How to write type definition with tokio_serde::SymmetricallyFramed::new()? - asynchronous

I am rying to serialize cbor using serde_tokio.
I can make a simple program work, but I need to actually store the tokio_serde::SymmetricallyFramed::new() in a structure to use it more than once.
(It consumes the socket, which is cool).
I can't seem to write a type that will store the value.
use futures::prelude::*;
use tokio::net::TcpStream;
use tokio_serde::formats::*;
use tokio_util::codec::{FramedWrite, LengthDelimitedCodec};
pub async fn main() {
// Bind a server socket
let socket = TcpStream::connect("").await.unwrap();
// Delimit frames using a length header
let length_delimited = FramedWrite::new(socket, LengthDelimitedCodec::new());
// Serialize frames with JSON
let mut serialized = tokio_serde::SymmetricallyFramed::new(length_delimited, SymmetricalCbor::default());
// Send the value
produces the right output. (Adopted from the json example in tokio-serde crate, here:
I want to put "serialized" into a structure (and hide how it is created in a fn), but I can't seem to write the right type.
use futures::prelude::*;
use serde_cbor;
use tokio::net::TcpStream;
use tokio_serde::formats::*;
use tokio_util::codec::{FramedWrite, LengthDelimitedCodec};
type CborWriter = tokio_serde::Framed<tokio_util::codec::FramedWrite<tokio::net::TcpStream, tokio_util::codec::LengthDelimitedCodec>, serde_cbor::Value, serde_cbor::Value, tokio_serde::formats::Cbor<serde_cbor::Value, serde_cbor::Value>>;
// something like this has been suggested, but so far no luck.
// fn setup_writer(socket: tokio::net::TcpStream) -> impl Sink<??>+Debug {
fn setup_writer(socket: tokio::net::TcpStream) -> CborWriter {
// Delimit frames using a length header
let length_delimited = FramedWrite::new(socket, LengthDelimitedCodec::new());
// Serialize frames with CBOR
let serialized = tokio_serde::SymmetricallyFramed::new(length_delimited, SymmetricalCbor::default());
return serialized;
pub async fn main() {
// Bind a server socket
let socket = TcpStream::connect("").await.unwrap();
// Serialize frames with CBOR
let mut serialized = setup_writer(socket);
// Send the value
But, I don't want to put cbor::Value in. I should just be able to put the Serializable objects in. So I am obviously going in the wrong direction here. The JSON example in the tokio-serde crate is happy to put in/out serde_json::Value, but I should have to do that, I think.
A suggestion on Discord was made to change the first example as:
let mut serialized: () = tokio_serde::SymmetricallyFramed::new(length_delimited, SymmetricalCbor::default());
and let the compiler tell me what the type is:
= note: expected unit type `()`
found struct `tokio_serde::Framed<tokio_util::codec::FramedWrite<tokio::net::TcpStream, tokio_util::codec::LengthDelimitedCodec>, _, _, tokio_serde::formats::Cbor<_, _>>`
Well, I can't put _ into the type alias, or write it directly.
I think it should say something like "impl Serialize", but that's not yet a thing.
Obviously, the compiler gets the first example right, so there must be something that will go in there... but what?


