I just installed Scene Builder and my editor looks like this. Can't read anything. I assume somehow I am missing the font the editor tries to use?
So in case anyone encounters this problem. I quickly realized this is not a Scene Builder but a general JavaFX problem. Somehow my Segoe UI font was corrupted or something. I un-/reinstalled it and the characters are displayed normally now.
I got the same I downloaded and reinstalled Segoe UI at https://freefontsfamily.com/segoe-ui-font-free/
I had the same issue and just resolved it a few moments ago. Originally, I was running an older version of the JavaFX SDK (version 11) and as soon as I upgraded to version 16 and added this line (xmlns="javafx.com/javafx" xmlns:fx="javafx.com/fxml/1") in my .fxml file, everything became okay.
The strange characters and symbols no longer show when I run the scene, but they are still visible in the Intellij Scene Builder environment. That's okay though, since I can create my scenes in the formal Scene Builder application and simply import them in.
i programmed a Program with JavaFX recently.
Now im trying to optimize the optics a bit with CSS.
After i finally figured out, how to add CSS to the Program, NetBeans still doesnt show me Autocompletion for it.
So my first Steps were normal CSS, which obviously doesnt work.
Its a Maven-Project, made with the JavaFX FXML Maven Archetype.
I tried some solutions, but none worked. One Solution was to make a new Ant-JavaFX-Project, do the CSS in there and copy it back. But not only this is really dirty, i cant even create the Project, cause NetBeans says, my Java 14.0.1 SDK doesnt fit it, while it does in the Maven-Project...
Any Solutions? Here a Pic of the not working autocomplete:
The Project itself compiles with no Problems..
We are developing FXML with Scene Builder 10 and loading it on an app with JRE 8. We are confident that our FXML is all Java 8 compliant, but would like to suppress the following warnings that are printed whenever an FXML file is loaded:
Dec 19, 2018 12:50:14 PM javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader$ValueElement processValue
WARNING: Loading FXML document with JavaFX API of version 10.0.1 by JavaFX runtime of version 8.0.192
We've thought of a variety of solutions, but none of them seem very good. I just want to know if anyone can think of anything better.
Note that there are a few questions on SO that seem very similar to this, but so far it seems like they were all resolved by just updating to a newer JRE, which is not an option for us.
Our apps get shipped to a variety of customers, some of whom are unwilling to update past JRE 8. It turns out that Scene Builder for java 10 is WAY faster than Scene Builder for Java 8 (not sure why). As a result, we'd like to keep using Scene Builder for Java 10, but we always write our code to be Java 8 compliant and we always do all of our testing with JRE 8.
There are a variety of workarounds we've thought of, but they all seem a little hacky and definitely more like workarounds than true solutions. What I would really like to see would be either a way to tell Scene Builder to use an older API version, or to tell the FXML loader to ignore the version number. It's looking like that's probably not possible though.
Manually change the version number in FXML
It's not hard to just change the xmlns="http://javafx.com/javafx/10.0.1" attribute to xmlns="http://javafx.com/javafx/8.0.192" but it gets updated every time you modify it in Scene Builder and it's a pain to have to keep changing it. I thought about making a git hook to do it automatically on commit, but we're using Eclipse and the egit hook integration is practically non-existent.
Redirect Stderr on FXML load
We could make an FXMLLoading utility that we use for all FXML loading. It would could essentially disable stderr prior to loading it and then reenable it. This would not be thread safe though and anything else that might be printed to stderr at the same time would be lost.
We could also redirect stderr to an object that determines what should be printed based on the currently running thread, or perhaps by just omitting text that matches the FXML warning we're seeing. This still seems sort of hacky though.
Use custom input stream to load FXML
We could create an FXML loading utility that uses load(InputStream) and pass it in a custom InputStream that filters out or modifies that xmlns attribute. I think that this is probably my favorite solution, but it still seems like sort of a hassle.
I don't know if the correct term is intellisense, I'm talking about the helpers you see when you place the mouse over something. (The /** * */ helpers)
For some particular (business) reasons I need to use Flash Builder 4.0, the problem is, all kin of intellisense is gone, I put my mouse over anything, and no intellisense appears, nor in basic AS3 methods (Math.function) nor in Flex ones.
Any ideas?, I've been using FB 4.6 for a long time, and I never had this problem before.
it worked in FB4.0 as well, so either it can be an installation problem, or the SDK the project points to doesn't contain the documentation. Try a new project, see if there works. If not, try reinstalling it with default settings, and see if it works.
I have created a javafx application using javafx scene builder to design its interface, when i try to show some Persian or Arabic characters scene builder shows it in disorder mode, for example while i change a label's text to a Persian or Arabic word "اسم" it is writing in disorder mode (from left to right) like "م س ا" (without any space between the characters). I think maybe javafx scene builder doesn't support Persian or Arabic languages but i know there should be some way, so please help me how to do it.
Note: i just want to change the text of my label, button or some other control via double clicking on the control and change its text, so i haven't done any coding.
Kind Regards.
I faced with the same problem and after lots of search with my friend we solved the problem by using bdo tag.
For more information take a look at this:
We still have a problem with text inputs, and I was hoping if anybody could help.
Use a version of JavaFX with RTL support That is JavaFX 8 (included in JDK8).
I think maybe javafx scene builder doesn't support Persian or Arabic languages
Yes, this is currently correct.
Support for right to left writing won't be available in JavaFX (and consequently SceneBuilder as it is built on JavaFX), until the JDK8 release (currently scheduled for September, 2013).
You can make use of the SceneBuilder 1.1 early access previews, to see if the functionality has been added to a late development build. But, I don't think RTL support is in the current SceneBuilder 1.1 preview builds.
but i know there should be some way
I do not believe this will be possible until it is supported in the underlying platform.
I needed to make some changes to an air application that I made 2 years ago. The thing is: it is still written in flex3 and compiled to AIR 1.5. I didn't have the original project in flashbuilder, so I imported the source code in a new project.
I have tried to compile with flex 4 with backward compatibility, but that didn't work for me. So i deceided to compile with flex 3.5. Everything seems to work, except for the comboboxes.
When I click on a combobox, the dropdown opens but closes immediately. I have searched on this problem, but I cannot find a solution. It is just a standard combobox with 1 dataprovider. So no data is changed.
Does anyone know about this bug? How can I find out the compiler settings from an old AIR file. Maybe I can try to compile with the original SDK.
Thanks in advance!
it is because you must have put editable="true". I had the same issue and solved it.