I have tried putting this into my keywords
Date and time
${CurrentDate} Get Current Date result_format=%d-%m-%Y
Log ${CurrentDate}
but to no success.
I have multiple test cases in my test suite and I want to print out time when each test case is run. I will do this probably in the Test Setup.
*** Settings ***
Documentation A test suite with a single test for valid login.
Library DateTime
*** Test Cases ***
Valid Login
${CurrentDate} Get Current Date result_format=%d-%m-%Y
Log ${CurrentDate}
Your code works
I am quite novice in RobotFramework. I want to set a timeout for my keyword to execute. If the keyword execution time exceeds the given timeout, then the test case needs to be failed. I tried to find relevant keywords. For example: Wait Until Keyword Succeeds or Wait Until Keyword fails. But I understood it so that, they are mainly used for retrying after given intervals or timeout. I do not want to retry, I just want to fail the case if the execution is not completed in given time.
Thanks in advance.
I have already tried with Wait Until Keyword Succeeds or Wait Until Keyword fails.
*** Test Cases ***
Test 1
[tags] test1
Fail case in Performance not met
*** Keywords ***
Fail case in Performance not met
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s keyword To Be Running
keyword To Be Running
I found the answer after posting the question from another question. According to the robot framework user guide, the default timeout is 120 min and can be set separately in the settings. The summary of the findings are as follows in these examples:
*** Settings ***
Test Timeout 20 minutes
The timeout can be set in a specified test case or keyword with the [Timeout] setting:
*** Test Cases ***
[Timeout] 2 minute
*** Keywords ***
[Timeout] 5s
When a test case in Robotframework FAILs I am able to log "Test Message" in report with FAIL keyword:
FAIL *HTML* Log Link : Data
But how can I log the same on case of test PASS case criteria, I am not sure but should we use "Pass Execution" keyword - it states - Skips rest of the current test, setup, or teardown with PASS status - but I have teardown steps - so should we make use of Pass Execution keyword in test case body.
Log to Console logs only to standard output and is not captured in "Message" report.html while FAIL msg gets displayed in "Message"
Please let me know how to use PASS with message with just stating that the test cases was success and complete its teardown
I am not sure but should we use "Pass Execution" keyword - it states - Skips rest of the current test, setup, or teardown with PASS status - but I have teardown steps - so should we make use of Pass Execution keyword in the test case body.
If you use Pass Execution in the body of a test case, your teardown steps will still run. The documentation is trying to point out that if you use Pass Execution inside a teardown, the teardown will stop at the point that you call the keyword.
You can see this with a very simple example. Even though the following test calls Pass execution, both the suite teardown and test teardown will add messages to the log.
*** Settings ***
Suite Teardown log the suite teardown was called
*** Test Cases ***
[Teardown] log the test teardown was called
Should be equal test test
Pass execution Looking good Bill Ray!
If you want to explicitly set the test message, you can use the built-in keyword
Set test message. It will change the test message for a passing test.
*** Test cases ***
Should be equal test test
Set test message Looking good Billy Ray!
I am looking to make a new user per test suite to ensure state. I have setup keywords to achieve this as show below, the issue is getting the "USERNAME" accessible to the tests without making it a global (and thus preventing parallel running)
I currently receive a "Cannot Set Test variable when no test is started" error produced by robot.
*** Settings ***
Resource base.robot
Suite Setup Suite Start Default
Suite Teardown Suite teardown Default
*** Test Cases ***
Test One
[Setup] Login ${USERNAME}
Do testing
*** Keywords ***
Suite Start Default
${USERNAME} Create User
Suite Teardown Default
Delete User ${USERNAME}
Possibly i have missed some variable definition, but happy to reformat to get the intended result
To set a suite-level variable in the setup (ie: a variable accessible only to the tests in the suite), use Set Suite Variable
*** Keywords ***
Suite Start Default
${USERNAME} Create User
set suite variable ${USERNAME}
I have test suit which has multiple test cases and to avoid execution halt of test suite , I wants to add test time out for each test case . How to do this please help.
According to the robot framework user guide, you define the default timeout in the settings. This is the example from the user guide:
*** Settings ***
Test Timeout 2 minutes
You can specify a test case or keyword specific timeout with the [Timeout] setting:
*** Test Cases ***
[Timeout] 1 minute
Alternatively you could use the built in Wait conditions
Wait For Element To Be Visible ${ELEMENT_LOCATOR} 30s
These have a second argument for timeout.
I have a test case in Gherkin style in Robot Framework. For example:
*** Settings ***
Documentation Tests Login to website
Resource ../keywords/resources.txt
Test Teardown Close Browser
*** Variables ***
${user} demo
${userpass} demo
*** Test Cases ***
Scenario: Login as a valid user to website
Given Browser is opened to home page
When I log in as ${user} with ${userpass}
Then I can see page after sign in and verify
And I will logout
Is there any way that I can run same test case for multiple sets of data?
You should be able to simply convert your test case to a keyword, then use that keyword with the Test Template feature. You can then create a whole set of permutations.