Understanding how to use rust TOKIO library

I want to learn the rust Tokio library. To facilitate this I want to write an ASYNC TCP logger in rust.
Basically a TCP client that connects to a TCP server ( port 7777) and just logs messages received asynchronously file to a log file. I want the main function to read user input from the console - in my case was for pressing ‘q’ key - simulate the program doing some other task.
I expect to receive multiple TCP responses whilst waiting for user to press ‘q’ key.
I am trying to workout how to read and log multiple TCP responses independently of waiting for the user input
let mut buf_reader = BufReader::new(&stream);
let mut data = vec![];
buf_reader.read_to_end(&mut data).await.unwrap();
Here is the code I have
use tokio::net::TcpStream;
use tokio::prelude::*;
use std::io::{stdin, stdout, Write, BufWriter, BufReader};
use std::fs::File;
async fn main() {
let ip = "";
let mut stream = TcpStream::connect(ip).await.unwrap();
let message = [0x16, 0x02];
// Open a file for logging
let file = File::create("log.txt").unwrap();
let mut log_writer = BufWriter::new(file);
println!("Press 'q' to exit and receive response:");
let mut input = String::new();
stdin().read_line(&mut input).unwrap();
if input.trim() == "q" {
// SIMULATE doing time consuming task
I tried the following but this loops over the waiting for user input. This is not behaviour I want. I want to be reading and logging the TCP messages independent of the awaiting user inout.
loop {
stdin().read_line(&mut input).unwrap();
if input.trim() == "q" {
let mut data = vec![];
buf_reader.read_to_end(&mut data).await.unwrap();
When I needed async multithreading, I defined multiple async fn to do what I want, then called them in async fn main as:
let handle1 = tokio::spawn(do_it("test_data.txt"));
let handle2 = tokio::spawn(do_something_else("test_data.txt"));
Since I'm zealous about keeping fn main as minimal as possible, this may not exactly work for you, but may give you a direction.

Lifetime error using traits and async function on protobuffers

I'm having some issues understanding lifetimes in Rust. It may also be the way I implement my design.
error[E0597]: `request` does not live long enough
--> src/service/session/
25 | let msg_ref = request.get_ref();
| ^^^^^^^ borrowed value does not live long enough
32 | let body: Box<dyn Body> = Box::new(signup);
| ---------------- cast requires that `request` is borrowed for `'static`
44 | }
| - `request` dropped here while still borrowed
The main source:
impl Session for SessionImplementation {
async fn signup(
request: Request<SignupRequest>,
) -> Result<Response<SessionResponse>, Status> {
let msg_ref = request.get_ref();
let signup = TxSignup::new(&, &msg_ref.addr, &msg_ref.pwd);
let body: Box<dyn Body> = Box::new(signup);
let tx = Transaction::new(body);
let mut tx_signup: Box<dyn Tx> = Box::new(tx);
let response = SessionResponse {
deadline: 0,
cookie: "".to_string(),
status: 0,
/* more code */
The idea is to have a Transaction, that implements Tx { execute(&self), result(&self) ... };. This Transaction has a parameter body of the type Box<dyn Box>, being the trait Body { /*some fn*/ }. Having this, I'm pretending to implement some kind of hierarchy.
The code above
On line 24 I'm getting some requests of the type SignupRequest (from proto file). This is the implementation of proto's server, using Tonic and Tokio.
After this, I have also an object TxSignup with some parameters of the type &str (set in from line 27 till 29). TxSignup implements the Body trait so I'm able to turn it into a Tx trait, apparently. The Transaction object wraps a Body implementation. I call the execute() function from the given trait Tx. All that explained has been done from line 32 till 35.
The problem
If I replace the &str type from TxSignup by type String it works. However, if I want them to be of the type &str, a lot of "incongruencies" with lifetimes emerge. I want it to be &str because none of these values will change. I think it is better to keep them on the stack instead of in the heap. Am I wrong?
If I want &str, I'm coerced to define TxSignup with <'a>, and here is where I get lost. I get why a lifetime is required, but not why all these problems appear.
As far I do understand, all elements inside the function should have the same lifetime, being killed at the end of its block (line 44). I will never send them outside.
I have tried giving to Body trait also an <'a>, and even to Tx trait (meaning the Transaction object must have one too to match the trait).
Is there any way to make it work? Am I misunderstanding the Trait use and how they work, or this patter design will never work?
Reproduction on GitHub
I have reproduced this same error in my rust-proto repository. Running cargo run should be enough.
I come from Go development and some C++, Java and Python, so I have a way of coding that may not be the most appropriate one using Rust. That's what I want to solve.

iterate over large from network url

I would like to iterate over some network files (tsv.gz), parse them (load each row), and only write portions (i.e. columns) to files, i.e. (ideally with flate2), but I can't seem to find any idioms for iterating over files from URIs. Should I use an external package like hyper and try to iterate over Body? If so, how can I convert a Body into something that implements Read? Here is some base code:
use flate2::read::GzDecoder;
use hyper::Client;
use std::io::BufReader;
async fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
let client = Client::new();
let uri = "".parse()?;
let body = client.get(uri).await?.into_body();
let d = GzDecoder::new(body); // hyper::Body doesn't implement Read
for line in BufReader::new(d).lines() {
// do something with lines

How to chain tokio read functions?

