Woocomerce Dashboard to user - wordpress

Is there a way for the user to have a dashboard to able to add/edit products, view reports and orders of his store without access to WordPress admin?
i don't need to let him access to WordPress panel or admin panel to do that. so am checking if there is a customized dashboard for that

Check this, your issue will be solved, WordPress User Role and Capabilities and WooCommerce Shop Manager role and capabilities
Just create another user and restrict it's access permission from your admin.
He will just manage the products with a customized dashboard only what you'll allow.


Wordpress user roles restrictions plug in

Hi is there any plug in that admin can share posts on each user? And only when a user log in on page can see their relative posts and updates of them?
You can use Advanced Access Manager plugin and you can manage everything in your site with this plugin from the admin panel.

Codestar framework allow theme options to show when the WordPress role is a different one than admin

Currently in my setup theme options shows only when the WordPress admin role user signs in into the dashboard. The codestar theme options does not show up when a user with another role such as author or editor sings in into the WordPress dashboard. I want to be able to allow user other than admin to configure settings through codestar theme options.
I want to know if this is possible and how to achieve this.

wordpress plugin is not working in the user admin panel

I've made a plugin for my WordPress and its working fine with the admin panel.
I've given a collaborator access to a user and that user can login with his details, he has limited options on the admin menu which he can use.
The plugin is not showing on that menu can anyone tell me is it possible to give users or a specific user access of that plugin?
i need help thank you in advance.
You can use the Adminimize plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/adminimize/ and you can set the privileges whom you need to show up the plugin when the login is successful at their sign up accounts.

Hide WooCommerce data from other admins in Wordpress?

I have to create an admin user for a marketing company in my Wordpress website but I do not want them to have access to WooCommerce data. In other words, they should not be gain information regarding sales data, customer names, email, address and so on. However, they need to have access to themes and plugins.
Is there a way to hide WooCommerce data from admin view or create a user account with all the admin privileges except WooCommerce access?
Please help,
Thank you
You could create a new role in code and add specific capabilities to it. But it's much easier to use a role editor plugin like User Role Editor
Just create a new role and assign the capabilities you want while leaving out those of Woocommerce.

set role for specific users group that have access to just specific plugin page in wordpress admin panel

i want to set role for specific users group that have access to just specific plugin page in wordpress admin panel when they login to my website and other part of admin panel gone hide for they.
I am looking for the same plugin.
Here what I have found, these are all free:
User Specific Content
User Access Manager
The following is a paid plugin:
