Display code in two columns in restructured text - restructuredtext

Using restructured text, how can I display two code blocks side by side, so that they can be compared line by line?
Here is an example of what I mean from this similar question for Markdown: How to disply two markdown code blocks side by side

Ok, so I found that the following works:
| | |
|.. code-block:: |.. code-block:: |
| | |
| # Code example 1 | # Code example 2 |
| | |
This creates a table with two columns, and puts a code block in each of them. If the two blocks have the same number of lines, they will be aligned to each other. The output looks like this:
If one wants to include an external script, it can be done like this:
| | |
|.. literalinclude:: script_1.py |.. literalinclude:: script_2.py |
| | |


bookdown figure caption width?

I've just started writing my PhD thesis in Bookdown and so far things are going great. The one problem I do have though is that figure captions when outputted to PDF format seem to take up only about 60% of the page width, and are centered. This is great for short captions, but most of my figure captions are in the region of 50 words long for complicated panels. Is there some LaTeX magic to make them the width of the page?
Here is what I'm using in my .md file:
| Reagent | Amount |
| ------------------------ | -------- |
| Appropriate Buffer (10x) | 1x |
| DNA | 50-500ng |
| Restriction Enzyme | 1*U* |
| Water | - |
Table: (\#tab:restriction-generic) Schematic for restriction digestion with a single restriction enzyme.
You can make use of the LaTeX package caption:
- \usepackage[width=\textwidth]{caption}
This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see <http://rmarkdown.rstudio.com>.
| Reagent | Amount |
| ------------------------ | -------- |
| Appropriate Buffer (10x) | 1x |
| DNA | 50-500ng |
| Restriction Enzyme | 1*U* |
| Water | - |
Table: (\#tab:restriction-generic) Schematic for restriction digestion with a single restriction enzyme. Some really long text that shows how the caption is formatted when it takes multiple lines.

Column width is not fully filled after reordered

I'm creating a website based on unequal column, the site divided by .col-md-2 and .col-md-10 and it's look like this:
|Side | Content |
| | |
| | |
And then I want divide the content again into 2 unequal columns with <aside>, I want it has same layout styling, so inside .col-md-10, i uses .col-md-8 for Content and col-md-4 for <aside>, so it's look like this:
|Side | Content | Aside |
| | | |
| | | |
Inside Content I want to fill it with <article>, and each of it has Detail and I want put it on Side position while the content <article> still inside the Content.
To achieve this, I split <article> into 2 unequal columns again and pull each of them, so it uses .col-md-pull-4 .col-md-4 and .col-md-pull-4 .col-md-8, and currently, it looks like:
|Side | Content | Aside |
|(Detail) | (Article) *| | |
| | | |
the layout works as expected, however the Article width only reach until *|
if i use .col-md-pull-4 .col-md-12 on <article> content, it will looks like this
|Side | Content | Aside |
|(Detail) | | |
| | (Article) | |
| | | |
The article has full width, but it create a new "row"
the output i want is:
|Side | Content | Aside |
|(Detail) | (Article) | |
| | | |
Here is my current code on bootply
I haven't figure out how to do this, but basically, what i want is pull a column outside of its container / parent and fill the container with another column, if you think i was doing it wrong, provide a correct way to achieve this kind of layout is very appreciated.
Update 2
Finally I ended up messing with margin-left property with minus values, since it displayed incorrectly under specific resolution, i have to use media queries to workaround against it.
If there are better ways to achieve this kind of layout, correct me how to implement this will be very appreciated

Creating a Static Drawing Whose dimensions get changed based on the parameters supplied