Is there a way to chain the read_* functions in tokio::io in a "recursive" way ?
I'm essentially looking to do something like:
read_until x then read_exact y then write response then go back to the top.
In case you are confused what functions i'm talking about:
Yes, there is a way.
read_until is returns a struct ReadUntil, which implements the Future-trait, which iteself provides a lot of useful functions, e.g. and_then which can be used to chain futures.
A simple (and silly) example looks like this:
extern crate futures;
extern crate tokio_io; // 0.1.8 // 0.1.24
use futures::future::Future;
use std::io::Cursor;
use tokio_io::io::{read_exact, read_until};
fn main() {
let cursor = Cursor::new(b"abcdef\ngh");
let mut buf = vec![0u8; 2];
read_until(cursor, b'\n', vec![])
.and_then(|r| read_exact(r.0, &mut buf))
Here I use a Cursor, which happens to implement the AsyncRead-trait and use the read_until function to read until a newline occurs (between 'f' and 'g').
Afterwards to chain those I use and_then to use read_exact in case of an success, use wait to get the Result unwrap it (don't do this in production kids!) and take the second argument from the tuple (the first one is the cursor).
Last I convert the Vec into a String to display "gh" with println!.

Cannot move out of borrowed content when borrowing a generic type

I have a program that more or less looks like this
struct Test<T> {
vec: Vec<T>
impl<T> Test<T> {
fn get_first(&self) -> &T {
fn do_something_with_x(&self, x: T) {
// Irrelevant
fn main() {
let t = Test { vec: vec![1i32, 2, 3] };
let x = t.get_first();
Basically, we call a method on the struct Test that borrows some value. Then we call another method on the same struct, passing the previously obtained value.
This example works perfectly fine. Now, when we make the content of main generic, it doesn't work anymore.
fn generic_main<T>(t: Test<T>) {
let x = t.get_first();
Then I get the following error:
error: cannot move out of borrowed content
src/ let raw_x = *x;
I'm not completely sure why this is happening. Can someone explain to me why Test<i32> isn't borrowed when calling get_first while Test<T> is?
The short answer is that i32 implements the Copy trait, but T does not. If you use fn generic_main<T: Copy>(t: Test<T>), then your immediate problem is fixed.
The longer answer is that Copy is a special trait which means values can be copied by simply copying bits. Types like i32 implement Copy. Types like String do not implement Copy because, for example, it requires a heap allocation. If you copied a String just by copying bits, you'd end up with two String values pointing to the same chunk of memory. That would not be good (it's unsafe!).
Therefore, giving your T a Copy bound is quite restrictive. A less restrictive bound would be T: Clone. The Clone trait is similar to Copy (in that it copies values), but it's usually done by more than just "copying bits." For example, the String type will implement Clone by creating a new heap allocation for the underlying memory.
This requires you to change how your generic_main is written:
fn generic_main<T: Clone>(t: Test<T>) {
let x = t.get_first();
Alternatively, if you don't want to have either the Clone or Copy bounds, then you could change your do_something_with_x method to take a reference to T rather than an owned T:
impl<T> Test<T> {
// other methods elided
fn do_something_with_x(&self, x: &T) {
// Irrelevant
And your generic_main stays mostly the same, except you don't dereference x:
fn generic_main<T>(t: Test<T>) {
let x = t.get_first();
You can read more about Copy in the docs. There are some nice examples, including how to implement Copy for your own types.
