Cannot set key shortcut on GNAT Studio - ada

I am using the GNAT Studio Community 2020 (20200427) on Windows10.
I want to set a key shortcut for the "Goto declaration or body" action.
I select in the Edit > Preferences... > Key Shortcuts menu, then select "Goto declaration or body",
click on the "Add" button,
type the shortcut (say for example Ctrl+:),
then close the Preferences window.
This result is that the key shortcut does not work, although it is added to ~/.gnatstudio/keys.xml.
Did I miss something ?
Did someone have the same issue ?


Keyboard shortcut select the clicked word

In Brackets, is it possible to assign a keyboard shortcut to CTRL + LMB that selects the clicked word, just like Visual Studio does? I can't find anything in the documentation.
Overriding the click behavior would require writing an extension, but there are several built-in equivalents that might be good enough for you:
Press Ctrl-B to select the word the cursor is on (you can easily change the shortcut but it has to be triggered by the keyboard, not the mouse)
Double-click to select the word
In your preferences file, add "highlightMatches": {"showToken": true} to highlight all occurrences of any word you place your cursor on (no need to select it)

What's the shortcut to navigator in XCode 4.5?

I'm thinking what's the shortcut to to this ? I don't know the exact name to this in XCode. thus I can't bind my key shortcut
It's "Show Document Items".
Use CTRL + 6 keyboard shortcut.
Under "Key Bindings" is listed as "Standard Editor > Show Documented Items"
or from menu: "View" -> "Standard Editor" -> "Show Documented Items".

F11 Key (Debug Mode) not working in Visual Studio 2010?

In my Visual Studio 2010, F11 Key s not working.
I tried Step Into Property/Function (F11) doesn't work as expected But it didn't help me.
The same works it when I go to Debug menu and click on Step Into.
Can you help me out? It has become a very big problem for me!
Check if you have function lock key -- 'F Lock' key on keyboard. If so then try pressing it once and then press F11 for debuging.
Alternatively you can verify the working of F11 outside Visual Studio using it on IE or other windows and keying F11, this should maximize the window.
Try to go to Tools>Options and there to Environment>Keyboard. Type into the text field with the title "Show commands containing:" the term "StepInto". This filters the list below. Select "Debug.StepInto". Check if F11 is registered for "Global". If not do so.
If you have resharper installed go to the resharper options, select Visual Studio Integration and deselect the resharper shortcuts. Id you have anything else overriding the shortcuts try their option/keyboard/shortcut menues.
Play around with those options a little if it doesn't work immediately before you get back here.
Hope that helps.
Check if F11 key is working, did happen to me today that the F11 is faulty in key board

Navigating code using Ctrl-F, and CodeRush Markers

When I use the 'Jump To ...' context menu CodeRush drops a marker before jumping, so that I can navigate back.
When I CTRL-F in Visual Studio it doesn't.
How can I configure CodeRush to add this handy little navigation aide.
Ok simple enough
Create a new Shortcut using instructions found here
Specify Ctrl+F as the Key
Specify MarkerDrop as the Command
Then check the "after executing this command, pass shortcut to IDE for default handling" checkbox.
Ctrl+F should now drop a marker whenever it launches the Find Dialog.
More detail and bonus Marker tips are available here

Where did the outline view go in Xcode 4 Documentation viewer?

In the new Xcode 4 Documentation Organizer, I can't find the sidebar outline that lets you navigate through things such as class and instance methods, properties, etc for a given class. Where did it go?
What you can do in any document is left-click the rightmost item in the Jump Bar, i.e. the bar at the top. Move your mouse a little and the outline appears.
There is a keyboard shortcut to do this which you can customize: It's called Standard Editor > Show Document Items and defaults to CTRL-6.
This answer might be too late since the question is asked but hope someone can still get some benefit.
Here we go.
The "outline view" in xcode is actually called "Show Document Items" under menu "View -> Standard Editor"
and the keyboard shortcut is "Ctrl + 6" by default.
Another view you might be interested too is so called "Show Related Items" which also appears under menu "View -> Standard Editor" and it provides the option to see the callers and callees of any function you are viewing. Shortcut is "Ctrl + 1".
Personally, I find Ctrl + 6 is hard to press so I change the key bindings through menu "Xcode -> Preferences" and click "Key Bindings" tab. -- Everyone know this of cause :)
Have fun!!
I think that what pkananen refers to is the 'Navigator' sidebar, where you can see the 'eye', 'magnifier glass' and 'bookmarks' options in the jump bar.
If for any reason that sidebar is not showing, use "Editor > Show Navigator" option to bring it back to sight.
