Time series with twice daily frequency in R - r

I have some data coming from sensors with observations every 12 hours. I want to analyze it as time series, but I not sure what frequency to use to convert it to time series. The ts function needs a start, an end and a frequency. ts(data, start = 1, end = numeric(), frequency = 1,...)
I do not want to aggregate it to once daily frequency (will likely lose some information). Any recommendations?

The ts class does not handle high frequency data very well. I suggest you use the tsibble class instead. See https://cran.r-project.org/package=tsibble. There are many modelling tools designed for tsibble objects provided by the feasts and fable packages.


How to convert a weekly dataset into a time series in R

i have a WEEKLY dataset that start on 1986.01.03 and end on 2022-10-07.
The problem is when I forecast the time series with Arima +garch, because the date in T0 is wrong, i.e. 1975 enter image description here.
The function that I used to convert the dataset into time series is here, but I think that the problem is here, since it doesn't take on the right date.
FutureWeekly= ts(WeeklyFuture$FutureWeekly, start= c(1986,1), end = c(2022,10), frequency = 52)
does anyone know how to convert a weekly dataset to time series other than this?
There are the first rows of my dataset and then I have to transform that into returns (diff(log(FutureWeekly) to do the ARMA+GARCH
enter image description here
Try this:
futures<-c(WeeklyFuture$FutureWeekly) #convert to vector
FutureWeekly= ts(futures, start= c(1986,1,10), end = c(1986,3,7), frequency = 52) #add day of week ending on
One of the things ts() demands is a vector of values. I think it might also be easier for ts() to convert the data if it was able to see the 7-day increments.
Assuming you have full un-broken weekly data for the entire period, I think these two things will solve the problem.

Time Series data with twice daily frequency in R [duplicate]

I have some data coming from sensors with observations every 12 hours. I want to analyze it as time series, but I not sure what frequency to use to convert it to time series. The ts function needs a start, an end and a frequency. ts(data, start = 1, end = numeric(), frequency = 1,...)
I do not want to aggregate it to once daily frequency (will likely lose some information). Any recommendations?
The ts class does not handle high frequency data very well. I suggest you use the tsibble class instead. See https://cran.r-project.org/package=tsibble. There are many modelling tools designed for tsibble objects provided by the feasts and fable packages.

Correct imputation for a zooreg object?

My objective is to impute NAs in a zooreg time series object. The pattern of the time series is cyclic. My code is:
#load libraries required
# create sequence every 15 minutes from 1st Dec to 20th Dec, 2018
timeStamp <- seq.POSIXt(from=as.POSIXct('2018-01-01 00:00:00', tz="UTC"), to=as.POSIXct('2018-01-20 23:45:00', tz="UTC"), by = "15 min")
# data which increases from 12am to 12pm, then decreases till 12 am of next day, for 20 days
readings <- rep(c(seq(1,48,1), seq(48,1,-1)), 20)
dF <- data.frame(timeStamp=timeStamp, readings=readings)
# create a regular zooreg object, frequency is 1 day( 4 readings * 24 hours)
readingsZooReg <- zooreg(dF$readings, order.by = dF$timeStamp, frequency = 4*24)
# force some data to be NAs
window(readingsZooReg, start = as.POSIXct("2018-01-14 00:00:00", tz="UTC"), end = as.POSIXct("2018-01-16 23:45:00", tz="UTC")) <- NA
# plot imputed values
The plots are:
Full time series, NAs added, Imputed time series
I'm purposely using zoo here, since the time series I work on are irregular(eg. solar, oil wells, etc)
1) Is my usage of "zooreg" correct? Or would a "zoo" object suffice ?
2) Is my frequency variable right?
3) Why won't na.approx work? I've also tried na.StructTs, the R script hangs.
4) Is there a solution using any other package? xts, ts, etc?
Your current example time-series is a regular time-series.
(a irregular time series would have time-steps with different time distances between observations)
10:00:10, 10:00:20, 10:00:30, 10:00:40, 10:00:50 (regular spaced)
10:00:10, 10:00:17, 10:00:33, 10:00:37, 10:00:50 (irregular spaced)
If you really need to handle irregular spaced time-series, zoo is your go to package. Otherwise you can also use other time series classes as xts and ts.
About the frequency:
You set the frequency of a time-series usually according to a value where you expect patterns to repeat. (in your example this could be 96). In real live this is often 1 day, 1 week, 1 month,....but it can be also different from these like 1,5 days. (e.g. if you have daily returning patterns and 1 minute observations you would set the frequency to 1440).
na.approx of zoo workes perfectly. It is exactly doing what it is expected to. A interpolation between the points 0 before the gap and 0 at the end of the gap will give a straight line at 0. Of course that is probably not the result you expected, because it does not account for seasonality. That is why G. Grothendieck suggests you na.StructTS as a method to choose. (this method is usually better in accounting for seasonality)
The best choice if you are not bound to zoo would in this specific case be using na_seadec from the imputeTS package ( a package solely dedicated to time series imputation).
I have added you a example also with nice plots from the imputeTS package
yourTS <- ts(coredata(readingsZooReg), frequency = 96)
imputedTS <- na_seadec(yourTS)
ggplot_na_imputations(yourTS, imputedTS)
Usually imputeTS also works perfectly with zoo time-series as input. I only changed it to ts again, because something with your zoo object seems odd...that is also why na.StructTS from zoo itself breaks. Maybe somebody with better knowledge can help out here.
Beware, if you really should have irregular time series do not use other packages / imputation functions than from zoo. Because they all assume the data to be regular spaced and will give results accordingly.

how I change the frame data into time series?

I have a daily rainfall data for 36 years. I want to analyze the time series, but my data is still in the form of frame data, how I change the frame data into time series. My data is a variable, how to unify the year number with the date and month, so the data is only in one column
You could use a time series package for that, such as fpp i.e. install.packages('fpp'). Since you don't give an example code, I can't really help you properly with it but it's quite easy.
ts(your_data, start =, frequency = ) At start = you put the year or month where you'd start and at frequency = you'd put e.g. 36 since you talk about 36 years.
You might want to check out https://robjhyndman.com/. He has an online (free) book available that walks you through the use of his package as well as providing useful information with respect to time series analysis.
Hope this helps.

Check Seasonality in time series

I have 2 years of hourly data.I want to check seasonality .
1.Decomposing the series shows seasonality.But since Decomposition is not enough
what else can i use to check seasonality in R?
2.I tried hourly seasonality , I am not sure on the period of seasonality.How to determine the frequency in R?
Frequency is the number of observations per unit of time. But, in my short experience, the unit of time depends on the event you are studying. For example, if you have monthly data of a yearly seasonal event (like the flowering of some plants) and you sampled 5 times each month, frequency will be 5*12. I suggest you decompose your time series and and check for seasonality there. You can use ts, stl and plot.stl. Try to adjust the parameters as best as you can but also try to check what happens when you change them.
Please read through below link, if you feel to keep multiple seasonal periods in data, you can also paste sample of your data here for further suggestions
