I would like to load a raw image data (such as the .raw ones from http://eeweb.poly.edu/~yao/EL5123/SampleData.html) into Julia and display them.
Basically, I am looking for a way to load file into Julia as Array{xxx} type.
Any ideas?
Here is the code and along with the resulting plot:
using Plots, Images, HTTP
r = HTTP.request("GET", "http://eeweb.poly.edu/%7Eyao/EL5123/image/lena_gray.raw")
img = reshape(r.body, 512, 512)
v = rotr90(colorview(Gray, img./256));
I have 3 R plots saved as pdf files (upper_left.pdf, upper_right.pdf, lower.pdf) as vector graphic and want to make a one-page pdf file and arrange them on it as follows:
What I have tried already
I have tried reading the pdf's using magick::image_read_pdf and appending them using magick::image_append. More specifically,
panel.ul <- image_read_pdf("upper_left.pdf")
panel.ur <- image_read_pdf("upper_right.pdf")
panel.l <- image_read_pdf("lower.pdf")
whole <- c(panel.ul, panel.ur) %>%
image_append() %>%
c(panel.l) %>%
image_append(stack = TRUE)
The first issue is magick::image_read_pdf imports the plot as png (if I'm right, not vector graphic though).
magick::image_append also 'works' and gives me what I want in viewer pane (in RStudio, next to Help).
I then try to save them using export::graph2pdf(whole), but it gives me a blank page.
So, if I am to use magick, there are two issues that need to be solved:
importing plots as vector graphic objects (do not know the technical term in R)
Exporting the stacked plot to a vector pdf file.
How can I solve it? thanks in advance.
You're basically done. You only need to add
plot(whole) # plot the external object generated in ImageMagick to R's plotting device
savePlot(type = "pdf") # saves the current plotting device to a pdf file.
You will find your plot in your workoing directory called "Rplot.pdf".
savePlot has many options to customize your pdf output. Make sure to check ?savePlot.
To recreate your scheme from above youll need to temporarily save the upper panel as a separate pdf before you paste it to on top of the lower panel:
whole2 <- image_append(c(panel.ul, panel.ur))
savePlot("whole2.pdf", type = "pdf")
If the upper and lower panel do not look proportionate you can use the heght and width parameters of savePlot to adjust the size of the first pdf.
panel.upr <- image_read_pdf("whole2.pdf")
final <- image_append(c(image_append(panel.upr),panel.l), stack = TRUE)
savePlot("final.pdf", type = "pdf")
I am trying to import some raw data files (unknown file type) from an MIT facial recognition project site. The files each contain a 16384x1 array of pixel values for a 128*128 image of a face.
Here is the site with the data:
Raw data is provided in an unknown file format (some sort of .bin or .dat, I'm really not sure), and should encode for a 16284X1 array. I have tried reading in the files with readBin(), which results in a 4096x1 array (code shown below, "1227" is the file name). In addition, the values of this array have a huge range (min=-2139063177, max= 2139781749), which does not allow them to be pixel values with image().
data<-readBin("1227", "integer",n=128*128, endian = "big")
Changing endian to "little" results in a array of length zero. I had a friend try to read the file in matlab, and they were successful with the following code:
I = fread(fid);
imagesc(reshape(I, 128, 128)'); colormap(gray(256));
The files are available at the link I posted above, but let me know if I should post the contents of one the files to be read.
The data appear to be an array of bytes which code for a greyscale value. You can read the data into R and plot it with
xx <- matrix(as.numeric(readBin("1223", "raw", 128*128)), ncol=128, byrow = TRUE)
plot(as.raster(xx, max=255))
which will return
I've made different plots (more than a hundred) for a project and I haven't capture them on the way (yes it's bad , i know). Now, I need to save them all at once but without running again my script (which takes hours). Is there a way to do so within Rstudio ?
Edit: All the plot are already there and I don't want to run them again.
In RStudio, every session has a temporary directory that can be obtained using tempdir(). Inside that temporary directory, there is another directory that always starts with "rs-graphics" and contains all the plots saved as ".png" files. Therefore, to get the list of ".png" files you can do the following:
plots.dir.path <- list.files(tempdir(), pattern="rs-graphics", full.names = TRUE);
plots.png.paths <- list.files(plots.dir.path, pattern=".png", full.names = TRUE)
Now, you can copy these files to your desired directory, as follows:
file.copy(from=plots.png.paths, to="path_to_your_dir")
Additional feature:
As you will notice, the .png file names are automatically generated (e.g., 0078cb77-02f2-4a16-bf02-0c5c6d8cc8d8.png). So if you want to number the .png files according to their plotting order in RStudio, you may do so as follows:
plots.png.detials <- file.info(plots.png.paths)
plots.png.detials <- plots.png.detials[order(plots.png.detials$mtime),]
sorted.png.names <- gsub(plots.dir.path, "path_to_your_dir", row.names(plots.png.detials), fixed=TRUE)
numbered.png.names <- paste0("path_to_your_dir/", 1:length(sorted.png.names), ".png")
# Rename all the .png files as: 1.png, 2.png, 3.png, and so on.
file.rename(from=sorted.png.names, to=numbered.png.names)
Hope it helps.