I want to create an static drawing (say any animals like giraffe) using some points, lines, drawing etc. Now i want to update the drawing by passing the parameters say height of his legs, its width or its color.
The parameters are supplied from the web page. The image will be a 2D image
I am searching on which technology should i implement this for more than 10 hours but cannot find any perfect solution.
Right now i am thinking i can use Adobe flash in which i can do some programming to create an drawing and change the drawing by passing the parameters to a Flash file, i think we can pass it when we embed an flv.
Whether i am right? Or there is any other solution. I have no knowledge of any thing except asp.net
Please help.
Any help is appreciated
I'd like to build on the previous post - you could also incorporate svg graphics into the mix. This would allow you control over color, width, and height. You can manipulate SVG files with javascript (Dynamic SVG). You'll probably get that going faster than learning action script.
If you just want to be able to stretch or recolor parts of an image, you could do that using ordinary HTML parameters. Just create a giraffe image, break it into the chunks that you want to be able to resize independently, and use CSS layout or tables to assemble them. Here's an artistic rendering:
|image 1 V__ <<|
|head |oo | <<| <--- delicious acacia leaves
| | < <<<|
|image 2 | | |
|neck |o| |
| | | |
|image 3 / | |
|body /------/ \ |
| | \ |
|image 4| | | | | | | | |
|legs | | | | | | | | |
| \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ | <--- I do not know what giraffe feet look like
If you want to give your giraffe a short neck without changing anything else about it, you can just alter the height attribute of the second image, like so:
|image 1 V__ <<|
|head |oo | <<|
| | < <<<|
|image 2 | | |
|image 3 / | |
|body /------/ \ |
| | \ |
|image 4| | | | | | | | |
|legs | | | | | | | | |
| \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ |
Obviously, changing the width of just one image would cause the boundaries to no longer match up, so you'd need to change them all to the same value.
To handle color changes, you can make use of image transparency. Each image would be white, with a transparent region representing the giraffe. Then, you'd set the background color of the div or table cell to the color you want the giraffe to appear. Again, this is clunky, but it would let you do what you want without needing anything other than static GIF / PNG images and basic HTML.

Can ECB be restricted to "take over" only the current buffer when it's activated?

From the get go: sorry if I'm not using the proper emacs terminology -- I'm relatively wet behind the ears in the emacs world.
Most of my work in emacs is for programming R, and I'm using ESS and ECB to do so quite happily. I'd like to build a custom ECB layout which uses the entire bottom of the screen as my R console, while putting some ECB-specific buffers on the left.
Using ECB-esque layout diagrams, I'd like my layout to look like pretty much exactly like "left13", except I'd like the entirety of the "compilation" buffer to be my running R console (or any shell, for that matter):
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Directories | Edit |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |
| R Console |
| |
If I can just split my buffer in two (vertically), then call ecb-activate from the top buffer (and not allow it to touch my bottom buffer), I'm imagining it could work (hence the subject of my question).
That doesn't work, though, and I don't know how to get an entier "bottom pane" out of a layout to work in the way I like using trying to use ECB's customize layout functionality.
Does anybody know if/how I can do this?
Short answer: No.
Longer answer: Unfortunately, ECB completely takes over Emacs "window" management at a very low level. So it's all or nothing. You can't comfortably combine it with regular window splitting. What you might be able to do, is to adjust the layout ECB gives you or to program a custom layout. (Some assembly required.)

Vertical spacing between display:inline divs in a fluid grid

Ok, not too sure where to start...
I'm putting myself together a blogger, completely gutting it's css and just using it as a simple content manager. here is the test site i've been working with
Ignore the header, its broken, but I know what I'm doing there. My problem is with the film reviews (stolen from apple trailers as temp content). As you resize the page, they flow fluidly into rows of different lengths. Great! Trouble is, the second row (and thus third, fourth, etc.) aligns itself vertically to the bottom of the longest (lowest) div in the above row. However, I want each div to fit neatly below the one above, 15px apart, and to flow neatly if another div is expanded (by clicking read more...).
Placing the divs in a column is ruled out, because I want the top row to contain the most recent posts side by side (with a column they would be below one another on the left hand side).
Set heights for the divs is ruled out too, because the articles need to expand, and for the full desired design, be mis-matched intentionally.
This has been troubling me for hours. I hope I've explained myself clearly, and that someone will can help.
Thanks for your time.
So you want this?
| __________ _______ |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| ---------- | | |
| __________ | | |
| | | |_____| |
| | | _______ |
| | | | | |
| ---------- | | |
| ------- |
Without using columns you can't do it relying on CSS alone. You'd need to use some javascript or server side stuff to put things in the right place. Essentially you want a collage, too bad there's no "display: collage"!
Of course, I could be completely misunderstanding you.
"any suggestions on the javascript front?"
I use mootools for almost all my sites. I'll define a bit there first:
dispose : takes an element out of the dom and stores it in a variable.
inject : plops an element into the dom.
I'd load these into columns, then dispose all the ones in the "recent" column and inject them back in to the top of the rest of the columns, one for each column. In other words, all the layout is done with CSS, the only javascript going on is putting your "recent" stuff as the top "row".
