions:
Rewrite your code to avoid non-standard evaluation. For ggplot2, this means using aes_string() instead of aes() (as described by Harlan)
Add a call to globalVariables(c("x.values", "y.values")) somewhere in the top-level of your package.
You should strive for 0 NOTES in your package when submitting to CRAN, even if you have to do something slightly hacky. This makes life easier for CRAN, and easier for you.
(Updated 2014-12-31 to reflect my latest thoughts on this)
Have you tried with aes_string instead of aes? This should work, although I haven't tried it:
aes_string(x = 'x.values', y = 'y.values')
This question has been asked and answered a while ago but just for your information, since version 2.1.0 there is another way to get around the notes: aes_(x=~x.values,y=~y.values).
In 2019, the best way to get around this is to use the .data prefix from the rlang package, which also gets exported to ggplot2. This tells R to treat x.values and y.values as columns in a data.frame (so it won't complain about undefined variables).
Note: This works best if you have predefined columns names that you know will exist in you data input
#' #importFrom ggplot2 .data
my_func <- function(data) {
ggplot(data, aes(x = .data$x, y = .data$y))
EDIT: Updated to export .data from ggplot2 instead of rlang based off #Noah comment
getRversion() >= "3.1.0"
You can add a call at the top level of the package:
utils::suppressForeignCheck(c("x.values", "y.values"))
Add this line of code to the file in which you provide package-level documentation:
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") utils::globalVariables(c("."))
Example here
how about using get()?
x = get('x.values'),
y = get('y.values')
data = data,
position = position_jitter(height = 0, width = GetDegreeOfJitter(jj))
Because the manual for ?aes_string says
All these functions are soft-deprecated. Please use tidy evaluation
idioms instead (see the quasiquotation section in aes()
So I read that page, and came up with this pattern:
ggplot2::aes(x = !!quote(x.values),
y = !!quote(y.values))
It is about as fugly as an IIFE, and mixes base expressions with tidy-bang-bangs. But does not require the global variables workaround, either, and doesn't use anything that is deprecated afaict. It seems like it also works with calculations in aesthetics and the derived variables like ..count..

Plotting to a file from a function in R

Hey everyone!
I'm new to using R, and became interested in using it after having a team member give a tutorial of how useful it can be in an academic setting.
I am trying to write a script to automatically read my data from multiple files and then plot the resultant graphs to multiple files, so that they can be easily added to a manuscript (PowerPoint, latex, etc.)
I have found that the following code will allow me to produce a graph
p = qplot(factor(step), y, data=x, colour=c))
p = p + theme_bw()
# etc...
wrapping this around a png call will allow me to output the plot to a PNG:
p = qplot(factor(step), y, data=x, colour=c))
p = p + theme_bw()
# etc...
I wanted to put the graph creation into a function so that I can create graphs and consequent seperate PNGs. So I put everything into a function:
func <- function()
p = qplot(factor(step), y, data=x, colour=c))
p = p + theme_bw()
# etc...
If I call func() A PNG is created, but it is empty. Is there any specific reason why I can do this without the function but can't when I'm calling it from a function?
When using ggplot2 or lattice non-interactively (i.e. not from the command-line), you need to explicitly print() plots that you've constructed. So just do print(p) in the final line of your code, and all should be fine.
This is unintuitive enough that it's one of the most frequent of all FAQs.