Although this discussion has been inactive for a while, there are some persons, like myself, who still come across the same problem, and the other solutions don't really seem to even get what the actual question is.
So, hands on. Your plot history gets saved in a variable called .SavedPlots. You can either access it directly, assign it to another variable in code or do the latter from the plots window.
# ph for plot history
ph <- .SavedPlots
In R 3.4.2, I could index ph to reproduce the corresponding plot in a device. What follows is rather straightforward:
Open a new device (png, jpeg, pdf...).
Reproduce your plot ph[index_of_plot_in_history].
Close the device (or keep plotting if it is a pdf with multiple pages).
for(i in 1:lastplot) {
Note: Sometimes this doesn't happen because of poor programming. For instance, I was using the MICE package to impute many datasets with a large number of variables, and plotting as shown in section 4.3 of this paper. Problem was, that only three variables per plot were displayed, and if I used a png device in my code, only the last plot of each dataset would be saved. However, if the plots were printed to a window, all the plots of each dataset would be recorded.
If your plots are 3d, you can take a snapshot of all your plots and save them as a .png file format.
snapshot3d(filename = '../Plots/SnapshotPlots.png', fmt = 'png')
Or else, the best way is to create a multi-paneled plotting window using the par(mfrow) function. Try the following
plotsPath = "../Plots/allPlots.pdf"
for (x in seq(1,100))
par(mfrow = c(2,1))
You can also use png, bmp, tiff, and jpeg functions instead of pdf. You can read their advantages and disadvantages and choose the one you think is good for your needs.
I am not sure how Rstudio opens the device where the plot are drawn, but I guess it uses dev.new(). In that case one quick way to save all opened graphs is to loop through all the devices and write them using dev.print.
Something like :
where folder is the path of the folder where you want to store your graph (could be for example folder="~" if you are in linux and want to store all your graph in your home folder).
If you enter the following function all that will follow will be save in a document:
You can also use tiff(), jpg()... see ?pdf
I have been following a basic manual of Maxima, I need to solve a differencial ecuation system.
First of all, I loaded both of the packets, load(dynamics); and load(draw);
In order to obtain the points I have:
solutionsPoints: rk([4-x^2-4*y^2,y^2-x^2+1],[x,y],[-1.25,0.75],[t,0,4,0.02]);
I got all the points needed, now to represent this,
draw3d(points_joined = true, point_type = dot, points(solutionsPoints), terminal = eps);
Maxima in this case returns:
What should I do to have this representation?
I see that you have terminal = eps, therefore draw3d will create a .eps file and it won't display the image. I tried draw3d as you showed it, and it created maxima_out.eps in the current directory, and I can use a viewer (I used evince) to look at it, and it seems OK.
If you cut out the terminal = eps part, it will display the curve immediately, without creating an output file.
A lot of the time, I find it very useful to output graphics with pdf() as it allows me to scroll through pages and observe subtle differences (e.g. the page numbers may correspond to a particular parameter in a simulation).
Sometimes if the plot is quite packed with information, the fact that the PDF is a vector graphic means that it takes a long time to load in a PDF reader and is useless for scrolling through pages. I could plot with png(), but this would result in many image files.
My ideal solution would be to have a device that will plot a bitmap graphic (e.g. PNG) to a PDF.
I have read that cairo_pdf() outputs to a bitmap sometimes? Or I could write something that outputs to PNG, then combines these all together into a PDF?
Any other thoughts? Or does anyone have a solution for this already?
UPDATE: have now added method based on readPNG() as suggested in comments above. It's a bit slower (3s vs 9s) and seems to result in slightly larger file sizes than ImageMagick. rasterImage() interpolation makes no difference to filesize or timing, but alters the appearance slightly. If it's FALSE, then it looks the same as ImageMagick
I have just come up with the following solution using ImageMagick. It's not perfect, but it seems to work well so far.
png2pdf <- function(name=NULL,removepngs=TRUE,method="imagemagick",pnginterpolate=FALSE){
# Run the png() function with a filename of the form name%03d.png
# Then the actual plotting functions, e.g. plot(), lines() etc.
# Then dev.off()
# Then run png2pdf() and specify the name= argument if other pngs exist in the directory
# Need to incorporate a way of dealing with non-square plots
names <- list.files(pattern="[.]png")
name <- unique(sub("[0-9][0-9][0-9][.]png","",names))
if(length(name)!=1) stop("png2pdf() error: Check filenames")
names <- list.files(pattern=paste0(name,"[0-9][0-9][0-9][.]png"))
# Can change this to "convert" if it is correctly in the system path
cmd <- c('C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-6.9.0-Q16\\convert.exe',names,paste0(name,".pdf"))
}else if(method=="readPNG"){
for(i in 1:length(names)){
if(removepngs) file.remove(names)